Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sunday Book Share #107

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer; Showcase Sunday hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea; Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe; and Library Loot co-hosted by The Captive Reader and Silly Little Mischief. All of these memes are about sharing the print and digital books received and/or posts and events on the blog.

Summer is gone! The weather has cooled off considerably and I'm sleeping with a blanket now; during the summer I just used a sheet. This is my kind of weather - sunny blue sky, crisp air with a slight bite, and cool evenings. Claude and Goof are tolerating each other and Claude is spending more time out of my bedroom. I didn't get the teaching job but I did sign with a publisher for part-time editing and I am now a personal assistant to author Cara Covington. I still need a full-time job but things are looking up. :)

The Week In Review

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog: Nothing too exciting but a few good ones: "cat catch red dot", "how to catch a cat", "an interesting quote from enter three witches" ?? no idea, "how does sandra browns book mean streak end?" (sorry, you'll have to read it to find out), and "".

BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page


I forgot to post this last week. I won a $10 Amazon gift card from Because Reading Is Better Than Real Life as part of the the COYER Summer Vacation Challenge. Thanks! 


Okay, are you comfy? Cuz this a long one. Remember that I said I am working with an author now? Well, she gifted me all of her books that I didn't already own. <3 Two of them are part of crossovers with another author and that author also gifted me her books. Whew! I am a fortunate woman.

And from author Laura K. Curtis - another twitter chat, another book, LOL. She's also looking for reviewers if anyone is interested.


I snagged some 99 cent deals using the Amazon gift card I won from from Because Reading and 1 book that was $1.99. I got 13 books for under $5 :)

10 books for less than a dollar; I don't even care that I already own 2 of them. :D


I think that's enough Christmas books for this year. This one makes seven. :D

Kindle Freebies

*Looks at her Kindle* I think Scotty may need to go on a diet. :D 

Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last week? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week.


  1. Great haul! Wow!!

    Thanks for sharing...and enjoy. And thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. Wow, that is sure a lot of books! I hope you get a chance to read them all. :)) I keep going to the library and borrowing out TOO many. I need to just stop going there, lol. XD My Stacking the Shelves!

    1. I do that too with the library; it's a weakness. :D

  3. Congrats on the editing job! I am enjoying the crisp weather a great deal, the days have been warm and it's been cool at night. I wish it would stay this way for a while...

    1. Yeah, the early part of fall is the best weather. Maybe we'll get lucky and it will last a while. :)

  4. From all the covers of the books you received, I guess you deserved the "hotsex" name lol ! Congrats on the editing job, have a great week ;)

    1. LOL this week's search terms should be interesting. :D Thanks!

  5. Phew, that's quite the haul!
    Your part time editing job sounds interesting. I think it would be fun to be involved in the industry that I love and so I envy you your little insights.

    1. I''ve been editing for several years now and it is fun to see things from inside.

  6. Sorry to hear you didn't get the teaching job. But working with an author is such an awesome one! Hope you enjoy the new experience ;)

    1. It was disappointing but I'm excited about working with Cara.

  7. Phew, that's a long haul of hot reads, Bea! *winks* And high five for a part time job! Woohoo! :))) Glad it cooled down where you are at last, it's lovely here now as well!

    1. Yeah, it's going to be hot around here. :P Good to hear your weather is lovely too. :)

  8. Sorry about the job :( but I am glad things are looking up for you!
    I am loving the cooler weather but yesterday and today were kind of hot but I heard it will be the last time. We are entering my favorite time of year weather :) Windows open and cuddling under blankets :)

    Enjoy the gift card! Have a great week Bea! Happy Reading

    1. I am enjoying teh card, thanks. :) I currently have my windows open and have been snuggling under my blankets.

      happy reading to you also!

  9. Congrats on the part-time job, maybe it will lead to better things in the future! What a great haul! You think your kindle needs to go on a diet..well I got a note from Amazon that told me I'm out of memory and need to go through and take things off because I have things waiting to download but no memory!!!!! I think that just means I need a new kindle so I can have more space..hehehe. :)


    1. I actually had to remove some books from my Kindle in order to download the new ones. :D Our Kindles need more storage!

  10. So many beautiful and interesting books. You're making me both jealous and eager to empty my wallet:)) Happy reading!

    My STS:

  11. Congrats on the new job and winning a COYER prize! Also good luck with your new cat Clyde.
    I see you have a large haul of books this week, so I will say that Cover Your Eyes and Murder in Mystic Cove look like they're right up my alley. Enjoy your reading.

  12. What an amazing book week, Bea! Your editing and assistant jobs sound great--nice ways to be involved with books from different angles.

    My Sunday post:

  13. A new cat. That's always exciting indeed. Great stack indeed.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  14. Wow! That's quiet a haul this week! The personal assistant job sounds like it could be really interesting. Hope it's going well. I'm looking forward to your review of Cover Your Eyes. I desperately wanted to request it but at the last minute talked myself out of it. Have a great week!

    1. I tried to talk myself out of it but I gave into temptation. I hope you have a great week!

  15. What an amazing haul of books! They all look so good! Enjoy and have a great week!

  16. I feel better about my book binge after viewing yours! LOL That's an impressive haul there. I see a few I'd like.
    I've been so busy reading, I've slacked on my reviews but have abought 8 ready to go now. Have a lovely Sunday.
    Here is my Sunday Post -

    1. LOL Heh, most weeks are not this insane. :D Good that you're reading; reviews will happen, no worries.

  17. Yay on the work-front good news :) The weather here is so working for me too. Love when it starts to cool off a bit. And good on Claude for being brave and venturing out :)

    1. Claude is slowly getting braver but Goof is definitely the dominant one. Who knew? He's always been such a wimp. :D YAY for cooler weather!

  18. That's great that you're getting some freelance work, Bea. I hope something full-time comes along soon, too. And holy cow, that's a lot of books this week! You'll be busy through Thanksgiving with all that lot!

    Now that my big project is behind me, I'm hoping to start enjoying the cooler weather. Fall and spring are my favorite times of year!

    Did I read correctly - you call your ereader "Scotty?" I love it! I'm still trying to think of a good name for mine. :-)

    1. I will be very busy indeed! Fall and spring are my favorite times of year too. :) I hope you get to enjoy the weather and the season.

      My Paperwhite is Scotty, my Fire is Jimmy, and my phone is Nyota. :D

    2. As one ST fan to another, that is inspired! My daughter calls her Kindle "Remus."

    3. LOL "Remus" I like it. If I get an iPad or other non-Amazon tablet, I will name it Data. Or maybe Spot. :D Or O'Brien. So many options. :)

  19. Hooray for fall! Enjoy your hot weather and I'll enjoy our cool weather. :)

  20. That is certainly a lot of threesomes. :) Well, it sounds like things are good despite not getting that job. It'll all work out. Enjoy your book, Bea!

  21. Hunted looks good and hope you enjoy it. Have a great week!

  22. Wow! That's a lot! Enjoy your new books! ♥

    Here's my latest haul :
    Newly Owned to Read! #3

  23. WOW! Now that's a lot of books. Happy reading!
    sherry @ Sherry's Shelves

  24. BIG WOW on those Covington books! I hope YOUR couch is comfy, that's a long binge! Enjoy them all, Bea!

  25. That is one impressive book haul! Congrats on snagging some income. I'll keep my {{{posivibes}}} revved up for more to come your way. :)

  26. Great job Bea! I'd love to be an assistant to an author, it would be great experience!
    Enjoy your massive haul!

    Thanx for visiting My Weekly Wrap-Up!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace


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