BEA'S BOOK NOOK "I can't imagine a man really enjoying a book and reading it only once." C. S. Lewis “If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.” ― Oscar Wilde

Showing posts with label 2013. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2013. Show all posts

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Excerpt & Giveaway from The Seacrest by Aaron Lazar

Excerpt time again and it's another thriller, this time a romantic suspense. I'm sure it's no surprise the horses on the cover caught me eye; I'm so easy. :D

">Aaron Paul Lazar writes to soothe his soul. An award-winning, bestselling Kindle author of three addictive mystery series, writing books, and a new love story, Aaron enjoys the Genesee Valley countryside in upstate New York, where his characters embrace life, play with their dogs and grandkids, grow sumptuous gardens, and chase bad guys. Visit his website at and watch for his upcoming releases SANCTUARY (2014), and VIRTUOSO (2014).
Find Paul Online:

Friday, December 6, 2013

Excerpt & Giveaway - The Girl from Long Guyland by Lara Reznik

Welcome to my stop on the excerpt tour for a thriller, "The Girl from Long Guyland" by Lara Reznik. You all know, I love excerpts; they're a great way to get a taste for an author's writing. The title alone tells me this author has a sense of humor. :) 

Lara Reznik grew up on Long Island but escaped to New Mexico in 1970 in a Karmann Ghia that she and her boyfriend jump-started cross-country. As an English major at the University of New Mexico, Lara studied under esteemed authors Rudolfo Anaya and the late Tony Hillerman. She also attended a summer program at the prestigious Iowa Writers Workshop.
Ambidextrous from birth, Lara preferred her right-brained creative side, but discovered she could make a better living with her left-brain skills, so entered the I.T. field in 1985.
Lara published her first novel, "The Girl From Long Guyland" in November 2012. The novel ranked #1 during its recent Amazon Kindle promotion and has over 115,000 Kindle downloads. In addition to her novels, Lara has written and optioned three screenplays that have garnered semifinalist and finalist wins in the Austin Heart of Film, Southwest Writers, TV Writer, Chesterfield and Writer's Digest contests. Currently, Lara is working on a new novel based on her screenplay, The M&M Boys.

Find Lara Online:

WEBSITE - https://www.larareznik.COM

The Friday 56 #7

This is a fun meme to do hosted by Freda's Voice. If you'd like to join on the fun go to The Friday 56.

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader.
*Find any sentence that grabs you.
*Post it.
*Link it here.

I just finished a historical romance, Betting It All, by Cate Masters; my review will be up on Monday. This quote is from 56% into the ebook. Click on the cover to go to it's goodreads page.

No, she mustn't think that way, let him infect her, win her over. Too long, she'd waited. 

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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

2014 Nora Roberts/J.D. Robb Release Schedule

Yes, it's that time again, time for the Nora Roberts release schedule. Below is a graphic for her schedule next year. Prefer written format? Go to her site or click on the image.

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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Excerpt & Giveaway for Dragon Craving by Livia Olteano

Dragons! I do love dragons. <3 So today I'm delighted to bring you excerpts from a newly released dragon romance. Fix a cup of cocoa and enjoy!

Livia Olteano is a loud and proud coffee addict, lover of all things beautiful and incurable romantic.

She believes stories are the best kind of magic there is. And life would be horrible without magic. Her hobbies include losing herself in the minds and souls of characters, giving up countless nights of sleep to get to know said characters, and trying to introduce them to the world. Sometimes they appreciate her efforts. The process would probably go quicker if they'd bring her a cup of coffee now and then when stopping by. Characters--what can you do, right?

Stop by or the blog,, for the latest news and rants of glory.

Find Livia Online:

Monday, December 2, 2013

ARC Review of Thrown by Colette Auclair

Publisher: Pocket Star Books
Format Read: I received both a print ARC and a digital ARC; I read the eGalley.
Source: the publisher in exchange for an honest review
Release Date: December 16, 2013
Buying Links: Amazon* | Barnes & Noble |
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission for purchases made through these links.

Blurb from goodreads:

THROWN is a lighthearted yet steamy contemporary romance by Golden Heart finalist Colette Auclair, featuring a young woman who must choose between capturing a gold medal and the man who’s captured her heart.

In THROWN, professional trainer Amanda Vogel dreams of riding jumpers in the Olympics, but after seeing her best friend die in a riding accident, she’s so traumatized she can’t show. Broke and desperate, she takes a summer job in Aspen teaching some big-shot widowed movie star’s spoiled daughters to ride—even though she hates teaching kids. She braces herself for three miserable months. But by Labor Day, she has to choose between capturing a gold medal…and the man who has captured her heart.

THROWN was a 2012 Golden Heart finalist in the single-title contemporary romance category. It also won the 2011 Winter Rose Contest (Yellow Rose Romance Writers) and finaled in the 2011 Cleveland Rocks Romance Contest (North East Ohio Romance Writers Association).

Goodreads Chat with romance author Laura Kaye!

Hot romance author Laura Kaye will be answering questions from Goodreads members in a special discussion group in celebration of her new book, Hard As It Gets, the first book in the new Hard Ink series.

Laure Kaye will be answering questions throughout the day on Thursday, December 5th, but you can ask your questions now. To ask a question or simply read the discussion, join the group! 
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Quote-Tastic #27 Muskrat Atonement

Join us every Monday and share a favorite quote that's grabbed you for one reason or another. Everyone's welcome to join in. 

Authors, bloggers, readers. The more the merrier! 
Just grab the button and put up your post :) 
Don't have a blog? No worries, just leave your favorites in the comment section.  

This week's quotes are from "Thrown", a romance by Collette Auclair; my review will be live at 8AM EST today. I picked several quotes, enjoy!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

November Challenges Wrap Up Post

I'll put up a wrap up post every month or early the next month for all of my 2013 reading challenges. Some books, I posted reviews on the blog, some are on goodreads, there may be one or two without reviews, especially books I edit or that are put out by my publisher.

This month I have 2 additional challenges to include, Better Late Than Never ARC Challenge and Clean Out Your E-Reader Challenge. Better Late Than Never runs October through December and Clean Out Your E-Reader was for November only.

Book Chick City's 100 Books in 2013

For this challenge, I am not counting any children's books, unless it's YA or MG, nor am I counting books that I edit. I am also doing goodreads' reading challenge and I'm counting everything for that one, but not tracking here on the blog. :D

1) Thrown by Collette Auclair
2) Lucretia and the Kroons by Victor LaValle
3) Happily Ever Afterlife by J.A. Campbell, et al
4) Thursday Morning Breakast (and Murder) Club by Liz Stauffer
5) Roman Holiday 1: Chained by Ruthie Knox
6) Echo Prophecy by Lindsay Fairleigh
7) Worth Waiting For by Ann Corbett
8) A Steamy Holiday Romance by M.L. Young
9) Kissing Under the Mistletoe: A Sullivan Christmas by Bella Andre
10) The Final Cut by Catherine Coulter and J.T. Ellison
11) Alien Days by Abby McGovern
12) Taken by the Minotaur by Abby McGovern
13) All I Want for Christmas Is A Duke by Maire Claremont and Delilah Marvelle
14) A Cajun Werewolf Christmas by Selena Blake
15) The Lola Cruz Christmas Story by Melissa Bourbon Ramirez
16) One Foot in the Grave - A Holiday Short Short Story by J. Steven York
17) Maddie's Choice by Joyce Zeller

Total to date: 137!   

Cruisin' Through the Cozies Reading Challenge 2013 - Goal 13 or more

1) Thursday Morning Breakast (and Murder) Club by Liz Stauffer
Total to date: 15 

2013 Ebook Challenge - Original Goal 25 - New Goal 75, Next Goal - 100

1) Infamous Reign by Steve McHugh (I did the copy edits on this)
2) Thrown by Collette Auclair
3) Lucretia and the Kroons by Victor LaValle
4) Happily Ever Afterlife by J.A. Campbell, et al
5) Thursday Morning Breakast (and Murder) Club by Liz Stauffer
6) Roman Holiday 1: Chained by Ruthie Knox
7) Echo Prophecy by Lindsay Fairleigh
8) Worth Waiting For by Ann Corbett
9) A Steamy Holiday Romance by M.L. Young
10) Kissing Under the Mistletoe: A Sullivan Christmas by Bella Andre
11) Alien Days by Abby McGovern
12) Taken by the Minotaur by Abby McGovern 
13) All I Want for Christmas Is A Duke by Maire Claremont and Delilah Marvelle
14) A Cajun Werewolf Christmas by Selena Blake
15) The Lola Cruz Christmas Story by Melissa Bourbon Ramirez
16) One Foot in the Grave - A Holiday Short Short Story by J. Steven York
17) Maddie's Choice by Joyce Zeller
Total to date: 94 I'm almost at 100. I can do this!

Just For Fun Reading Challenge 2013 - Goal 1 A Month   

1) The Final Cut by Catherine Coulter and J.T. Ellison

Total to date: 11 (I have more for the year but for the challenge we can only count one per month.)

Ho Ho Ho Read-A-Thon - My original goal was 5 then I changed it to 7

1) Worth Waiting For by Ann Corbett
2) A Steamy Holiday Romance by M.L. Young
3) Kissing Under the Mistletoe: A Sullivan Christmas by Bella Andre
4) All I Want for Christmas Is A Duke by Maire Claremont and Delilah Marvelle
5) A Cajun Werewolf Christmas by Selena Blake
6) The Lola Cruz Christmas Story by Melissa Bourbon Ramirez
7) One Foot in the Grave - A Holiday Short Short Story by J. Steven York

Goal: 7 :)

Better Late Than Never ARC Challenge - Goal as many as I can :D 

1) Lucretia and the Kroons by Victor LaValle

 Total to date: 2 So far I suck but at least it's 2 more off my pile. :)

Clean Out Your E-Reader Challenge - My goal was 10

1) Worth Waiting For by Ann Corbett
2) A Steamy Holiday Romance by M.L. Young
3) Kissing Under the Mistletoe: A Sullivan Christmas by Bella Andre
4) All I Want for Christmas Is A Duke by Maire Claremont and Delilah Marvelle
5) A Cajun Werewolf Christmas by Selena Blake
6) The Lola Cruz Christmas Story by Melissa Bourbon Ramirez
7) One Foot in the Grave - A Holiday Short Short Story by J. Steven York
8) Lucretia and the Kroons by Victor LaValle
9) Maddie's Choice by Joyce Zeller
10) Happily Ever Afterlife by J.A. Campbell, et al
11) Thursday Morning Breakast (and Murder) Club by Liz Stauffer
12) Echo Prophecy by Lindsay Fairleigh
Total: 12! Success :)
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Sunday Book Share #65

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer; Showcase Sunday hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea; Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews, and Library Loot co-hosted by The Captive Reader and The Adventures of an Intrepid Reader that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. All of these memes give book bloggers the chance to share print and digital books they've received, and posts and events at their blogs.

I could get used to working two days but getting paid for five. This week it's back to the regular five day work week. I also finished up an editing project and returned it to the author. Thanksgiving was good; I spent it with friends. I did NOT go out on Black Friday; I did that once and that was enough. :D I hope you all had a good week. I finally came out of my review writing slump as you can see by the reviews I posted last week. :D

Saturday, November 30, 2013

This Holiday, I Pledge to Give Books

I am always happy to give books as gifts and the holidays are no exception. Thanks to Read Now Sleep Later for the heads up about this book donation campaign. Anything that involves children and books is right up my alley and I think that First Book does wonderful work.

Chronicle Books and First Book have teamed up this holiday season to give books to children. Share your love of reading, support your local book store, and help promote literacy! For every #GiveBooks tweet, pin, and online signature, Chronicle Books will donate a book to a child in need through First Book. The goal is to donate 10,000 books by December 15. I've signed the pledge, pinned about the campaign, tweeted, and shared on facebook. What will YOU do?

This holiday, I pledge to GiveBooks! Take the @ChronicleBooks @FirstBook pledge at or RT to be counted! #GiveBooks

Want to purchase books from Chronicle Books? Use discount code GIVEBOOKS to get 30% off and free ground shipping -

You can also donate to First Book.
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Review of When It Snows by Richard Collingridge

Publisher: Feiwel and Friends
Format Read: Hardcover
Source: Public library
Release Date: August 27, 2013
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission for purchases made through these links. 

Blurb from goodreads:

When it snows, magic happens. Follow a boy and his teddy bear on a wondrous snowy adventure which will lead readers of all ages to a surprising place.

Bea's Thoughts:

A surprising place indeed. I thought I knew where the story was going but it did in act surprise me and pleasantly so. A little boy and his teddy bear go adventuring and along the way, there are polar bears, elves (looking very Germanic or maybe Nordic), a queen, reindeer, and fairies. The text is simple and gives a sense of the boy's joy and wonder. 

The pictures are darkish, wonderfully detailed, and convey a sense of majesty in certain scenes. My one complaint about the illustrations is that the snow looks sand; it feels as if we're in a desert except for the animals and the vegetation. I love the cover illustration, in fact that's what caught my interest initially. The look of wonder on the boy's face, the teddy bear, the colors, and the details, just lovely.

This would be a good book children three years old and up and is a nice addition to Christmas stories. 

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Review of Lucretia and the Kroons by Victor LaValle

Publisher: Spiegel & Grau
Format Read: eGalley
Source: from the publisher in exchange for an honest review
Release Date: July 23, 2012
Buying Links: Amazon* | OmniLit* | Barnes & Noble
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission for purchases made through these links.

Blurb from goodreads:

Lucretia’s best friend and upstairs neighbor Sunny—a sweet pitbull of a kid, even as she struggles with a mysterious illness—has gone missing. The only way to get her back is for Lucretia to climb the rickety fire escape of their Queens tenement and crawl through the window of apartment 6D, portal to a vast shadowland of missing kids ruled by a nightmarish family of mutants whose designs on the children are unknown. Her search for Sunny takes Lucretia through a dark fantasyland where she finds lush forests growing from concrete, pigeon-winged rodents, and haunted playgrounds. Her quest ultimately forces her to confront the most frightening specter of all: losing, forever, the thing you love the most.

Lucretia and the Kroons is a dazzlingly imaginative adventure story and a moving exploration of the power of friendship and the terror of loss. This all-new novella serves as the perfect companion piece to The Devil in Silver, a thrillingly suspenseful work of literary horror that continues the story of Lucretia.

Bea's Thoughts:

The story starts off slowly, laying the foundation. We meet Lucretia, Loochie, her family, and her ailing friend Sunny. Loochie is twelve and anxious to be older; she worries that she's not developing as quickly as other girls in her class and she's worried about Sunny's health while at the same time in denial about it. I was expecting a dark fantasy/horror story but what I got was a contemporary dark fantasy with hints of "Alice in Wonderland" set in an inner-city. It's both gritty and horrific. The Kroons sound like an urban myth but they are all too real.

"Lucretia and the Kroons" is a horror story, a love story, a story of friendship, loyalty, hope, and death. A mix of the expected and the unexpected, it's a dark story; some children might find the material difficult to deal with but many young teens and tweens will be able to relate to Loochie and her life. A plus for me was that both Loochie and Sunny are people of color, not white, and yet that wasn't the point of the story, it was just part of who they were. I appreciate stories where there's diversity but it's just part of the story and isn't the point.

Trigger warnings- children dying and cancer.

Excerpt from Spirits Among Us by Morgan Hannah MacDonald

Romance, a mystery, Paris, and a touch of the paranormal - how could I resist? The book is on my wishlist but in the meantime you and I can enjoy a brief excerpt from it.

Morgan Hannah MacDonald writes Romantic Thrillers that are NOT for the faint of heart. She has done many jobs leading up to her dream job of writing;  Photographer at Sears Portrait Studio,  Sales for Lancome cosmetics, Lead Singer in a few rock bands, Hair Stylist,  Tarot Reader,  Bank Teller (where her bank was taken over by two armed women!) just to name a few.  She was always  interested in writing,   but it wasn’t until she learned she'd dated a serial killer  that a true writer was born. She belongs to Romance Writers of America, the San Diego Chapter, as well as the Kiss of Death Chapter. She resides in San Diego, California where she is busy working on her next novel. 

Find Hannah Online:

Friday, November 29, 2013

Penguin Books (USA) and Nora Roberts Help Tackle Hunger In Maryland

From a press release sent out by Penguin Group USA:

The “Be Thankful” initiative urges support of our less fortunate neighbors

Thanksgiving is a time to gather with family around an extravagant meal and be thankful for all the security and stability in our lives. But it’s also a reminder that a cold winter is ahead, and it is therefore important to acknowledge our less fortunate neighbors, which is why Penguin is proud to support The Maryland Food Bank, with Penguin’s first ever “Be Thankful” initiative.

#1 New York Times bestselling Penguin author, Nora Roberts was born in Silver Spring, Maryland and has a deep affinity for her home state, having set many of her more than 200 novels in Maryland. Her recent NY Times bestseller, “Thankless in Death” is a suspense thriller which centers around loved ones coming together for Thanksgiving. The brutal reality of hunger in Maryland sadly has its own frightening narrative. “I was shocked to discover that the Maryland Food Bank distributes more than 34.6 million pounds of food – the equivalent of almost 29 million meals each year – and despite that significant effort, families still go hungry in our region,” stated Nora Roberts. “I am proud to help raise awareness of this issue and to applaud the incredible work that local food banks do daily to eradicate hunger in Maryland. The holiday season is a great reminder to capture the spirit of giving thanks and helping those in need.”
Penguin would also like to acknowledge the efforts of Governor Martin O’Malley, who is committed to ending childhood hunger in Maryland by 2015. “One hungry child is one too many,” said Governor O’Malley. “Because of its connection to student achievement, workforce strength, physical health, and behavioral health, we’ve made eradicating childhood hunger a priority in our State.”

“We are delighted to support The Maryland Food Bank for the first time. The negative cascading effect that food insecurity can have on a person, a child or a family, is devastating. Penguin is proud to recognize the tireless efforts of The Maryland Food Bank and its commitment to lead the fight against food insecurity and hunger,” said Leslie Gelbman, President of Mass Market Publishing, Penguin Group (USA). To mark the occasion, Penguin Group (USA) is making a $10,000 donation to The Maryland Food Bank. “There are more than 457,000 people in our service area who don’t know where their next meal is coming from, and more than a third are children,” says Maryland Food Bank President & CEO Deborah Flateman. “The emotional toll of hunger is especially high during the holidays. Families are struggling to put food on the table, heat their home, and at the same time keep traditions alive, so their children feel normal – at least for one day. This gift will go a long way, and help many, many families in need.” The donation ensures that over 20,000 meals will be made available to the citizens of Maryland who are in dire need of food assistance.

You too can become involved in the “Be Thankful” initiative by donating food or volunteering; to view a complete list of the affiliated food banks and or participate in a Virtual Food Drive, please visit Feeding America’s national Food Bank Locator at

About the Maryland Food Bank

The Maryland Food Bank is a nonprofit hunger-relief organization, leading the movement to end hunger throughout Maryland. For more than thirty years, the Maryland Food Bank has partnered with communities across the state to distribute food to individuals and families in need. Through carefully-crafted programs, the food bank aims to meet the immediate needs of Marylanders while simultaneously working to find long term ways to reduce hunger statewide. Currently distributing 79,000 meals per day – nearly 29 million meals annually – the Maryland Food Bank will continue to expand its efforts until hunger ends.

The Maryland Food Bank ( operates from three facilities: one in Baltimore, one in Salisbury, and one in Hagerstown. Through an extensive network of soup kitchens, pantries, schools and other community-based organizations, food is distributed throughout 22 counties, including Baltimore City, and Somerset, Wicomico, and Washington counties – some of the most food-insecure regions in Maryland.

About Penguin Group (USA)

Penguin Group (USA) Inc. is the U.S. member of the internationally renowned Penguin Group. Penguin Group (USA) is one of the leading U.S. adult and children’s trade book publishers, owning a wide range of imprints and trademarks, including Viking, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, The Penguin Press, Riverhead Books, Dutton, Penguin Books, Berkley Books, Gotham Books, Portfolio, New American Library, Plume, Tarcher, Philomel, Grosset & Dunlap, Puffin, and Frederick Warne, among others. The Penguin Group ( is part of Penguin Random House plc, the international media company.


Wherever you live, you can help people who are hungry. There are programs to which you can donate food, money, and time, and not just at the holidays, but all year long. I support several local food pantries; just Google 'shelter' or 'food pantry' and see what's local to you.
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Trickster Gods Playing Poker - A Guest Post by Jamie Wyman w/a Giveaway

Woo, look at that cover - red hair, attitude, that strong red background - is that an eye grabber or what? Between the cover and the blurb, I knew I wanted to be part of this tour. I also have the book on my wish list. I requested it to review but was turned down; eventually I'll get my hands on a copy and read it.

After a misspent adulthood pursuing a Music Education degree, Jamie Wyman fostered several interests before discovering that being an author means never having to get out of pajamas. (However, she can eat/spin fire, tell you a lot about auditioning to be a Blue Man, and read/write in Circular Gallifreyan.) As an author, Jamie’s favorite playgrounds are urban fantasy, horror and creepy carnival settings. When she’s not traipsing about with her imaginary friends, she lives in Phoenix with two hobbits and two cats. She is proud to say she has a deeply disturbed following at her blog.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Audio Book Review of The Sins of the Father by Jeffrey Archer

Publisher: Macmillan Audio
Series: Clifton Chronicles #2
Format Read: Kindle Audio Book
Narrators:  Alex Jennings, Emilia Fox
Source: from Audible in exchange for an honest review
Release Date: May 8, 2012
Buying Links: Audible | Barnes & Noble |

Blurb from Audible:

On the heels of the international best seller Only Time Will Tell, Jeffrey Archer picks up the sweeping story of the Clifton Chronicles…. 

Only days before Britain declares war on Germany, Harry Clifton, hoping to escape the consequences of long-buried family secrets, and forced to accept that his desire to marry Emma Barrington will never be fulfilled, has joined the Merchant Navy. But his ship is sunk in the Atlantic by a German Uboat, drowning almost the entire crew. An American cruise liner, the SS Kansas Star, rescues a handful of sailors, among them Harry and the third officer, an American named Tom Bradshaw. When Bradshaw dies in the night, Harry seizes on the chance to escape his tangled past and assumes his identity. 

But on landing in America, he quickly learns the mistake he has made, when he discovers what is awaiting Bradshaw in New York. Without any way of proving his true identity, Harry Clifton is now chained to a past that could be far worse than the one he had hoped to escape.

©2012 Jeffrey Archer (P)2012 Macmillan Audio

Cat Thursday - Running out of places to sit.

Welcome to the weekly meme hosted by The True Book Addict that celebrates cats; their foibles and humorousness and the joy they bring. You can join in by posting a favorite LOL cat pic you made or came across, cat art or share with us pics of your own felines, then post your link up at The True Book Addict.

I can't see Goof doing this, even if I had a ceiling fan but a former cat of mine, Snowflake, would have in a heartbeat. :D

If you're celebrating Thanksgiving today, don't forget to save a seat for the cat and share some turkey!

Happy Thanksgiving.
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Happy Thanksgiving!

Here in the US it's Thanksgiving today. I'm spending the day with a friend and her family as my family is far away. That's one thing I'm grateful for, a friend who not only has me over for the holiday but just assumes I'll be there and don't need an invitation. I'm thankful for my family and our relative good health; I'm thankful for friends near and far, old and new, offline and online; I'm thankful for my health which could be so much worse, that I have a job, a decent place to live, a cat who gives me unconditional love. I'm thankful for all the books that I have the luxury and joy of reading and the authors and publishers who create them; I'm thankful for all of the authors, publicists, and publishers who share their books and time here on the blog. I'm thankful for all of you who visit and  who read, and for those of you who take the time to comment.

I hope you have a joyous day with family and friends and take a minute to reflect on all that you have for which you can be grateful.

Last night was the first night of Hannukah so to everyone who celebrates, Happy Hannukah! Have a blessed holiday.

And if you're not celebrating a holiday today, Happy Thursday! I wish you a peaceful, joyous day.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Review of Happily Ever Afterlife by J.A. Campbell, et al

Publisher: Untold Press
Format Read: Kindle book
Source: the publisher in exchange for an honest review
Release Date: October 2013
Buying Links: Amazon* | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository* * affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission for purchases made through these links.

Blurb from goodreads:

Revisit your favorite childhood fairy tales…with a paranormal twist. Eight classic stories rewritten by eight talented authors with one common theme, they all feature the undead. From angels to vampires and ghosts to zombies, you'll be sure to fall in love with the classics all over again and quickly learn that even the undead can have a happily ever after.

In the Belly of the Wolf by Amanda Carman
Don't talk to strangers. Don't stray from the path. If you do, the wolf will eat you. Once swallowed, you will be trapped forever in the dark and musty limbo of the belly of the wolf, a larger and more crowded world than you ever suspected. You can't blame him, though. After all, wolves will be wolves.

The Glass Coffin by Emmalyn Greyson
When Marianna's stepmother betrays her by having her turned into a vampire, she must flee home and the love of her life. Darren, her werewolf lover, believes he's found a cure. Will it lead to heartache or happily ever after?

Hans and the Best Day Ever by G.L. Jackson
After a seven-year apprenticeship with the Boss Lady, Hans decides it’s time to go home. Accompanied by Gabe, the two boys make their way back to the house in the woods where they hope to find Hans’ mother. Gabe is never at a loss for words but Hans is always quick to act on what might either be a fantastic idea…or the worst idea ever.

The Baron and the Firebird by J.A. Campbell
In the depths of the Russian wilderness, Baron Pyotr Vasilyev does his best to care for his people but his long years weigh heavily and he’s beginning to lose his taste for life. The only things that keep him going are his devotion to duty and his magical cherries. When his cherries go missing the thief turns out to be the Firebird. The desire to hear her sing one last time drives him through the centuries.

Clara and the Coon by M.K. Boise
Clara is born the height of a quarter–an abomination to the village of Fankfret. Left to die in a teapot on the outskirts of town, she learns that her story is far from over. Getting eaten by a raccoon is just the beginning.

Blood Borne Pathogen by Shoshanah Holl
Javier is too young to be waiting for death, but in the hospital battling late-stage AIDs there isn't room for much else in his mind. A mysterious woman begins visiting him and they form a strange friendship. Aurora only comes to visit after the sun goes down, leaving long before dawn. On the Day of the Dead, they both face the choice between life, death...and what comes after.

In Spite of Fire by Tilly Boscott
Alice's husband, Henry, died, leaving her to wander the world alone, searching for a way to bring him back. When she stumbles upon village gossip describing a place where ghosts dwell, she sets off to find her lost love. Instead of her husband, she discovers a ghost with eyes of fire, keen on the contents of a ragged tree. Alice clambers into an adventure of fear, darkness and true love.

The Angel by Troy Lambert
Abel is a poor urchin, trying to survive on the streets with only his wits to protect him and a tiny garden of struggling flowers to bring him pleasure. Zach is a young boy struggling in the fight of his life against the blight of cancer who wants to see the flowers of spring one last time. It seems inevitable that these young souls will soon leave the earth. But what awaits them in the beyond?