Saturday, November 28, 2015

Bea's 2016 Reading Challenges

Bea's Book Nook,  2016, Reading Challenges

It's almost 2016, eep. How has the year gone by so quickly? I've been thinking about next year's challenges for a while now. I'm making some changes, joined some different challenges and dropped a couple. I'm also hosting some this year. :) Join me!

Challenges I'm hosting:

1) Finishing the Series formerly hosted by Socrates' Book Reviews and now hosted by me. The challenge runs Janaury 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016. Sign up here.

Vampires in America by D.B. Reynolds - 3 books behind, not including 2016 releases
Lusty, Texas by Cara Covington - 6 books behind, the middle of the series mostly. Yes, I have been bouncing all around, reading out of order. I own them, I just need to catch up. And there will be several more coming out in 2016. I'll be busy. :D
In Death by J.D. Robb - 2 books behind plus the 2016 releases
Hellequin Chronicles by Steve McHugh - I'm 3 books behind plus any 2016 releases
Meg Langslow by Donna Andrews - I'm 7 books behind plus whatever releases in 2016 and I'll need to get most of them from the library. It'll definitely be a challenge catching up!
Naked Werewolf by Molly Harper - I have 1 left to read; I own it; I just need to read it.
Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead - I just have the final book to read. I've owned it for years but have procrastinated reading it because once I do, then the series is really, truly over. :(

2) Winning at Reading is a monthly challenge I started last year. The idea is to read the books you've won or received as a gift. All genres, all formats, all lengths count; the only requirement is that you won it, online or offline, or that it was given to you. It runs February 1st to February 29th, 2016. Sign up here.

My goal is 10.

3) I Love Libraries, formerly hosted by Book Dragon's Lair. The challenge runs January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016. Sign up here.

My goal is young adult - 24

4) I Love Picture Books, also formerly hosted by Book Dragon's Lair. The challenge runs January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016. Sign up here.

My goal is Preschool - 50 or more. That sounds high, but I teach in a toddler room so I read a LOT of picture books. The challenge will be remembering to write a review!

Challenges I'm participating in:

I'm cutting back on the year long challenges (necessary since I'm hosting a bunch!) but also added some new ones.

1) Mount TBR Reading Challenge 2016 hosted by My Reader's Block. My goal is Mount Blanc, 24 books from my TBR pile. *Books must be owned prior to January 1, 2016. No library books.*

2) Blogger Shame hosted by Herding Cats & Burning Soup. My goal is 24, or 2 a month. Some are 2 or even 3 years old *hangs head in shame*

3) Dust Off Your Classics is a very informal challenge hosted by Between My Lines and Dee's Reads. There's no sign up or goals. I am aiming for 1 a month. I've sucked at this one this year, but I'll do better next year. I will! 

4) Just For Fun Reading Challenge hosted by Lori at Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book. This will be my fourth year. The idea is to be sure to read at least one book for fun every month, a book that's not an obligation but one you want to read. This should complement the Mount TBR reading challenge. The goal is one a month.

ETA 12/14/2015: Sadly, Lori has announced that she's not continuing this challenge next year; this year is the last year. :(
And all of the usual short-term challenges, assuming they return: COYER, Ho Ho Ho Read-A-Thon,  Blog Ahead, March Take Control Of Your TBR Pile, and May Clean Sweep ARC Challenge.

Are you doing any challenges next year? Share in the comments.


  1. There are some fun challenges for next year!! So excited. I am participating in the Blogger Shame Reading Challenge, as well as the challenges I am hosting, and a few from Delighted Reader.

    1. There are so many good choices. Good luck and have fun!

  2. Good luck with your challenges :) I'm not participating in any challenge next year, but I've kept 2 just to myself : first, clean my old reviews (I wrote some 2 years ago...), then attack my "old" pile (books I've had for... some time).

    1. You have reviews that you WROTE 2 years ago? Eeep. Well, at least the hard work is done. Good luck attacking your piles!

  3. Some nice challenges.I didn't do any this year (well, except COYER) but I'm thinking of taking one or two on this next year. There's so many fun ons out there...

  4. Some great challenges! I'm going to join a couple. Thank you for taking over the series challenge!

    1. I'm happy to do it. I'm still considering doing your cozy challenge.

  5. I keep getting a message saying that the picture book sign up page does not exist.

    1. Thanks for letting me know. I fixed it. :)

    2. You're welcome. And I'm hosting my first challenge next year:

  6. There are so many challenges out there! I love it :) Good luck with all of yours this coming year!


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