Sunday, September 21, 2014

Bea Reviews Summer Break Blues by J.A. Campbell

Publisher: Decadent Publishing
Series: The Clanless #2
Format Read: Kindle book
Source: Reviewer owned
Release Date: November 13, 2012
Buying Links: Amazon*OmniLit* | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords*
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission from purchases made through these links.

Blurb from goodreads:

Meg managed to survive her senior year of high school as a vampire, and now she’s looking forward to a relaxing summer with her friends before trying to tackle college. Unfortunately, some unfinished business from the previous year rears its ugly head and Meg is forced to deal with the Sidhe who are distinctly unhappy that she killed one of their kind last winter. Then Ann’s parents vanish while they are on their annual summer vacation in Maine and it’s up to Meg and the rest of the gang to come to the rescue. Though she is still trying to figure out who, and what she has become, Meg and her friends feel they are up to the challenge. That is until things really start to fall apart.

Bea's Thoughts:

Oh, I enjoyed this book. The author is one of my favorites and this series is too. She's got a third book planned but hasn't started writing it. If it weren't illegal, I'd kidnap her and hold her hostage until she finished the book. Darn laws. :P

If you haven't read the first book, "Senior Year Bites", do that before reading this one, as this can work as a stand alone but works better read in order. "Summer Break Blues" picks up a few months afterward. Meg and her Scooby gang head to Maine during the summer break to help a friend and escape some troubles of their own; well, Meg and Alex's troubles really. Of course, things don't go smoothly. Meg is still adjusting to being a vampire as well as the knowledge that there are other supernatural beings; we get to meet another one in this story. Her best friends have romances but Meg doesn't and she has to deal with that and with jealousy, both her own and others. There's politics of the supernatural kind, evolving friendships and family relationships, and lots of action.

I enjoy Campbell's humor, her take on supernaturals, and the way she makes the extraordinary seem ordinary. Meg is relatable, the girl next door if she weren't a vampire. Her struggles and problems are a mix of your average middle class American teenager and that of a vampire. Campbell gives us some twists, several intriguing new characters, and a story that occasionally is slow but that kept me reading nonetheless. I didn't anticipate the ending and now I'm impatiently waiting for book three so I can find out what happens.

My review of book one, Senior Year Bites

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