Monday, February 11, 2013

Madame Eve of 1Night Stand - A Guest Post by JoAnne Kenrick

Today's guest is erotic romance author JoAnne Kenrick. Born n bred Brit, JoAnne Kenrick grew up in a wee sea-side town in North Wales and has enjoyed a variety of vocations such as holistic healer, window dresser, and ghost tour guide. Having lived in Wales, England, and Scotland with her dear family, she finally escaped the dull British summers to reside in sunny Australia. After two years, they moved to the States where she endured three harsh winters in Minnesota. She now lives in North Carolina with her husband, two kids and two puddy cats. When they aren't demanding her attention, or jumping on her head, she strums away on the keys of her little laptop, creating worlds and adventures she could only ever dream of. Come across the pond and faraway....with JoAnne Kenrick! Get exclusive sneak peeks at her new and upcoming releases by signing up to her quarterly newsletter here:

Find JoAnne online:


If you're looking for something a little bit extra spicy, but very sweet, then Threesome Sweetness may just be the perfect ebook to warm up this winter's day for you. A married couple get their menage on to try bring back the heat into their relationship -- apart of Decadent Publishing's 1Night Stand series, the Irish Kisses books are hawt little novellas set in and around Bell's Irish Pub and the staff who work there.

Of course, a menage in a pretty extreme way of spicing things up in a marriage. Most couples reach for the toy box or some sexy lingerie.

But then, fictional characters do like to walk on the wild side of their options.

And Madame Eve does have a way about her; she seems to know exactly what her clients needs are before they do.

When Elizabeth discovers her husband has arranged for her fantasy to be a reality, though, she isn't best pleased. Has Madame Eve finally lost her touch? Or is there reason behind this match? (Guess you'll have to pick up the book to find out, eh? mwahaha)

For those who aren't familiar with the 1Night Stand series, here's the deal:

The multi-author series is based around Madame Evangeline’s match-making skills. A woman to be reckoned with, and owner of a highly successful matchmaking service. She firmly believes if you put the right two people together for just one night, anything is possible. Especially when the dates take place at the fabulous Castillo Hotels and Resorts in some of the most exotic places in the world. 

I think I've shared this before, but I've always seen her to be just like Lesley Ann Down, or to be exact, the character she plays in North And South, Madeline Fabray. Of course, she'd be more up to date and in this century. But how graceful she is, and how romantic and full of old fashioned manners.  It helps me to imagine what she might look like, or be like, when writing my 1NS stories. What about you, the reader? If you've read 1Night Stand stories, do you find yourself wondering what she might look like? If so, who did you imagine her to be? 

I'd love to set her up on a date ;) 


Publisher: Decadent Publishing
Genre: Romance, Erotica
Series: Irish Kisses #3
Format: ebook
Release Date: November 9th, 2012
Buying Links:  Amazon   Barnes & Noble   Decadent Publishing   OmniLit

I have this one in my TBR pile but I read and enjoyed the first one, "Sweet Irish Kiss". 

For an excerpt from book two, "Shamrocked", click here.
For an excerpt from "Threesome Sweetness", click here
For an excerpt from book four, "Hot Winter Kisses", click here.


  1. It's rockin' to be on your blog again for an Irish Kisses booK! Thanks so for hosting me today! xxx can't wait to hear who readers see Madame Eve as ;)


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!