BEA'S BOOK NOOK "I can't imagine a man really enjoying a book and reading it only once." C. S. Lewis “If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.” ― Oscar Wilde

Showing posts with label Goof. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goof. Show all posts

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Cat Thursday - Of Course It's A Bed!

 Welcome to the weekly meme hosted by The True Book Addict that celebrates cats; their foibles and humorousness and the joy they bring. You can join in by posting a favorite LOL cat pic you made or came across, cat art or share with us pics of your own felines, then post your link up at The True Book Addict.

Goof decided his new scratching pad also works quite well as a bed. I apologize for the mess, the fans had blown a stack of paperwork on the floor and I didn't take time to clean before taking the picture.

Since I took this picture, he's either ignored the scratcher or sprawled on it. I think he prefers the flat cardboard scratchers but the store was out of those when I went shopping.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Cat Thursday - Say Cheese!

 Welcome to the weekly meme hosted by The True Book Addict that celebrates cats; their foibles and humorousness and the joy they bring. You can join in by posting a favorite LOL cat pic you made or came across, cat art or share with us pics of your own felines, then post your link up at The True Book Addict.

I took some selfies of Goof and I. We're on the couch, and he's sitting on the backrest, peering over my shoulder.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Cat Thursday - Canary Cat

 Welcome to the weekly meme hosted by The True Book Addict that celebrates cats; their foibles and humorousness and the joy they bring. You can join in by posting a favorite LOL cat pic you made or came across, cat art or share with us pics of your own felines, then post your link up at The True Book Addict.

One of my nicknames for Goof is Canary Cat. Are you familiar with the story of canary birds acting as warning systems for coal miners? For many years, into the 20th century, canaries would be used to warn miners of toxic gases; the poor things would get sick and keel over long before the bigger humans.

Well, Goof doesn't warn me of toxic gases but he does warn me when I'm getting sick. Whether it's an impending asthma attack, pneumonia, or the stomach bug, even before I feel sick he starts cuddling up to me and sticks to me 24/7. I joke that I'm going to call work and say "I can't come in today, the cat says I'm getting sick." As I get better, he starts moving off and spending less time with me. No other cat I've had has done this, just Goof.

Does your cat keep you company when you're not feeling well?

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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Cat Thursday - Cute Cat for the Win!

 Welcome to the weekly meme hosted by The True Book Addict that celebrates cats; their foibles and humorousness and the joy they bring. You can join in by posting a favorite LOL cat pic you made or came across, cat art or share with us pics of your own felines, then post your link up at The True Book Addict.

So, I've mentioned before that I sometimes share the pics of Goof on my cell phone with the kids in my classes.The other day one of my girls, who was procrastinating using the toilet, asked to see Goof. I told her to use the potty and when she was done, we'd look at Goof. Off she trots to the bathroom.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Cat Thursday - Dude, that was some good grass.

 Welcome to the weekly meme hosted by The True Book Addict that celebrates cats; their foibles and humorousness and the joy they bring. You can join in by posting a favorite LOL cat pic you made or came across, cat art or share with us pics of your own felines, then post your link up at The True Book Addict.

Heh, he looks so stoned, doesn't he? :D :D And yet, no catnip was involved. He was actually just chilling on the couch and he looked so mellow and so cute, I grabbed my phone and took pics. When I give him catnip, he goes crazy, attacking it, and if it's on his scratching pad, clawing it. It does NOT make him mellow. :D

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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Cat Thursday - Death by Licking

 Welcome to the weekly meme hosted by The True Book Addict that celebrates cats; their foibles and humorousness and the joy they bring. You can join in by posting a favorite LOL cat pic you made or came across, cat art or share with us pics of your own felines, then post your link up at The True Book Addict

Goof loves to lick me. I'd go so far as to say it's a fetish. I've never had a cat who licks me as much as he does. He primarily licks my hands and arms but occasionally licks my hair.  A friend suggested that it might be my lotion but I've used a few different ones over the years so that's probably not it. Plus he doesn't really lick my legs or feet. 

Sometimes he licks for just a few minutes but other times, he will lick for 10 to 15 minutes and damn, his tongue is rough, harsh even. It feels as if my skin is being sandpapered off. I'll look to see if I'm missing skin or if I'm bleeding but I never am. Even when it feels as if I should be. :D If I pull away, he'll usually stop but sometimes he's determined to lick me regardless. :P

I was able to grab my cell phone with my free hand and take this picture. He was gonna lick me no matter what I wanted!

Do you any of you have lickers? What fetishes do your cats have?

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Cat Thursday - Petting Will Now Commence

 Welcome to the weekly meme hosted by The True Book Addict that celebrates cats; their foibles and humorousness and the joy they bring. You can join in by posting a favorite LOL cat pic you made or came across, cat art or share with us pics of your own felines, then post your link up at The True Book Addict.

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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Cat Thursday - A box for me? You shouldn't have!

 Welcome to the weekly meme hosted by The True Book Addict that celebrates cats; their foibles and humorousness and the joy they bring. You can join in by posting a favorite LOL cat pic you made or came across, cat art or share with us pics of your own felines, then post your link up at The True Book Addict

So I received a package the other day and after I unpacked it, Goof went nuts and attacked it; scratching at it, rolling around in it, and purring madly.


He was a very happy boy. :D

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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Cat Thursday - Second Breakfast

 Welcome to the weekly meme hosted by The True Book Addict that celebrates cats; their foibles and humorousness and the joy they bring. You can join in by posting a favorite LOL cat pic you made or came across, cat art or share with us pics of your own felines, then post your link up at The True Book Addict.

I love Goof, I do, but there are days when I'd really like to throw him out the window (we live on the third floor so I can't just open the door and kick him out). Several years ago, due to his being overweight, having asthma, and at risk for diabetes, the vet and I put him on a diet. We changed the quantity of his food, changed his food to diet food, AND put him on prednisone for the asthma. One of prednisone's side effects is stimulation of the appetite. Yep, we increased his appetite at the same time we decreased his food. Weren't we so nice? :P When I'm on prednisone, I eat anything and everything that isn't nailed down. Now the poor boy is perpetually hungry. I keep thinking he'll adapt but he hasn't yet.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

May 2014 bring you peace, joy, happiness, good health, and books ~ Bea, Goof, Jax and CarolKat