Monday, August 3, 2015

Bea Reviews Mayhem by Angela Addams

Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Series: The Order of the Wolf #5
Source: the publisher in exchange for an honest review
Release Date: August 11, 2015
Challenges: Finishing the SeriesNetGalley and Edelweiss ARCs | What An Animal
Buying Links: Amazon*ARe* | iTunes* | Barnes & Noble
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission from purchases made through these links.

Blurb from goodreads:

He will rock her world… once he shows her how he really howls.

By night, Mayhem howls out monster rock hits to roaring crowds, and lives the rock ’n’ roll dream. But lately he wants more than empty sex marathons with lusting fangirls. When he spies a beautiful redhead at his latest album launch party, his wolf howls only for her.

He can taste her sweetness and innocence hovering just beyond his grasp, but it’ll be a delicate task showing her the side of his life no one ever sees. When the sun rises, and his wolf form takes over.

Fledgling rock magazine editor Hannah knows the minute she lays eyes on Mayhem that she won’t fit into his world. But that doesn’t mean she can’t fantasize that she’s the only woman wrapped around his smoking-hot body.

One kiss—one perfect kiss—and Mayhem is ready to seal the deal of and for a lifetime. But before he can properly introduce Hannah to both halves of himself, she is gone without a trace. And the rapidly cooling trail smells distinctly of Hunter…

Warning: Contains a pack alpha/rock star with an attitude. He’s HOT. As in whole-lot-of-trouble hot. Set-your-panties-on-fiyah hot. Make-you-want-to-climb-into-this-book hot. Sensitive readers be warned, once he zeroes in on his mate, he’s not above breaking a few rules to get what he wants.

Bea's Thoughts:

I really enjoy this series. It's not a fave but it's fun. This installment didn't wow me but I enjoyed it. Though this is the fifth story in the series I think it would work well even if you haven't read the preceding books. But if you have been reading along, we get answers in this story and more world building. That made me happy as a lack of world building had been one of my complaints about the earlier stories.

Hannah was a bit weak as a character; she was both too trusting and too suspicious and was passive at times. Mayhem was less of an ass than we saw in earlier stories because this time we were in his head so we got to understand him better. The story follows the pattern established in this series - werewolf rocker meets his destined mate, who knows nothing about werewolves but has to learn quickly and choose between aligning with the wolves or the people who hunt them. But first she's kidnapped by one of the hunters, for her own good, of course. *eye roll* Despite the formula and predictability, or maybe because of them, the story flowed and was a fast read. It kept my attention and I was rooting for Mayhem and Hannah. Talia, a former Huntress who helps Mayhem was interesting. We first met her in an earlier story and in this story we see some of the consequences from what happened then. Is she crazy? a sociopath? evil? Hard to say but she's ruthless for sure and I think we'll be seeing her again. 

"Mayhem" was fast-paced, a mix of action, romance, and seriously steamy scenes. The world is developed more, with more layers added and I was pulled into the story. While it lacked oomph, it made for a pleasant afternoon's read.


  1. oh I am pretty curious about this book. Sounds like a interesting series.

    1. It is, a different take on werewolves and very sexy.

  2. I've only read a few rock star type romances but the ones I've read have been lots of fun. This sounds interesting even though it wasn't your favorite in the series. Thanks for sharing!

    1. This is a fun series and the mix of wolves and rock stars is well done.

  3. I have a book from this series, but I haven't picked it up yet. I don't tend to get into the rock star type romances, but there's been one or two that I enjoyed. And the wolf mix is a neat twist I could go for :)

    1. I normally skip the rock star books but this has werewolves! The music and rock star life are not a big part of the storyline which was a plus for me.


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