Monday, August 3, 2015

GIVEAWAY: Virtual Ticket to the Deborah Harkness Fan Con/AllSoulsCon September 12th, 2015

Jax is a big fan of  the All Souls Trilogy, which I have yet to read, so when I received an email about a convention for the books, I thought I'd share.

AllSoulsCon is a fan-run one-day convention celebrating THE ALL SOULS TRILOGY, taking place September 12th in Los Angeles, CA, USA but available to fans all over the world via livestream (ain't technology grand?). Author Deborah Harkness is attending, as is audiobook narrator Jennifer Ikeda, and it’s going to be an outstanding opportunity to meet them and fellow fans, enjoy AST-inspired food, wine, contests, and a lot more! You can see the schedule here, but highlights include:

·         Q&A sessions with Deborah Harkness and Jennifer Ikeda
·         A Renaissance Music Workshop, with performances by University of Southern California musicians and featuring original compositions by Isaias Garcia
·         A fan panel (details to come) 

Early bird tickets, for 20% off, are available for a limited time, through August 13t, 2015. 

The publisher, Penguin Random House, and AllSoulsCon have teamed up to offer a virtual ticket for giveaway—the winner will be able to attend the Con from anywhere by computer. We’ll need the winner’s first and last name and email address, and the Con organizers will give the winner access to the live stream. (See my privacy policy and my giveaway policy). Giveaway ends at 11:59PM EDT on August 10th, 2015. VOID where prohibited. No purchase necessary.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I would love to attend this con live; since I can't, I hope I win the virtual ticket! Thanks for hosting this giveaway, Bea!


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