BEA'S BOOK NOOK "I can't imagine a man really enjoying a book and reading it only once." C. S. Lewis “If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.” ― Oscar Wilde

Showing posts with label interview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interview. Show all posts

Friday, May 31, 2013

Interview with author James Ramsey & A Giveaway!

Pour yourself a drink and get comfy, today I'm interviewing urban fantasy author James Ramsey. Often accused of being lost in her own world, James spends most of her time at home with her husband and a menagerie of animals.

She blames her love of the written word entirely on her Grandfather who owned a bookstore, feeding her addiction regularly. Cutting her teeth on illustrated fairy tales she quickly moved on to Farley Mowatt and Lucy Maude Montgomery.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Excerpt from Dawn of a Dark Knight & Interview with author Zoe Forward

Hi! Grab a drink and get comfy as I chat with Zoe Forward about her book, herself. and writing. Zoe writes action-adventure paranormal romances. She lives in North Carolina with her family and an assortment of pets. A graduate of Duke University, she majored in biological anthropology, but always had a special love of archaeology, especially anything Egyptian.  Although a deep part of her wishes she had pursued a career that would have her at a dig site in a hot, sandy country, she's a small animal veterinarian, caring for everything from chinchillas to dogs...and even one hermit crab in there.  When she's not being a vet, a mom, or sneaking out to a movie with her husband, she's at her laptop writing.

Find Zoe online:


Bea: What’s a typical day of writing for you? Are you a planner or do you wing it?

Zoe: I’m thrilled to grab a few minutes to type some lines or work on some edits between my job as a vet, family time and activities. There’s no set routine or time, although I do find myself writing late at night.  I haven’t been able to stick to outlines or plots, although I keep trying.  Every time I have a plan for where I want the story to go, the characters make their own decisions that surprise and frustrate me although it all works out in the end.

Bea: What prompted you to start writing? Would you continue to write if you were no longer published?

Zoe: I recall reading a dreadfully written paranormal with a rather blasĂ© plot.  Annoyed, I determined that the characters bumping around in my brain would be more interesting. So, I released them onto paper. And what an exhilarating experience.  I’ve got many more characters and stories. So, absolutely even if I never publish another novel (although Scimitar Magi series novel #2 is on the way), I’ll keep on writing.
Bea: What is your favorite part of writing? What is your least favorite part?

Zoe: My favorite part is when it all comes together. There is this moment that occurs towards the end of a novel when everything just works.  My least favorite part is writing a summary, tagline or a book blurb.  It’s tough to dwindle down an entire novel into a one-liner or a couple of sentences.
Bea: Who are some of your influences? Some of your favorite writers?

Zoe: I’ve got so many favorites and so many that influenced me.  My interest in paranormals started with Ann Rice and then I moved on to the masters of paranormal romance such as J.R.Ward and Christine Feehan.  But I remain a fan of humorous paranormal fiction such as Rick Gualtieri.

Bea: Do you prefer to read paper books or ebooks? Why?

Zoe: About 5 months ago I would’ve said I couldn’t imagine anything other than a paper book, but now that I have my newest e-reader it rocks!  I prefer it because it’s so much easier to hold.  And I can take a ton of books with me in one small location. However, I continue to be annoyed by the variances of formatting for books on the e-reader. Someday this kink will be worked out. 

Bea: Can you tell us about the journey that led you to write your book?

Zoe: I’ve been a paranormal and mainstream fiction addict for decades. And I grew up a fan of Indiana Jones and Ann Rice. So, writing a paranormal was a no brainer.  For Dawn of a Dark Knight everything came together at the right creative moment. For Dawn of a Dark Knight everything came together at the right creative moment – my love of Egyptian mythology, my long-time passion for archaeology, my ideas about a new type of paranormal hero and more. It all just gelled.

Bea: How is your book different from other paranormal romances on the market?

Zoe: For the Scimitar Magi series I created a new type of hero. As a passionate reader of paranormals I’ve read my fair share of vampires, weres, face, shape shifters, and demons. And loved them all. But I wanted something fresh.  In DAWN OF A DARK KNIGHT the Scimitar Magi are ten pseudo-immortals that live within our modern world, but struggle to remain incognito.  The guys are not exactly thrilled to discover they vowed their eternal soul eons ago to serve the Egyptian gods, and now must execute daemons for the rest of their lives.  With no past-life memory, they’ve got no clue how to wield the powers gifted to them by the gods. Man to super warrior in a five-minute induction ceremony with no instruction manual.  So, it takes each Scimitar a long time to work it out.  At first losing control at random is the norm, and irritates the bejesus out of the more experienced guys.  Incidents happen like blowing up a gas station, which is misinterpreted as an international terrorist act.  And then there are the women. Each Scimitar gets matched to one woman for all time, and she is also reincarnated. But when, and if, this woman shows up is entirely up to the gods, who love to muck things up for entertainment.

Bea: You majored in biological anthropology, then switched to small animal veterinary work; what prompted the switch? Do you ever regret it? What’s your favorite part of vet work?
Zoe: I almost went to grad school in bio anthro, but I always wanted to be a vet. That pathway opened for me and I took it.  I enjoyed the living aspect of bio anthro…the getting out there in the rainforest and running around beneath the trees chasing monkeys or lemurs.  But I have never regretted my veterinary work.  My favorite aspect of veterinary work is the relationship that is built over years between an owner, the pet and myself.  We go through many journeys together -- the highs, the lows, the wins and losses. There is no greater honor than to be invited on that journey. 

Bea: Anything that you want to add or say to your readers?

Zoe: I’d like to thank my readers for picking up my book and taking that chance.  There are so many options out there.  I’m honored when you put my book on your shelf.  I love to hear from readers whether it is via email, facebook or twitter. So, don’t be shy. 


Blurb from the author ~

In the shadows of our world, a secret band of warriors fights to protect us. They are the last line of defense against an evil no human can stop.
An ancient nemesis has resurfaced. Duty demands that Ashor Vlahos, Scimitar Magi commander, recruit a magical healer to fortify the remaining eight magi. The gods' choice is the woman who helped him escape torture a decade ago. Ashor couldn't have imagined a better punishment for his vow-breaker homicidal incidents than for the gods to bind him irrevocably to the only woman in the universe he cannot have. The soul-searing desire she ignites in him is strictly forbidden.
Kira Hardy, M.D. is a brilliant, hardworking internal med resident with big secrets. But when Ashor asks for aid after a brutal daemon attack, she is sucked into his dangerous, secret world. Enslavement to the magi, no matter how hot they are, may be an unattractive life plan, but being targeted for death by their enemies is less tolerable.
She must trust the sexy, tormented Ashor to keep her safe while he must deny his ultimate desire and keep Kira at arm’s length lest he bring destruction down on them both. As a centuries-old evil catches up to them, they face a crucial decision—follow the gods' rules or follow their hearts.

Publisher: Wild Rose Press
Format: paperback, ebook
Length: 366 pages, 444 KB
Release Date: March 1, 2013
Buying Links:
WildRose Press



“Watch out,” Kira shrieked as a four-door import pulled alongside the SUV. The driver targeted Ashor with a gun.

“Down,” Ashor commanded. He dodged the firing muzzle and grabbed Kira forward to avoid the bullet’s path. The bullet left clean holes in the side windows and a spiderweb of cracked glass.

“Persistent bastards,” Ashor grumbled as he jammed the SUV into gear and rammed the car next to them before peeling away. Just as they hit the road, Ashor’s new cell phone squealed in a high-pitched, synthetic, musical noise.

“You okay?” he asked, ignoring the phone. To clear his side view, Ashor thrust his elbow through the spiderweb of cracked safety glass. Glass cubes showered everywhere. “Shit.” He wiped his body free of debris.

“I’m fine,” she replied. She whiplashed into the seat as the SUV was rammed forward.

Ashor tapped the brakes. The cars crashed together again, slamming them forward and then forcefully back in their seats.

“Can’t you do a spell or something to protect this car or make his explode?” Kira asked.

“What? No.”

“Aren’t you a magus, which implies magician or sorcerer? You guys are supposed to do magic spells.”

“The spells were lost.” His phone rang again.

“Lost? What kind of moronic organization loses the spells!”

Friday, May 3, 2013

Blog Tour for The Haunting Season by Michelle Muto: Interview and Giveaway!

Back in January, I had author Michelle Muto on the Nook. She shared an excerpt from the book and gave away a copy. Well, now she's touring with Xpresso Book Tours and I jumped at the chance to participate. There's an interview, a look at her playlist, and at the end is another giveaway so if you didn't win in January, now's your chance. :)

About the author ~

Michelle grew up in Chicago, but currently lives in NE Georgia with her husband and their two dogs, one of which is a Beezlepup.  She loves changes of season, dogs, and all things geeky. Michelle has always loved storytelling. When she was a child, her favorite stories were of monsters and things that lurked in the dark. Telling stories often frightened her classmates and got her into a lot of trouble with her teachers. They had no sense of humor.

As an adult, Michelle traded her love of writing for the corporate life where she was an IT professional. Today, she’s doing what she loves best – writing and storytelling. She loves scary books, funny movies, sports cars, dogs, chocolate, old cemeteries, and changes of season. Michelle even loves photography.

Michelle writes on a Mac and is a true geek at heart. She agrees with her dogs who think cheese and bacon should be in their own food group. But most of all, she believes everyone should trust their imagination, have a kind heart, and should definitely have a sense of humor.

Currently, she’s hard at work on her next book.
Find Michelle online:

How did you come up with the idea for your book?
During a trip to Savannah, I visited the Sorrel-Weed house, which is reported to be Savannah’s most haunted house.

What is different about this book compared to others you’ve written?
For starters, The Haunting Season is New Adult. Secondly, the main characters are not supernatural beings.

Most unique or unusual research you’ve ever done for The Haunting Season?
Besides visiting the Sorrel-Weed house? Asking a former mortician about embalming methods in the early to mid 1900’s and how embalming and burial procedures have changed and why. It’s both fascinating and a bit gruesome.

What is the hardest part about writing?
Keeping my butt in the chair for as many hours as I need to per day. Resisting the urge to jump on the internet when I’m having difficulty with a scene.

If you could meet any author who is no longer living, who would it be?
Tough call. Edgar Allan Poe, probably. But I’d also like to meet Rod Serling and Alfred Hitchcock.

Can you tell us a little about your next project?
It’s a adult dark fantasy novel with action, castles, and gargoyles.  It’ll be out early this summer.

If you could do one thing over again in regards to writing, what would it be?
Write faster.

Vanilla or chocolate?

Food you like the most? The least?
I tend to like Italian food the most. I can’t stand brussel sprouts or peas.

Favorite television show?

What weapon would you choose in the zombie apocalypse?
Harry Potter’s wand or maybe Dean Winchester. He’d be a formidable weapon against zombies, right? <grin>

What scares you?
Humanity. The way people treat others, animals, or the environment.


Check out the music Michelle listened to while writing "The Haunting Season". What do you think, is it inspirational for writing a horror story?

Click to enlarge the photo


Blurb from the author ~

Be careful what you let in…

Siler House has stood silent beneath Savannah’s moss-draped oaks for decades. Notoriously haunted, it has remained empty until college-bound Jess Perry and three of her peers gather to take part in a month-long study on the paranormal. Jess, who talks to ghosts, quickly bonds with her fellow test subjects. One is a girl possessed. Another just wants to forget. The third is a guy who really knows how to turn up the August heat, not to mention Jess’s heart rate…when he’s not resurrecting the dead.

The study soon turns into something far more sinister when they discover that Siler House and the dark forces within are determined to keep them forever. In order to escape, Jess and the others will have to open themselves up to the true horror of Siler House and channel the very evil that has welcomed them all.

Author: Michelle Muto
Publisher: Dreamscapes, Ink
Genre: Horror, New Adult, Young Adult
Format: ebook, paperback
Length: 81,169 words
Release Date: December 24, 2012
Buying Links:  Smashwords   Amazon US   Amazon UK   Barnes & Noble

Contains sexual content, language, and some graphic violence. Discretion advised for readers under 17.



Michelle is offering one (1) ebook copy of "The Haunting Season". It's open internationally. The prize will be sent out the week of May 27th. You do not need to be a follower to enter. Please read my Giveaway Policy.

a Rafflecopter giveaway