Sunday, November 29, 2015

Sunday Book Share #169 Sunday Book Share, Stacking the Shelves, Sunday Post, Bought Borrowed & Bagged

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by Caffeinated Book ReviewerStacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; and Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe. It's a chance to share the print and digital books we've received and posts and events on the blog.

It was nice to have a short work week. I had a quiet Thanksgiving with a friend and her family. We rarely get to see each other despite living only a mile apart so I really appreciated the time together. I've spent a quiet weekend, reading books and starting to write Christmas cards. Working full-time again is really interfering with my reading, review writing, and blog visiting so things may be erratic for a while until I get a new, managable schedule in place. Unlike my previous teaching positions which were 30-35 hours a week, this is a full 40 hours a week plus a weekly commute of 10 hours total so basically a 50 hour week.

The Week In Review

Review: The Pea Patch Jig by Thatcher Hurd (Steph & Liam)

Recipes: Seduce Me Beef Stew
Crockpot Hot Chocolate

Excerpts: A Wrong Bed Christmas by Kimberly Van Meter & Liz Talley
You Are Dead by Peter James
Marred by Sue Coletta

Reading Challenges: I'm hosting 4 reading challenges next year plus I've signed up to participate in several and I'm considering several more. 3 of the challenges I'm hosting were formerly hosted by other people and the baton has been passed to me. Sign-ups are open now!

Finishing the Series (year long)
I Love Libraries (year long)
I Love Picture Books (year long)
Winning At Reading (Feb. 2016)
Bea's 2016 Reading Challenges (both participating and hosting)

News & Discussion: Happy Thanksgiving

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog: "sexks", "happy thanksgiving from cats", "happy thanksgiving from our house", "happy thanksgiving cat memes", and "thanksgiving cat"

There was a definitely a theme last week with the search phrases, lol.

BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page


I won these signed bookmarks from author Linda Poitevin. :)

I won this ebook from the author

Review Consideration

Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last week? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week, unless I fall asleep on the couch after work. :D

Thanks for visiting and happy reading! :)


  1. A small and quiet holiday is nice...

    I don't know how anyone blogs when they are working full is amazing how much you do!

    My blogging came post-retirement. When I was working full-time, I was lucky to read one or two books a week.

    Enjoy the new week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. My previous work schedule was more compatible with blogging. I'm definitely going to have to make changes.

      Thanks for visiting Laurel!

  2. I love these short weeks (could get used to it in a hurry) and quiet long weekends are nice too. I've been watching a ton on Netflix this week (and weekend) and it's been nice. Glad your thanksgiving was nice...

    Sounds like a bit of a commute. I had a long one at my previous company and wasn't crazy about it.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    1. Oh, I could definitely get used to the short week, especially fi the pay was for 5 days. :D I've been watching a lot of NetFlix too, mostly ST: TNG.

      Have a good week!

  3. Glad to hear you had a wonderful thanksgiving!!! Hope you have a fabulous Sunday!!! And what a great loot of books you have. Enjoy them :)

  4. A nice and quiet Thanksgiving sounds perfect, Bea!
    Your new books all look amazing, I couldn't pick out one I'd want to read.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reaidng.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. Thanks Lexxie. I hope you have a good week too!

  5. Bea it sounds like you had a nice Thanksgiving! Hope you're able to balance your teaching, reading and reviewing (and other commitments) over coming weeks!

  6. I would have enjoyed my time off more if I wasn't sick..blah. So spent a lot of my holiday sleeping. Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving! Happy Reading!

    Week in Review

    1. Boo for being sick. :( Are you feeling any better?

  7. Thanks to the holiday week, I only got 2. Proud of myself

  8. Busy, busy! It's admirable how much you can get done on your blog while working full time. I'm still trying to adjust to that myself. Hope this week goes well for you!

    My Sunday Post

    1. Thanks Audrey. It's a challenge for sure. Good luck!

  9. Don't you hate when Real Life interferes with the Reading Life? Why does interferes look like it's spelled wrong? I hate when that happens. Now I've completely forgotten what I was going to say. LOL Have a wonderful week Bea!

    1. LMAO Goofball. But yes, I hate when Real Life interferes with Reading Life and whem a correctly spelled word looks wrong.

      Have a great week!

  10. Unveil my heart sounds good, hope that you enjoy and have a great upcoming week.

  11. Quiet is always good. I am glad you enjoyed your Thanksgiving.
    Work sounds like it really has you busy. I hope you can find your groove soon sometimes I get a bit panicky when I am so busy I have no time for the stuff I enjoy.

    Have a great week, Bea! Happy Reading! ox

    1. Stella *will* get her groove back. Even if it kills me. :D Panicky, yeah I hear you on that. Finding balance is a challenge for sure

      Have a great week!

  12. I hope you find your groove back. I like a nice quiet holiday. You got some great books this week.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  13. I so enjoy your posts, and have signed up for a Challenge (I am now up to 5 for next year..LOL). Thank you for a great blog to read and follow. Here is my Sunday Post:

  14. Work is getting in my way of blogging and reading too. I'm still learning how to juggle it all.

    Thank you for taking over the series challenge. Good luck with all of your challenges. I signed up for two challenges, but will be signing up for more.

    Have a great week!

    1. Work, a necessary evil. :(

      Good luck with your challenges and I'm glad I was able to take on hosting. :)

  15. I am excited to check out your challenged, especially the library themed challenge. I try to support our little ole' local library just as much as I possibly can.

    1. Happy to have you! Libraries need all the support we can give them; they give so much to the community.

  16. Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. Quiet is good. Ugh, that commute sounds sucky though.If only teleportation were real ...

    1. The commute sucks but at least I have a job. I would love a Star Trek style transporter.

  17. I am glad you had a nice quiet Thanksgiving and that you got to spend Friday home in your pajamas. I hope you have a nice week ahead.

  18. When you put it that way, your week is huge!
    Ricochet has an interesting cover... hope you enjoy it!

    1. It is an interesting cover and my week is feeling huge. :D


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!