BEA'S BOOK NOOK "I can't imagine a man really enjoying a book and reading it only once." C. S. Lewis “If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.” ― Oscar Wilde

Showing posts with label Goof. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goof. Show all posts

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Cat Thursday - I Can Haz Cookies?

 Welcome to the weekly meme hosted by The True Book Addict that celebrates cats; their foibles and humorousness and the joy they bring. You can join in by posting a favorite LOL cat pic you made or came across, cat art or share with us pics of your own felines, then post your link up at The True Book Addict

 Don't let this adorable face fool you.  He's a cookie thief! A friend sent me some cookies she made. I ate a few, then put the box away to go Christmas shopping. When I got home, the box was on the floor and Goof had tried to get into it. Guess who got coal in his stocking yesterday? :P Okay, not really, but the naughty boy! :D

How was YOUR CHristmas? :)

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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Cat Thursday - Cats and Laundry

Welcome to the weekly meme hosted by The True Book Addict that celebrates cats; their foibles and humorousness and the joy they bring. You can join in by posting a favorite LOL cat pic you made or came across, cat art or share with us pics of your own felines, then post your link up at The True Book Addict

Sure, now Goof decides to follow the rules. :D 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Cat Thursday - "I Want Yawning Goof"

Welcome to the weekly meme hosted by The True Book Addict that celebrates cats; their foibles and humorousness and the joy they bring. You can join in by posting a favorite LOL cat pic you made or came across, cat art or share with us pics of your own felines, then post your link up at The True Book Addict.

I have A LOT of pictures of Goof on my cell phone; he's my furbaby after all. :D I sometimes share those pics with the kids in my classes. When they're upset and can't be consoled or helped, or at the end of the day when it seems as if everyone else's mom and dad is arriving BUT NOT THEIRS, I pull out my phone and we look at Goof. This year, their favorite picture so far is this one. I was trying for a profile pic but he yawned just as I took the picture.When the kids first see the pic they think he's roaring but then I  explain that he's really yawning.

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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Cat Thursday - In the Light

Welcome to the weekly meme hosted by The True Book Addict that celebrates cats; their foibles and humorousness and the joy they bring. You can join in by posting a favorite LOL cat pic you made or came across, cat art or share with us pics of your own felines, then post your link up at The True Book Addict.

Goof loves to sit on the windowsill; sometimes he looks out and sometimes he just relaxes. It's as close as he gets to going outside, barring trips to the vet and evacuating when the building fire alarm goes off.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I NEED This Book!!!

Ok, I don't need it but I want it, for the curiousity factor alone. What book am I talking about? This one.

Now, I'm not particularly crafty. I never even liked arts and crafts in school or the Girl Scouts or at summer camp. But.......making use of all that cat hair that my beast Goof (see pic in my header) sheds? And he's a short hair. Where was this book when I had a long haired cat? O_o I have joked with my friend Patti about sending her my cat's fur to knit into mittens. When I groom the beast, I end up with a pile of cat fur about baseball size, though much less dense of course. I found the link for this book on Twitter, via Publishers Weekly. Here's a link to their article.

The blurb for the book on Goodreads says:
Got fur balls?
Are your favorite sweaters covered with cat hair? Do you love to make quirky and one-of-a-kind crafting projects? If so, then it’s time to throw away your lint roller and curl up with your kitty! Crafting with Cat Hair shows readers how to transform stray clumps of fur into soft and adorable handicrafts. From kitty tote bags and finger puppets to fluffy cat toys, picture frames, and more, these projects are cat-friendly, eco-friendly, and require no special equipment or training. You can make most of these projects in under an hour—with a little help, of course, from your feline friends!

So, who's gonna buy this for me for Christmas? You just may end up with an original Bea and Goof craft project as a thank you. :D