Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunday Book Share #23

I'm participating in Feed My Reader Friday hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A WriterThe Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer, and Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews. The  memes allow book bloggers the chance to share print and digital books they've received and different posts and events at their blog.

Hello from the depths of Blizzard Nemo! I'm typing this up Friday night, in case I lose power. So far, the snow accumulation in my region isn't too bad but the winds have been strong and the weather reports on the tv show downed power lines and regions with heavy accumulations. Many schools, including mine, announced on Thursday that we'd be closed on Friday. It was good knowing in advance and being able to plan accordingly. One benefit to being home on Friday? I gobbled up a new book coming out next month, "Frost Burned" by Patricia Briggs. Happy sigh. 

ETA: As of Sunday noon time, my town had about 2 feet of snow and we didn't lose power, though other towns did.

The Week In Review


I had a most awesome week for books. It was amazing but my TBR pile is, well, scary. As I'm writing this post, I'm reading 2 books for review and I still have 835 books to be read. That figure includes digital and print, personal and review, and some that I don't own but have gotten/will get from the library. It's a good thing I'm participating in Kimba's Take Control of Your TBR Pile Challenge next month. There's still time to sign up if your TBR pile is also out of control.

Click on the book cover to go to the book's goodreads page.

Review - Kindle

I have an excerpt from this scheduled for this Saturday and the review is scheduled for April. 

Review - Print

I squeed so hard when this arrived. I love this series, it's an all-time favorite. I hadn't requested the book since I was planning on buying it anyway and I'm backed up on reviews. But, the publisher sent it, and I gobbled it right up. I'm not sure when the review will go up but sometime in the next few weeks, possibly this week if I can manage it.

I got an email from the publicist for this and though I shouldn't have, I said yes. Somebody hide the computer so I can't request or agree to any more books or download any. :D There will also be a giveaway along with the review, some time this month.

The rest of these were sent unsolicited; some will likely end up being reviewed.

Astraea Press Freebies - Kindle

Remember, my publisher is giving away 2 different books every day this month. Go to their blog each day and get the coupon codes to download that day's free books, available in all major digital formats.

I worked on both The Corruption of Mila (content edits) and A Forbidden Union (proofing).

Kindle Freebies

Hey, I said I had an amazing book week! :D I have lots of reading material to keep me busy during the blizzard, though I have to work on some editing too.

I hope you all had a good week. Remember to leave a link to your post in your comment and I'll stop in during the week.


  1. WOW. So many awesome titles that I've never heard of. Astraea Press covers are really pretty indeed.


    1. Our covers are pretty good :) and a lot of the titles I got this week, both print and digital, were new to me too.

  2. Oh no! Stay safe and warm! Heck yeah you had a good week. A lot of those have some pretty kick-butt covers, too.

    1. Yep, a good week, now I just need to read them. :D

  3. Ooh, so many fantastic-looking titles! Most I haven't heard of, but I'll be adding a few (too many) to my TBR. Thanks for sharing. Happy reading!

    Raina @ The LUV'NV
    (New follower via GFC & Linky)

    1. Thanks for following and I hope you enjoy the books you add. I'm always happy to help someone add to their TBR pile. :D

  4. Glad to hear you didn't lose power! Stay safe and try to stay warm! You definitely found some fantastic titles this week.
    Have a great week and happy reading!

  5. You got Frost Burned?! I am dying here

  6. How did you get the Kindle freebies? Can you get a newsletter that tells you what's free or do you need to search for them yourself? I like some of those covers...looks really cute esp How to date a werewolf.

    Sunday Post

    1. I've had several people ask how I find my freebies, I may need to do a post. Basically, I follow several blogs and also some groups on facebook. You can look on Amazon directly but I prefer to let someone else do the work, lol.

  7. Love your haul...I got some of the same freebies.

    dru's book musing

  8. Wow! Great haul this week. Happy reading :-)

  9. You HAVE GOT TO review Frost Burned like NOW!! I'm so happy you got that one!!! I bet you happy danced when you saw it :D I love Briggs, too!! I must live vicariously through you!! no pressure, though... hahahahaha

    Christina Henry's series is one I need to get back to. I loved the first one and I have the rest of them so I'm woefully behind if another one came out!! You had a great week!!!!!!

    I'm so sorry you had so much Feedburner trouble. I had a ton of trouble with it, too, when I switched to Wordpress so I couldn't help! I see your feeds again in the tribe so I'm glad you're back!!!

    1. Feedburner had me pulling my hair out. Aaagh!

      I'm behind on the Henry series too but I'll be catching up. I'll try to get Frost Burned up this week. I've been posting teaser quotes on facebook. :D

  10. How to date a werewolf sounds cute.
    Happy reading,
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  11. We got about 2 feet too, but we lost power for over 18 hrs! We were freezing and I was not as smart as you w/scheduling my post!:( You received some great books!!

    Enjoy, them all!

    NO Sun. Post --You already know why... :P NEMO! LOL

    1. I'm so sorry you were without power! I'm glad you have it back now. Darn Nemo!

      I usually try to start my Sunday post around mid-week and I'm glad I did it early since the weather was so iffy.

  12. Jeez, that is a lot of snow... We got rain the other day from the storm down here. Nice haul. Happy reading... Thanks for stopping by my SP.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday

    1. We're supposed to get freezing rain, I'm not looking forward to it.

      Happy reading!

  13. Sweet haul and I bow to you for putting a number to your TBR pile. I prefer living in ignorant bliss *eyes swaying stacks of tbr books* Read on my friend and thanks for the shout out. The Sunday Post

    1. It wasn't so long ago I swear when my TBR pile was at 500. Oy, I think my kindle is dangerous. :D

  14. I received Girls & Monsters this week too. It sounded pretty interesting. Hope you enjoy everything!

    Here's my Showcase Sunday!

  15. I would squee really hard too if I got Frost Burned, Bea! Fabulous book haul, darling! :))) I'm looking forward to getting your feed back into my reader. It hasn't been right without it! :)

    1. Aww, thanks hon. It's good to be back. I was so excited over Frost Burned and it was soooo good. :)

  16. Frost Burned?!?!? I am so jealous!

  17. Wow that's a lot of books! Great haul. I have Briggs' books as well, need to start them soon.

    Happy reading, thanks for stopping by :)


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!