BEA'S BOOK NOOK "I can't imagine a man really enjoying a book and reading it only once." C. S. Lewis “If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.” ― Oscar Wilde

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Sunday Book Share #126

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer; Showcase Sunday hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea; Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; and Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe. All of these memes are about sharing the print and digital books received and/or posts and events on the blog.

The word of the week? SNOW. I have more words but I'll behave in public. We had snow 4 of the 7 days last week, including a freaking blizzard, and we have over 3 feet on the ground now. Mind you, that's 3 feet BEFORE the drifts and snow plow piles. Those suckers are anywhere from 5-7 feet. And, oh, guess what? MORE SNOW, coming tonight and going into tomorrow night. I'm done with winter, give me spring! Give me pollen that makes me sneeze my brains out! Give me a burnt left arm from driving around on a sunny day!


I took these when the blizzard was done and the travel ban lifted. There was no point in digging out the car if I couldn't go anywhere. The first photo is the entrance to the complex where I live.

The Week In Review

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog: Nothing :(

BOOKS! - Another good book week and thanks to the snow, I got a lot of reading done.
Click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page



Review Consideration

Kindle Freebies

Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last week? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week.

Thanks for visiting and happy reading! :)


  1. Man you guys did get hit hard- that is some serious snow. What a mess. I'm with you- I'm ready for sunshine and complaining about how hot it is LOL. Hope it lightens up and you can dig out soon. In the meantime enjoy reading! :)

    1. I have to admit that, except for some below freezing days, we've had a mild winter up until now. Even so, 'm reday for spring!

  2. First Time in Forever was good. Ooo we have had snow like that and believe it or not we did snow pile maintenance for weeks because the piles were higher then the car. We are getting some now and have about 8 inches thus far..which is enough.

    1. You've already read First Time in Forever? Of course, you have. :D I think from here on out this winter snow pile maintenance will be a thing for us too. :(

  3. Oh wow that's a lot of snow! We've yet to get any real snow here which is kind of disappointing. I'd like at least a *little* but whew I'm good not having as much as you.

    1. Yeah, unless you're a winter sports person, which I'm not, this is too dang much snow. I'd be happy to send you some! :D

  4. Phew, what a lot of snow ! We hardly had any here, it gently fell for a couple of hours then melted. On the other hand, you have a perfect excuse to stay home and read all you want. Have a great week !

    1. Now that's my kind of snowfall! But all this snow is a lovely excuse to stay home and read. :)

  5. Wow...we were lucky and the storm veered off more toward the water so we only got about 8 inches rather than the two feet as predicted. I'm hoping this upcoming storm doesn't bring too much! Have a great week and enjoy those new reads.

    1. Oh, you were one of the lucky ones. Let's hope this next storm does the same for both of us. You have a great week too!

  6. That is some major snow BEA. I always like seeing it, but not having to walk through it. Hope you enjoy your new books and that they keep you warm.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  7. I'm not sure were you are but in NJ we got about 8 inches but the blizzard never came. We are also looking at another mushy mess tonight into tomorrow and I am 100% with you on Spring and I love the winter lol. I just can't deal with how all over the place the weather is.

    However it is nice weather to snuggle with a book :)

    You got a bunch of great books this week! Enjoy
    Have a great week Bea! Stay warm!

    1. I'm in MA, not far from Boston. I heard NJ was one of the states spared the worst of the storm. Lucky you! And yes, it is good weather for snuggling with a book. :)

      You stay warm too and have a great week!

  8. Unlucky you with so much snow. Makes my snow look like a walk in the park. Another storm is predicted for tonight into tomorrow...I'm hoping we dodge another bullet. Hope Mother Nature is kinder to you this time around.

    Lucky you that you got The Kind Worth Killing for free! I've been on my library hold list for this for a while and it's still on order. It's no longer free on Kindle--I just checked. I liked Swanson's previous novel, The Girl With a Clock for a Heart.

    My recap:

    1. I hadn't heard of him before but since I got this one, I've seen several bloggers commenting on how good his first book was. That bodes well. :)

      Good luck with the snow, I hope you get spared again!

  9. I have seen so many snow pictures this week and it makes me so glad to live far enough south not to have any! Haha! Stay warm!! I haven't even heard of any of the books you've listed. I hope you enjoy all of them though! :)

    Here's my Weekly Recap!

    1. I would be happy to share some snow with you! :D Thanks for visiting. :)

  10. That's far too much snow. I don't think I've ever seen even half that much in real life and I think I'll keep it that way! Great books this week! I haven't read Katherine Hall Page in ages but I want to catch up on that series. I'm hoping to start the Sarah Morgan soon. I'm kind of drowning in cozies right now and a good romance would shake things up a bit.

    1. I've been away from the page series for a few years and decided it was time to get back to it. I'm just not sure where I left off! So I hope I won't be too confused reading this as I had to guess where I'd stopped. I've been reading a lot of mysteries lately and a romance will make a nice break indeed. I hope we enjoy it.

  11. Oh, that snow looks scary! I've never lived in a place where it snowed, but we are only an hour away from some snowy places. No blizzards, though.

    I am eager to check out that Melinda Leigh book. I have Hour of Need...from her Scarlet Falls series.

    And I've read most of her older books.

    Enjoy your week, despite that snow...and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. I'm new to Leigh, I discovered her through the Rogue River serial and now I'm glomming her books.

      No blizzards for you, lucky! Thanks for visiting.

  12. Oh man that snow!!! Sounds like you had a great reading week though!

  13. Oh gosh, I dislike extreme weathers, cold and heat! I hope it doesn't get too bad in your neck o the woods, Bea!

    I need to read Jaye Wells, good lord! So many books so little time!

    1. So true, we need more time to read ll the books!

  14. Oh god, that is some serious snow, Bea! I hope you stay warm and safe, darling! *hugs*

  15. It's been the same weather here and I really hate it. I'm reading for spring to get here! I hope the snow they are predicting doesn't get here at all for either of us.

    Have a great week!

  16. Ah, I remember those days when I lived in Ohio. I was watching that storm since I know several people that were in the path. Glad you're safe and sound. Well, as sound as you can be with all that snow piled up. ;) Hope this next storm doesn't dump too much on you. If it does, well, more book time, right? :D

  17. Oh the snow! lol. Well, I think I'd have to take a snow day and kick up my feet with some words and books. :) Hope you get through this week!

  18. The rest falls away sounds good. Hope that you enjoy and have a great week.
    Wow, thats a lot of snow, stay safe

  19. Whew, that's a lot of snow! (I know; not the most original of remarks.) I'm sorry you're getting hit so hard. I'd be glad to take some of it off your hands... This winter, every time there's been snow in the forecast here, by the time the precip actually arrives, it ends up just being rain. It's boring - but I'm guessing you would take boring right about now!

    Nice books you got in this week! I just finished reading the Sarah Morgan book today, and liked it.

    Have a wonderful week!

  20. I've had an ARC of The Whole Enchilada since before it came out, I really need to read it soon as I love that series! I was a bit jealous of your snow, as I wish we'd have at least one snow day this year. Great haul though!
    Check out my STS

  21. That's a lot of snow! They keep forecasting a little snow for the Washington DC area, but we've had very little this year. I hope it gets better for you. I hope you can at least do some fun reading.

  22. I am right there with you in the freaking snow. With the drifts it has been over my head. Ugh! I haven't read Diana MOtt Davidson in years and I used to enjoy her. SHE did get a little religious for me though.
    My post:

  23. Those pictures make me cringe. Burrr. Hope the warm weather shows up soon for you.

  24. Oh my goodness, look at all that snow. Living in Australia I can't understand what it must be like to live in the snow. Sure we get it here, about 6 hours from my place so I have to travel to it, but it's only there for a couple of months and it's gone again. Must be frustrating at times I imagine.
    I hope it eases and you have a great week.

  25. Awesome books you have here! :) And some of them I added on my tbr too. Happy reading and hope you'll enjoy them all.

    My STS:


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