BEA'S BOOK NOOK "I can't imagine a man really enjoying a book and reading it only once." C. S. Lewis “If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.” ― Oscar Wilde

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Sunday Post Mailbox & Recap #13

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
~this meme was inspired in part by - In My Mailbox~
It's a chance to share News. 
A post to recap the past week, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up for the week on our blog. 

I had my surgery Tuesday and it went pretty well, just a couple minor glitches. The biggest glitch was afterwards; the surgery provoked an asthma flare up. It was a possible side effect, one I was hoping would pass me by. Unfortunately, I developed complications and spent all Friday night at the ER; I now have pneumonia. Ah well, I'm recovering. I appreciate all the kind tweets and blog comments, they helped. Thanks.

One thing about being home, recovering? I acquired WAY too many books: review books, kindle freebies and paid books (still using gift cards but I've just about used them up now). Thank goodness the majority were digital so they don't take up physical space. I now have 609 books in my TBR pile. Luckily, most are digital. My Kindle is positively stuffed.

I did a lot of reading, much of while at one hospital or another; a mix of short stories and full-length novels. I didn't get as many reviews written and posted as I hoped but I'm working on it. To that end, I signed up for the Review Copy Clean Up Challenge. Here's a link to my goals post, with an update on last week's accomplishments.

Win a Trip to Austin TX 

2 reviews, one here for "Revealing Hamilton"   and one at my other blog for the 
Mira Grant novellas.
I had an excerpt from "When You Wish Upon A Duke" by Isabella Bradford and an excerpt, with a guest post and giveaway, from Linda Lael Miller's "Big Sky Mountain".
I also had another very good week book week, though fewer of them were purchased; most were freebies or received for review. Luckily, most were digital so I still have room on my bookshelves. 

I've been hearing A LOT of positive buzz about a new erotic romance, "The Siren" by Tiffany Reisz. A friend of mine, Brittany, will be reviewing it Monday at her blog, Brittany's Thoughts. Do yourselves a favor and check it out. You can follow Britt on twitter as @BrittanyKG and you can follow Tiffany as @tiffanyreisz
I won this from the author in a twitter giveaway. Thanks JoAnne!
Apparently, I entered to win this in a goodreads First Reads giveaway. I had completely forgotten until I got an email telling me I was a winner. :D It hasn't arrived but should be here soon.

Kindle Freebies

  I had a review PDF copy of this book from a few years ago, but it died with a former laptop, back before I had the sense to back up my files. I really enjoyed it and have been wanting to read it again.

I originally read Rosemary and Rue when it first came out, as a library book. Recently I broke down and have been buying the whole series. With these two books, I now own all and I have the next one pre-ordered. Libraries really do lead to book sales. :)

Book Club 
My publisher, Astraea Press, has a monthly book club on facebook. Each month, they choose one book and offer it for free to anyone who emails and asks. At the the end of the month, the author is available to chat on facebook and answer questions, plus there is swag to be won. They have a done a different genre each month, so there's variety in the selection. I decided to take part in this one.


Thank you Random House, Harlequin, Jessica Scott and Babs Hightower!

Yeah, another really awesome book week for me. Apparently the book fairy likes me. :D

Leave me a link in your comment and I'll come visit during the week.


  1. Oh my goodness! You've had an eventful week. First let me say get better soon. I'll be praying for your recovery. Second 609 BOOKS ON YOUR TBR LIST????? OH MY GOODNESS!!! I think I just had a stress related heartattack for you! Unless you're one of those people who can read 300 books in a year (I'm not), in that case, porportionally we're about the same. Good luck with that!

    Check out my IMM & Sunday Post.

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  2. Goodness, you have had a rough week. I hope you feel better soon.. Amazing books this week. Enjoy them..

    Jenea Books Live Forever

  3. I hope you continue to recover from your surgery, being down for the count really is not fun! But hey, you did get lots and lots of books! I think it's something about being sick, it causes the book-buying compulsion or something... anyhow, happy reading! Book Savvy Babe

  4. O, Bea, I missed out on your surgery update! I thought the date was moved? Really happy you are getting well and reading plenty of books! Lovely bookish haul this week, really huge! You must read The Siren ;) It was amazing. Herlequin website might still have it on sale for $1.99
    Hugs, get well and have a beautiful week!

  5. WOW. You got so many books. I don't even know where to start, Great week.


  6. Oh Bea..i hope you are feeling better soon! Love the Rosemary and Rue series. Ok as a book addict I feel better about myself and I have you to thank 609?? Holy cow! Well rest and read woman and read! Thanks for being a part of The Sunday Post

  7. Thanks everyone! I'm a bit better today but it's slow going.

    I do have an insane TBR pile. Last year I read a little over 200 books and I'm trying for 200 this year but I add faster than I read. :D

  8. Congrats on getting the Debbie Macomber book! I have that on my TBR list!

  9. awww Bea!! I hope you feel better soon!!! When you wish upon a Duke looks like a book up my alley! Great Haul!

  10. I really hope you feel better soon Bea! That's quite the haul! I actually had my TBR number from myself because if I see the real number I will panic, literally. I know on goodreads I have 200 or so, but in reality it's much much more thanks to my Kindle. I'm in the Cleanup as well so I'm going to check out your post.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Dani and Danie, thanks for the well wishes. I really enjoyed the Bradford book and I'm looking forward to the Macomber book.

    Michelle, I may have to find a way to hide the goodreads TBR number, it gets overwhelming. O_o The Kindle, it is a dangerous beast. :P Good luck with your Cleanup!

  12. I hope you're feeling better! I'm sure all those fantastic books will help a little. :) I've gotten a couple of those books myself.

    Happy Reading!
    My Sunday Post

  13. Great books...especially all those freebies! Hope they can keep you entertained until you are feeling better (hopefully soon)

    Thanks for stopping by My Added to the Bookshelf Post!

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf

  14. Aww hope u feel better soon ((hugs))) xx
    Wow 609 books, I don't think it's even possible to read all those hehe xx


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!