BEA'S BOOK NOOK "I can't imagine a man really enjoying a book and reading it only once." C. S. Lewis “If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.” ― Oscar Wilde

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Banned Book Week: #SpeakLoudly and a giveaway.

Banned Books Week is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read, and the importance of the First Amendment.  Held during the last week of September, Banned Books Week highlights the benefits of free, open access to information while drawing attention to the harm censorship causes by spotlighting actual or attempted bannings of books across the United States.

Earlier today, a professor, Dr. Wesley Scroggins, spoke out in favor of banning a YA novel, Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson. Here's a summary of the book:

Melinda Sordino busted an end-of-summer party by calling the cops. Now her old friends won’t talk to her, and people she doesn’t even know hate her from a distance. The safest place to be is alone, inside her own head. But even that’s not safe. Because there’s something she’s trying not to think about, something about the night of the party that, if she let it in, would blow her carefully constructed disguise to smithereens. And then she would have to speak the truth. This extraordinary first novel has captured the imaginations of teenagers and adults across the country.

According to Dr. Scroggins,  Speak is "filthy and immoral" and, because of it's two rape scenes, it is "soft pornography". The book's author, Anderson,  had this to say, and I completely agree:  "The fact that he sees rape as sexually exciting (pornographic) is disturbing, if not horrifying."

Then there's the debate about whether sex belongs in a book and is a book porn if it contains sex. Seleste deLaney did an interesting blog post on that a few weeks ago.

To read more of Dr. Scroggins babble, go here To read Ms. Halse Anderson's response, go here. Author Jackie Kessler has a strong, eloquent post on this topic also.

I don't believe in banning books or, with a few exceptions, censoring them. I don't like every book, news article or blog post that I've read, but that's no reason to ban them. If I like it, I spread the world. If I don't, I either ignore it, or do something about it. Today, I'm doing the latter. Spread the word, support Speak and every other book that has been banned at one time or another.

I'm also going to do what another blogger, The Pirate's Bounty, suggested and donate copies of Speak to my town library and the school library. In addition, I will do a giveaway, starting now and running through October 2nd, the end of Banned Book Week. Reply to this post stating what banned book you read, and if you liked it or not. At the end of the giveaway, I will use to choose 2 winners. Each winner will receive a copy of Speak  and any book from the ALA's list of banned and challenged books, up to a cost of $10US.

Please! Spread the word; don't let the narrow-minded ignorant peoples of the world win this battle.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Review: Of Course I Try by Seleste deLaney

     Book Blurb: Love is a wonderful thing. Unless you don't get a choice in the matters of your own heart.

Jocelyn has loved Max since the day she met him. Even when he scares her enough to leave, she can't resist going back. No matter how many times she tries to break free from him, she ends up in his arms and bed again. Not this time. Jocelyn needs to be free and Max isn't going to stop her from walking away -- no matter how hard he tries.

     My Thoughts: I heard a lot of buzz about this story before it was released and again afterwards. It was all over Twitter and a discussion board that both the author and I are on. I knew I wanted to read it and I wasn't disappointed. The first paragraph draws you right in:

"When I came to his house tonight, I'd come to say goodbye. I remember that, even as his hands cup my breasts, squeezing them tenderly and rolling my nipples between his fingers. By the time Max lowers his head and sucks one tightened bud into his mouth, I can't recall why I wanted to leave."

deLaney  knows how to write the erotic details but she doesn't skimp on the story or the characters. The story flows, never slowing down but moving along briskly. We see Jocelyn and Max at different points in the relationship and are given hints as to why Jocleyn wants to end things with Max. The ending completely took me by surprise, I never saw it coming. 

My only real complaint, one that I've seen in other reviews, is that the story was too short. I'd have liked a little more detail and background but the story form limits that. One piece of good news, deLaney is working on another story involving Jocelyn though currently there aren't any details.

Overall, I give "Of Course I Try" 4 out of 5 stars. 

Publisher: Decadent Publishing Company, LLC

Format: ebook

This book was purchased with the reviewers own funds. This review first appeared at Book Lovers Inc.

PEDIGREE® Adoption Drive through September 19th

Thanks to Shiloh Walker for bringing attention to this and encouraging bloggers to post about it.

PEDIGREE Pet Food is sponsoring a drive this weekend to encourage people to adopt a dog.For every blog post about this, with a link back to PEDIGREE, they will donate a 20 pound bag of food to a shelter.

I've never owned a dog, I'm a cat person, but I'm all for giving animals a loving home. Every cat I've owned came from a shelter or a friend or co-worker. Take 5 minutes and blog about this, give a dog food and a home. Make sure your post includes a link back to the sponsor's site.

Thanks! :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

30 Things About my Invisible Illnesses

So, there are several different events and occasions happening this week. One, as mentioned in yesterday's post, is Book Blogger Appreciation Week. The subject for today's BBAW post was to swap places with another blogger and also interview each other. Since I wasn't on the ball and joined BBAW very late, this post is instead related to the weeks other commemoration: Invisible Chronic Illness Week. 

I am using the format that another blogger chose for her post on the subject.


1. The illnesses I live with are: 

Allergies, environmental - diagnosed 1984, reconfirmed 2006

Allergies, food - diagnosed 2002

Allergic eczema - diagnosed 2008

Ankylosing Spondylitis - diagnosed 1993

Asthma - initial diagnosis 1992, initial occurrences began in mid 80's

Depression - diagnosed 1985
Hypothyroidism -  diagnosed 1995

2. I was diagnosed with it in the year: (refer to 1.)
3. But I had symptoms since: (refer to 1.)
4. The biggest adjustment I’ve had to make is: accepting my limitations and asking for help. I still struggle with both of those; I've never been good at admitting weakness and will often go out of my way to deny it. As you can imagine, that's not a helpful technique. 

5. Most people assume: Oh, where to start? ** eye roll**  1) I don't look or sound ill or "off" so I must be healthy, 2) since I look healthy, I must be lazy, or a slacker, or (insert noun or adjective of choice) or I would ....more often. Again, insert activity of choice -  take out the trash, exercise more, etc.

6. The hardest part about mornings are: getting motivated. I'm not a morning person anyway so if I'm stiff, in pain, congested, coughing, short of breath, what have you, motivation is even harder to come by. 

7. My favorite medical TV show is: a tie between M*A*S*H and House.

8. A gadget I couldn’t live without is: another tie, this time between my nebulizer and my computer. The neb cuz I need it to breathe; the computer because I can still "talk" with friends and acquaintances, pursue certain hobbies, and even do mundane tasks such as paying bills. Those are all very important when I am not well; there have been days and weeks when the computer was all that kept me sane.

9. The hardest part about nights are: sometimes falling asleep, sometimes staying asleep. Pain and breathing problems interfere with sleep as do the drugs I take to deal with them.

10. Each day I take __ pills & vitamins: On a healthy day,  20-30  plus 2 inhalers, a nasal spray, and 2 prescription skin creams. When I have a flare of any variety, add 6-10 more pills per day, and/or an extra inhaler and/or the nebulizer.

11. Regarding alternative treatments I: haven't really tried any.

12. If I had to choose between an invisible illness or visible I would choose: probably something more visible though if I had a choice, I'd prefer none at all.

13. Regarding working and career: Oy. The allergies and asthma have had the biggest, and worst, impact on my work. I look normal so often coworkers forget or just don't believe that the limitations exist and are real. I have to fight for my rights to safe working conditions and to be out absent when necessary. 

14. People would be surprised to know: Hmmm, not sure. Maybe that I just want to be normal, that I don't like being ill so often and needing special accommodations. I just want to live a normal life.

15. The hardest thing to accept about my new reality has been: The limitations, especially socially. My food allergies and my severe asthma really limit where I can go, what I can do, even what items friends and family have in their own homes when I come over. It's one thing to stay home by choice because I'm an introvert but being forced to stay home, to stay away from stores, restaurants, public gatherings, etc. is HUGELY depressing for me. Hmmm, maybe that's what would most surprise people about me.

16. Something I never thought I could do with my illness that I did was: Safely travel on airplane AND safely be in a public gathering with people I'd never met who were willing ot accommodate my health conditions.
17. The commercials about my illness: Well, the ones for depression can be pretty depressing; the allergy and asthma ones tend to exclude people like myself who have the extreme forms.

18. Something I really miss doing since I was diagnosed is: I miss eating a whole lot of foods, I miss being able to go where I want and when, and I miss participating in walk-a-thons.
19. It was really hard to have to give up: See above

20. A new hobby I have taken up since my diagnosis is: online discussion boards and book reviews.
21. If I could have one day of feeling normal again I would: do a walk-a-thon then go out for Indian food and have apple pie for dessert. 

22. My illness has taught  is teaching me: to ask for help, to accept help, and to be creative about what I can do.

23. One thing people say that gets under my skin is: "Oh, I thought just a little bit of spice would be ok for you!" AAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

24. But I love it when people: 1) offer to help without expecting anything in return and,  2) ask me how I am because they really want to know and they care about me.

25. My favorite motto, quote that gets me through tough times is: I don't have one.

26. When someone is diagnosed I’d like to tell them: Don't just sit back and accept it; see doctors, talk to them but also do your own research and ask questions. Look for help, accept help, be creative with solutions to your problems. Don't give up.

27. Something that has surprised me about living with an illness is: people's reactions, especially my own family. I've been amazed at who has stood by me and who has failed me. 

28. The nicest thing someone did for me when I wasn’t feeling well was: surprise me with assistance and recently, I received a most unexpected gift by an unexpected person.

29. I’m involved with Invisible Illness Week because: Invisible is not good enough; all invisible illnesses, common and rare, need to become visible. 

 30. The fact that you read this list makes me feel: encouraged that you took the time to read and to think about the topic.

Monday, September 13, 2010

BBAW: First Treasure

     So, if you haven't noticed yet, this week is Book Blogger Appreciation Week.  It's a chance to celebrate the various book blogs and to discover new ones. So far, I've added about 4 or 5 new ones to my reading list (thank heavens for Google reader! :D)

      Anyway, as part of the celebration, there's a theme and a suggested blog topic for each day of the week. This year's theme is "For those you new to BBAW, what was the first book blog you discovered?" Since I'm new to BBAW, that is my topic today.

     The first book blog I read was the Smart Bitches, Trashy Books site. OMG. If you haven't read it yet, you really need to. It's written by two women, Sarah and Candy, who are sharp, smart, and funny as hell. They review romances of all types and subgenres, conduct interviews, have giveaways, and are current on all the book world news and gossip, regardless of whether it's romance related. They are pretty much one stop shopping for readers. You can even ask for their help in tracking down books that you read a long time ago and now want to read but you can't remember the title or author's name. Recently, over the summer, they started a monthly live book club chat. Awesome blog, awesome ladies, even if their spam filter traps me every darn time I try to reply.

     Now, I didn't discover the Bitches all by my lonesome. Oh my no. My friendly, online bookpusher introduced me to them and to Dear Author also. The pusher in question, Has, went on to form a book news and review blog, The Bookpushers,  along with several other bookpushing ladies. They review romances, fantasies and sci-fi's and also keep up on book news.

     It was actually Has of the Bookpushers who encouraged my interest in reviewing, offered support and practical advice, and helped me hook up with The Book Lovers Inc. blog, where I am now a review intern. 

     Also helpful to me and an awesome, wonderfully eclectic blog, is The Falcata Times. My first online book review was written for there and I've since done several more. I've also discovered new authors (thanks dros!)

     So, what was YOUR first book blog?

Friday, September 10, 2010

BlogFest 2010 is HERE! Enter to Win a KINDLE from BBB! Spread the Word!

BBB is participating in a huge blogfest. It's a chance to win a ton of great prizes from over 250 bloggers around the globe! Who knows, you may find a bunch of great new blogs to check out. There are lots of new book blogs (like this one!), but other kinds of blogs too. So spend some time checking them out and bookmark the ones you want to come back to. For more details, and to enter the giveaway, go here,

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

ebooks and free books

Changes To The E-Book Buying Landscape | RT Book Reviews

If you read ebooks and/or are a fan of Samhain ebooks, check out this article at RT Book Reviews about upcoming changes. I haven't bought much from Samhain but I am sorry to see the loss of other publishers from their online book store. IMO, losing access to the books they sell can only be bad for the readers.

ACE ROC Fall Preview and Giveaway

Over at the Dear Author blog, Jane has teamed up with ACE to giveaway books from their fall line. Some of the awesome choices include the new On the Edge book, Bayou Moon by Ilona Andrews, and the much anticipated release of the revised "Masques" by Patricia Briggs, whom I've had the pleasure of meeting. Go here to check it out.

Review: Moon Sworn by Keri Arthur

Book Blurb:  Some nights never end.

Some desires never die. . . .

She ventures where no one else dares—into realms of peril and pleasure. But will this next journey be her last?

Shape-shifting werewolf and vampire Riley Jenson is through with death–causing it, solving it, surviving it. Her soul mate, Kye Murphy, is dead–and at Riley’s own hands. Not even the seductive embrace of her vampire lover, Quinn, can fully ease her mind, for she has begun questioning everything that makes her Riley–including her job at the Directorate.

Now, the ritualistically slain bodies of ex-cons have started turning up. Reluctantly, Riley takes the case, but something even worse is waiting in the wings. For a vicious enemy from her past is determined to strip Riley of everything that gives her life any meaning: her lover, her brother–and even her own identity. Can Riley survive this ultimate assault? All she knows is, she must fight one last time to find answers, before everything goes dark forever…

Review: This is the 9th, and last, book in the Riley Jenson Guardian series. It ties up many, if not most, of the plot lines introduced in prior books. I didn't go back and re-read the previous 8 books so I may have overlooked something. If you haven't read the previous books, skip this review and pick up the first book, Full Moon Rising.

When Arthur first started this series it felt like a romance/erotica novel stuffed into paranormal clothes. During the series, Arthur eased up on the sex, if not the romantic subplots, and fleshed out the paranormal aspects. The series ultimately is a blend of romance, mystery and paranormal fantasy.

In this book Riley is dealing with the death of her soul mate, and it's consequences. In an interesting twist, which I really liked, Riley and her soul mate didn't even like each other. Despite their mutual antipathy they were drawn to each other and Kye's death leaves Riley a mass of conflicting emotions. She returns to work while still grieving and coping but the case she's on stirs up some ongoing desires and she's not functioning at her finest.

While Riley is in the midst of her investigation, which is intriguing (I loved the scene with Riley as a sea gull in the hooker's room, I laughed out loud), she is taken by an old personal enemy. This part of the book was mixed; certain aspects didn't feel realistic while others were spot on. I did feel her anguish and the resolution was neatly done. This section dragged on a bit and at times I wondered if we would ever get back to the investigation. Still, it reveals more of Riley, specifically what matters to her, and deals with some ongoing plot points. As a result of what happens during Riley's disappearance, (and also the result of ongoing subplots) Riley makes some major life changes and the book ends on a happy note.

There were some unexpected twists and others I saw coming a mile away, but overall the book was good. Arthur's writing improved in the course of writing this series and her growth shows in this book. Her pacing, her characterization and her plotting are stronger and more organic instead of deus ex machina. All in all, a good ending to the series but open-ended enough that Arthur could revisit Riley if she chose. Actually, there is a spin-off involving Rissa. I believe the new series will be called Dark Angel.

I own this book.

Publisher: Dell

Format Read: Paperback