Saturday, November 28, 2015

Steph and Liam Review The Pea Patch Jig by Thatcher Hurd

Steph, Liam, Review, The Pea Patch Jig by Thatcher Hurd, Bea's Book Nook
Publisher: Creston Books
Format Read: Hardcover
Source: From the publisher in exchange for an honest review
Release Date: September 15, 2015
Buying Links: Amazon* | Book Depository* | Barnes & Noble
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission from purchases made through these links.

Blurb from goodreads:

“Where the pole beans climb, where the tomatoes grow fat, where the onions smell sweet and the corn is yellow as the summer sun, that’s the garden of Clem — Farmer Clem.” So begins this story about Baby Mouse, a tiny mouse who loves to go exploring in the garden. But watch out! You never know what might happen when Baby climbs into a head of lettuce, or up a tomato plant, or when there’s a fox on the prowl.

These are some of the ingredients of The Pea Patch Jig — a book as refreshing as a summer evening in Vermont.

Inspired by the traditional song "The Pea Patch Jig," which was unearthed by the great songwriter singer John Hartford.

Steph and Liam's Thoughts:

Liam likes to plant things in the garden with me, so I thought he might enjoy this book. I actually had to read most of it to him, rather than he read it to me. This one was a little long for him to read to me but we did like it. He liked the pictures of the veggies in the beginning and was able to name almost all of them. (Wish he would EAT some of them.) He was also able to remember planting some of the same veggies with me and we talked

While Liam was overwhelmed by the amount of words, we were able to discuss the story and how “bad” baby mouse was for sneaking out. We discussed how Liam shouldn’t go outside without Mommy or Daddy. It has a good message and Liam liked the story well enough that we have read this one more than once.

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