Monday, February 11, 2013

Guest Review of Frost by Taryn Kincaid

Publisher: Decadent Publishing
Series: Sleepy Hollow #3, 1NS
Format Read: kindle
Release Date: February 12, 2013
Buying Links:  Amazon  Barnes & Noble  Decadent  ARe

Book Blurb from goodreads:
 Dagney Night, a sought-after succubus, is no stranger to blazing hot sex. But as Valentine’s Day approaches, she longs for something more. When oddly erotic paintings arrive for display at her art gallery, arousing everyone who views them, she wonders about the mysterious artist who created the works.

Maxwell Raines, a fire-sex demon, lives a life of solitude and seclusion behind the walls of his compound at Sleepy Hollow, channeling his lustful impulses into his art—until his muse deserts him and his temperature rises past the danger point. He needs sex. Now.

When Madame Evangeline arranges a torrid Valentine’s 1Night Stand for them, will the flames of their encounter be too hot to handle?
Reviewed by: Carol. Carol was raving about this book over on facebook so I asked her if she's write up a review and she agreed. 

Carol's Thoughts:

Dagney Night is a bored succubus and Gallery owner. Maxwell Raines is a reclusive, talented artist and a Fire Demon.

When Dagney sees the response to Maxwell's paintings she decides she needs a real date and contacts 1Night Stand to set something up.

When Maxwell finds out it is Dagney who is hosting his show, he rejects the idea of a public meet at the Gallery Party. He also contacts 1Night Stand but to set up a private party for him and Dagney on that night.

Dagney had just about given up on him when he finally shows up. Everyone has departed except for Dagney's sister who is on her way out the door.

One of my favorite lines in this book is when Dagney decribes Maxwell's work to him:
"Oh, yeah. Your work talks. Like a bullhorn in a library reading room."

As we watch these two delightful characters sort out their individual issues the sparks start flying. It's steamy...let me rephrase that... HOT with hints of romance.

Not too far fetched to think a HEA may be brewing going forward.

I couldn't put this down once I started reading and read it again to warm up with all the snow.

I give this read 5 stars. Bravo,Taryn! I am looking forward to the release of "Blizzard".

Carol owns this ebook.


  1. WOOT 5 stars xx grats, Taryn! I love this series, and am also looking forward to Blizzard. And how aptly timed is that book with all the snow everywhere? can't wait! Might be my only taste of snow this year. And that is definitely a GREAT thing *grins* Nothing like a fictional blizzard ;)

  2. Thanks, Jo!

    And thanks so much, Carol and BEA! Glad you enjoyed it so much. You rock!

  3. Lovely review Carol and I do love a good succubus!


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