BEA'S BOOK NOOK "I can't imagine a man really enjoying a book and reading it only once." C. S. Lewis “If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.” ― Oscar Wilde

Showing posts with label IMM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IMM. Show all posts

Sunday, March 4, 2012

In My Mailbox #20

In My Mailbox was started by The Story Siren. It's a way to share and highlight all the books we receive, even if we don't review them. l share books that I buy, that I receive for review, get from the library, borrow from a friend, etc.

Click on the covers to see the goodreads descriptions.


I won this in a Twitter giveaway that Thea did. I enjoy this series very much and I'm really looking forward to reading it.


I bought these for my classroom, though the Yuko-chan book is better suited to pre-school II classroom. I'll show it to those teachers and let them borrow it if they're interested.

Kindle Freebies


Several friends talked me into reading this series a while back and I've been glad they did. While I don't love it, I do enjoy it. I'm looking forward to reading this, the final book in the series.

Another good book week, how was yours?

Sunday, February 26, 2012

In My Mailbox #19

In My Mailbox was started by The Story Siren. It's a way to share and highlight all the books we receive, even if we don't review them. l share books that I buy, that I receive for review, get from the library, borrow from a friend, etc.

Click on the covers to see the goodreads descriptions.


I won this in a Random House giveaway.


Kindle Freebies


As you can see, I had a very good book week. How was yours, what did you get?

Sunday, February 19, 2012

In My Mailbox #18

In My Mailbox was started by The Story Siren. It's a way to share and highlight all the books we receive, even if we don't review them. l share books that I buy, that I receive for review, get from the library, borrow from a friend, etc.

I had a quiet book week, which was nice. I have a lot of reading to do and I took on more work at my part-time job. I did have several books come in at the library, but haven't had a chance to pick them up.

Click on the covers to see the goodreads descriptions.

Kindle Freebies

I've read Clarissa Yip before, but not S.J. MacIver. I like romances, and here I've got a nice mix: one inspirational and one erotic. :D


Jax, Liz and I ALL want to read and review this book. The determining factor will be which of us has the time to do it. At the moment, I have possession. Mwahahaha

How was your week? What did you get?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

In My Mailbox #17

In My Mailbox was started by The Story Siren. It's a way to share and highlight all the books we receive, even if we don't review them. l share books that I buy, that I receive for review, get from the library, borrow from a friend, etc.

It's been a few weeks since I posted an IMM. Life was busy, part of which was taking a long weekend to visit my sister in Florida for her 50th birthday. It was a ton of fun and I'm now under orders to start planning my 50th birthday (I'm the last sibling under 50). Coming home, I found packages with books waiting for me, which was a good way to come home after such a fun weekend.

I haven't bought anything in the past few weeks but I did get some from the library and receive a bunch for review, including several that I'm very excited about.

Click on the covers to see the goodreads descriptions.


OMG. When I found out I was receiving this book for review, I squeed so loud I think they heard me in the next galaxy (sorry if I hurt your ear drums). I <3 Patty Briggs and her UF books are so very, very good. I had to rearrange my review schedule to accommodate this one but I know it will be worth it. Sadly, this is the last book in the Alpha & Omega series but maybe Anna and Charles will pop up in the Mercy books. I can dream, right?


I don't always LIKE the vampires in the books that inspired these vignettes, ok sometimes I hate them lol, but the fact that I have such passionate responses to them, well, you know the writing is good.When Donna offered a copy to me for review, of course I said "YES!" More schedule re-arranging commenced. (BTW, Rajmund and Duncan? They're MINE! Mine I say!)

I read, reviewed and enjoyed the first book, but still haven't read the second one yet. I'm short on time, so I'll probably just skim reviews of book two so I know what I missed.

This is an Amish romance, not my usual fare, but I occasionally like a sweet, chaste romance so I thought I'd give it a try. There will also be a guest post by the author.

I received this through Random House's Early Reads program. It sounds like something I'd grab at the library to read.

Jax will be reviewing this one, she jumped at the chance. :)

This sounds like a light, fluffy read; I'm not sure whether Liz or I will be reviewing this one. 

Honestly, it doesn't sound like something I'd enjoy. It was unsolicited review, not sure it will get done. If anyone wants to review it, drop me a line.


I enjoy this series, it's mystery light. This one was ok, nothing special, which was disappointing since it was an anniversary book.

I just started this one today. I read and enjoyed the first one but my library doesn't have book two so I'm reading this one anyway.


PNR author Dani Harper has been doing a blog tour promoting her new book, Changeling Moon, and I was fortunate enough to win a copy at one of the stops. I have book one and now book three. She says they are stand alones so I shouldn't have a problem reading this one. Along with the book was a tote bag, some bookmarks, and some postcards. I tried to take a picture but my camera's battery was dead.

It's been a good few weeks for books. How was your week? What did you get?

Sunday, January 22, 2012

In My Mailbox #16

In My Mailbox was started by The Story Siren. It's a way to share and highlight all the books we receive, even if we don't review them. l share books that I buy, that I receive for review, get from the library, borrow from a friend, etc.

Another good week, though not as busy as last week.  I only bought one book this week but I did get some Kindle freebies, and some new books for review. I also made tentative plans to go to Boskone next month with a friend. Cover artist Daniel Dos Santos is going to be there, he does the Mercy Thompson covers, and they are GORGEOUS. That's still a month away but I'm excited.

Click on the covers to see the goodreads descriptions.

Kindle Freebies


I've never read any of these authors, but there are several that I've heard good things about, and it was only 99 cents, so it seemed a good way to check them out.


I'm a fan of Jodi's books and she has graciously granted every request of mine to review one of her books. This one comes out in April so you'll see the review closer to the release date.

I still have her last book, The Wedding Quilt, in my TBR pile. I'll get to them in the next month or so.

An unsolicited review, with a boring title (IMO), but it has dragons! I like dragons. So, I'll likely read and review it. At some point.

So, another good book week for me. How was your week, what did you get?

Sunday, January 15, 2012

In My Mailbox #15 - Armstrong, del Franco, and Covington, Oh My!

In My Mailbox was started by The Story Siren. It's a way to share and highlight all the books we receive, even if we don't review them. l share books that I buy, that I receive for review, get from the library, borrow from a friend, etc.

This past week was an AWESOME book week for me. The book fairy was very, very kind to me. :)


I won this from the Dream site; it's a great way to learn about new books, and win them. I enjoy this series, so I jumped at the chance to win it. I still can't believe I actually did. 


The author is a friend of mine and when I mentioned that Amazon didn't have it yet, she emailed it to me. How nice was that?  :)



SQUEEEEE! I am so happy, and surprised, that I got this. I love Kelley's writing and the first book in this YA series, The Gathering, was wonderful. 

This is such a good urban fantasy series. And, it's set in Boston MA, just up the highway from me. :D

Not one of my fave series but one I do enjoy very much. Has from The Book Pushers introduced me to Caine's Weather Warden's series and this is an offshoot. They are both good.

I had an awesome book week. :) How was yours?