BEA'S BOOK NOOK "I can't imagine a man really enjoying a book and reading it only once." C. S. Lewis “If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.” ― Oscar Wilde

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Sunday Book Share #124

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer; Showcase Sunday hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea; Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; and Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe. All of these memes are about sharing the print and digital books received and/or posts and events on the blog.

The weather was warmer last week and we were able to go outside at school. The slide was super slippery with a large patch of ice right at the bottom where the kids would land so I stood there and played catcher as they came flying down, laughing and giggling. Mostly, it was a quiet week. The most exciting moment came on Friday when my brother and one sister, the oldest of us three girls, flew to Argentina where they will visit his former in-laws and then head to Antarctica. They'll take a ship and then camp out; they'll be gone all total for almost a month. A trip to Antarctica has been on our sister's bucket list for years and our brother is a world traveler so she had no trouble convincing him to go when her husband flat-out refused. :D

Oh, I am hosting my first reading challenge! It's all month long next month, Reading to Win, and you can read all about it here. I hope you'll join me.

The Week In Review

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog: For some reason, Blogger wouldn't give me search phrases last week; I checked several times during the week and no joy. :(

BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page


I won this from author Rebecca Shea as part of InkSlinger's Advent giveaway.

And I won this one from author Eileen Carr as part of her Veiled Intentions blog tour



The new Star Trek crew meets Q of the Star Trek: Next Generation. I am looking forward to reading this!

Kindle Freebies

Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last week? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week.

Thanks for visiting and happy reading! :)


  1. I read Nickle and Dimed, as my kids had to read it as seniors. I will so check out your first reading exciting..Go you. What fun playing catcher. Hope your week is amazing.

  2. Antarctica? Wow, that's a trip. I think I'd like the Argentina part. :) Good luck with your reading challenge, that looks fun!

  3. Love that your sister is going after her dream, that is the way I want to live my life too! Playing catcher sounds like a fun time with your kids, it's so often the simple things isn't it? And yay for wining vouchers!
    Enjoy your week!

  4. Wow, Antarctica! That's a long way to travel and so far away from everything!!! I hope they have a great time.
    Good luck with your reading challenge, I will check out whether or not I have enough gift books to be able to join in I usually read those one right away.
    Have a great week Bea!

  5. i would love to be a world traveler or at least just travel out of this state. Antarctica sounds amazing, I hope your brother and her have a safe trip. I am off to check out your challenge :) I hope you have a wonderful week Bea! Happy Reading!

  6. Oh wow! How great that your brother is helping your sister's traveling dreams come true! Sounds like an amazing trip!! Have a great week...I'm going to look into your reading challenge!

  7. Oh, the slide sounds like fun--and acting as catcher! Wow...your sister and brother are very adventurous. Antarctica sounds like it'll be a wonderful experience. One of my daughter's has always wanted to go there.

    Hope you have a great reading week, Bea!

  8. I'd love to visit Antarctica...sounds like a nice family trip. Happy reading in the week ahead, Bea.

    My Sun/Mon post:

  9. Off the Edge sounds like it will be a great read. Hope you enjoy and have a great week.

  10. Wow, what a bucket list! I admire them. Great wins, Bea! Enjoy all your books! Especially brownies :)

  11. I got the new Marie Force on my kindle (ARC). I also read Nickled and Dimed. Part of it took place in Maine. It does point out important stuff but I think it got a bit whiny. And, wow! Antartica. Author, Ann Gimpel went there last year and I was very impressed. Enjoy the week!

  12. Anartica sounds like it was a wonderful trip BEA. Winning Amazon Gift Cards is always a plus. Enjoy your new books.

  13. What a fun trip! While it is not on my bucket list, I applaud anyone who gets to knock one off theirs. Hope she enjoys it.

    I am drooling over the cover on The Great Brownie Taste-Off.

    Amazon gift cards are always welcome...enjoy!


  14. Oh wow! It sounds like your sister and brother have quite a trip planned. That's so great for them! We've had the same problem with the slide at my son's school so I think the teachers have been taking turns catching the kids. The kids love it but I'm betting the teachers are hoping for a thaw soon! Yay on the gift cards! Have a great week and enjoy your new books!

  15. What a trip! I'm envious. I read the memoir of the doctor who had breast cancer while stationed in Antarctica, title escapes me at the moment, and it sounded like such a life-affirming challenge to be able to be there. Hope they have the greatest time!

    I looked at your challenge and it sounds fun, so will consider it.

    I used to work in an elementary school in a rural area in Maine, and so much of the school year was spent outside on their vast playground, sledding, sliding, making snowmen, & exploring the property. Those are memories I cherish and I'm glad I got to do it.

  16. Oh what an awesome trip! My mom did that when she turned 50. She didn't want a birthday party so she ran away. Visited my aunt who lived in Argentina at the time then they did a cruise to Antarctica. They loved it. Hope your sibs have a great time!

  17. Wow. Antartica. Now that's a trip!
    Way to go on the gift cards. Now you get to go shopping!!!

    My Sunday Post -

  18. What an awesome trip! I wouldn't mind visiting Alaska, but not Antarctica. :D You haven't read that Star Trek graphic novel yet?! *thud* lol

  19. Antarctica does sound like an exciting trip.

    Congrats on the gift cards!

  20. Ah man, you won two amazon Enjoy your new reads! :)

  21. I can't say I've ever dreamed of going to Antarctica, but now that you mention it I'm thinking it sounds like an awesome trip! Maybe a bit too cold for me though. Exciting just the same :)

    I need to check out your reading challenge, the name intrigues me! Hopefully I can join in! Hope you have a great week :)

  22. Antarctica? No thanks. I don't blame her husband for not going. lol. Nah, I'd probably go if the trip landed in my lap, but not go out of my way for it. But that's great that she gets to go. Enjoy you books!

  23. Wow! That sounds like an awesome trip your brother and sister have planned! I hope everything goes well for them. Off the Edge looks so good. Enjoy!

  24. Playing with the kids outside must have been one fun, happy moment :) And it's so good that your family has this traveling bug, I haven't been travelling for a long time now and I miss it. Nickel and dime looks interesting - and so does Star Trek, in a totally different kind of way. Enjoy and have a great week !

  25. Oh the books I could buy with $35! Congrats, Bea!

  26. Ooo Off the Edge sounds good. Congratz on wining $35 in GC. Here is my Sunday Post Have a great week!

  27. Wow! Antarctica! I bet it's freezing to death out there. Enjoy your new books! :)


  28. Wow! A trip to Antarctica! That is massive! hope they have an awesome time!
    Congrats on your wins Bea!

    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace


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