BEA'S BOOK NOOK "I can't imagine a man really enjoying a book and reading it only once." C. S. Lewis “If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.” ― Oscar Wilde

Showing posts with label CBLS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CBLS. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Excerpt & Giveaway: Garden of Sorrow by Dale Mayer

Garden of Sorrow by Dale Mayer ~ 

Her world is in chaos. His world is in order. She wants to help the innocent. He wants to catch the guilty. But someone is trying to make sure that neither gets what they want.

Alexis Gordon has spent the last year trying to get over the loss of her sister. Then she goes to work on a normal day...and reality as she knows it...disappears.

Detective Kevin Sutherland, armed with his own psychic abilities, recognizes her gift and calls in his friend Stefan Kronos, a psychic artist and law enforcement consultant, to help her develop her skills. But Kevin has never seen anything like this case - a killer with a personal vendetta to stop Alexis from finding out more about him...and his long dead victims.

The killer can be stopped. He must be stopped. But he's planning on surviving...even after death.

Warning: This title is intended for readers over the age of 18 as it contains adult sexual situations and/or adult language which may be considered offensive to some readers.

Genre: Mystery, Paranormal, Romance
Format: ebook, paperback
Series: Psychic Visions #4
Length: 521 Kb, 351 pages
Release date: December 3, 2012
Buying Links:  Amazon   Barnes & Noble   


About the author:

Dale Mayer is a prolific multi-published writer. She's best known for her Psychic Visions series. Besides her romantic suspense/thrillers, Dale also writes paranormal romance and crossover young adult books in several different genres.  To go with her fiction, she also writes nonfiction in many different fields with books available on resume writing, companion gardening and the US mortgage system. She has recently published her Career Essentials Series . All her books are available in print format as well.

Find Dale online:



"Ouch." A thin stream of red oozed up from her mud-covered fingers. Whatever that thing was, it had scratched her palm. She stared at the surrounding puddle. Where had it gone? There, beside her right foot. Alexis leaned over for a closer look. 

It couldn't be.

Several voices called down to her. She ignored them, and tugged the muddy piece free. Blowing away several strands of hair blocking her view, she swished the item around in the rainwater and managed to clean off most of the dirt. 

Small, white and with a distinctive shape, it resembled a bone. More like several tiny bones barely connected by stiff mud. And oh, God… It looked like…a finger

Ice settled into her spine. She held a finger. 

A tiny finger. 

A child's finger, still wearing a toy ring.

Her fingers tightened around the bones. Her insides warred to keep the precious item safe while another part of her wanted to throw it far away from her.

Then something changed. 

Dizziness and nausea fought for supremacy as her vision blurred. Disoriented, she wavered as the ditch before her suddenly lengthened and narrowed, morphing into an interior hallway.

Alexis froze, her horrified gaze locked on the changing scene.

Dear God, what was going on? Her mind raced to sort out the change. How had the dirt bank turned to gray paint? And the sewer smell smothered by heavy cooking odors? Fried chicken? 

Where was she? 

Alexis stared down the hallway. A young child, caught inside this peculiar scenario, stumbled toward her with both hands clasped over her ears. Tears streamed down her young face, and her t-shirt was inches above the dirty shorts. Bruises decorated her lower legs, and well…dirt covered the rest of her. As if she'd recently been playing in a dirt pile. Alexis tried to run to her, to hug her tight, to protect her…only to find she couldn't move. Her feet were paralyzed in place. Terror filled her heart.  

She opened her mouth to scream. No sound came out.

Run. The scream seared through her mind.

Dimly in the background, loud crashes and yelling could be heard, as if someone gave chase. Fear of retribution accentuated every step the distraught child took. The sound and tone distorted.

Alexis shuddered. Tears clogged her throat and pain choked her heart. 

"Alexis. Alex? Alex!"

Scott's alarmed voice pulled at her from outside the vision that held her transfixed. Caught between two realities, Alexis jerked toward Scott, the object dropping from her fingers.

Instantly, the hallway disappeared. 

It was if a vacuum sucked the dirt walls back into place, with a rush so powerful it forced Alexis to lean forward. Then as if caught in a giant rubber band, the force suddenly released, to throw her into reverse. She flew backwards and landed, once again, on her butt in the middle of the large puddle. 

Her gut screamed and bile tried to escape her throat. She shuddered. What the hell had just happened? She swallowed convulsively, willing her breakfast to stay down. Tremors started at her toes and rattled up her spine. 

"Alexis, damn it. Answer me!" Scott demanded.

"I – I'm fine." Was that croaking her voice? The finger... Where was it? More than a little daunted by the prospect of touching it again, she remained seated and eyed the surrounding mud. 


It rested on the muddy surface…waiting for her.

Eerie. She hated to touch it again, the last experience too horrific to repeat. She reached for it, but her fingers shook so badly she stopped. Yet, she couldn't force herself to leave it behind. Compromising, she pulled a tissue from her pocket and gingerly picked it up. 

The size bothered her. The vague image of the running child from a few moments ago slammed back. Ruthlessly, she pushed the vision out of her mind. She couldn't even begin to analyze what had happened. It had been way too weird. Alexis focused on what was important right this moment. Where there was a finger…

She studied the high expanse of dirt wall. She dimly remembered digging her fingers into the bank on her downward tumble. But how high up had that been? The ditch stood eight to ten feet deep.

"Here's the ladder, Alexis," Scott said as Mike, another coworker arrived with the ladder. Scott held the long metal structure several feet off to the side. 

"No!" she motioned. "Please, bring it over here. Where I fell in."

Scott shrugged and the two moved the ladder to the right spot. 

Alexis struggled to position it the best she could near her original flight path. Once the ladder was secured, she moved upward, one rung at a time. At each new level, she stopped and searched. The bone had to have come from somewhere. 

"Oh, for the love of God. Alexis, what are you doing?" Scott peered over the ladder at her.

Alexis didn't answer. What could she say? Three, maybe four feet from the top, a speck of white caught her eye. Reaching between the ladder rungs, she gently brushed some of the dirt away. Another bone, possibly another finger. Vomit lined her throat. She rested her forehead against the steel frame of the ladder for a long moment.

"Scott?" Her hands squeezed the ladder tight. She kept her voice low.

"Yes, beautiful. What's going on?" He crouched down for a better look, but he was at the wrong angle. 

"Are there any police close by?" She cleared her throat, tears suddenly clogging her throat. Willing him to not ask her any questions. "If not, go get one – now."

Startled, Scott stared at her for a brief moment before disappearing from sight, his heavy footsteps fading rapidly. Mike held the ladder steady. Alexis rested her head against a rung, and waited with her arm wrapped around one side of the ladder. The steel dug into her forehead as she realized something important.

This wasn't just a ditch. This was a grave.


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Giveaway & Spotlight - Toying with Temptation by Madison Martin

Today I have an excerpt and giveaway from a contemporary romance, "Toying with Temptation" by Madison Martin. Madison is also the author of Briefly Yours: An Erotic Romance Novel, Nights on Catalina, The Deep End: Erotic Stories For Women, and The Deep End 2: Wedding Night. To find out more about Madison, visit


“Trust me. I never thought we’d be in this…er, position.” Hailey Burton smoothed her hands over the skirt of her brand new Armani suit to keep her hands from shaking. Quinn Matheson could never see how nervous she was. She wouldn’t let him. It would add further humiliation to her unfortunate circumstance, and she felt humiliated enough.

Quinn, the King of Matheson Toys and the picture of confidence, silently appraised her from behind the huge oak desk in his office.

“I mean, we’ve been in every other posi—” She coughed before she finished a sentence that could get her in big trouble. Whatever “positions” she and Quinn may have found themselves in ten years ago, it was too long ago to matter now. Wasn’t it?

She stiffened her spine and felt herself growing hotter by the second. A trickle of sweat began to run down the small of her back. Why fight it? Her brand new, one-of-a kind suit, bought for a special occasion, was headed straight for the cleaners.

Why did she think this would be easy? Why did she think she’d have the upper hand? And why was Quinn sitting there staring at her, refusing to say anything?

He watched her with calculating dark brown eyes, noticing every time she fidgeted or said something stupid. It was beginning to drive her crazy.

“Are you going to say something?”

He shrugged. “It’s your meeting.”

In her eight years of experience, she’d met with and given presentations to presidents and corporate execs from companies all over the world. She always acted with cool confidence in situations that made tough men sweat, and not one minute of it ever fazed her.

What did faze her was sitting here in front of her ex, begging for tens of thousands of toys for her company’s first Christmas toy drive in five years.

Christmas was beyond the limits of her expertise. In her entire life she’d celebrated maybe one or two. Last year, she’d spent the holiday on a conference call closing a deal with a company in Hong Kong. The year before that, she’d been in New York collecting leads for a new account. Her boss knew Christmas was out of her league, but he also knew she never gave her projects less than a hundred and twenty percent, and he’d saddled her with the toy drive despite her protests.

If the promise of moving up the Tryton Financial Institute corporate ladder weren’t waiting for her at the other end of this, she’d have told her boss to forget it. But as usual, the desire for success was stronger than…well, the desire for anything else.

Stronger, even, than the will to never see the man she’d run out on ten years ago. As much as she never thought she’d have the guts to look him in the face again, that promotion was staring her down…waiting. Begging for her to come and get it.


Toying With Temptation
Author: Madison Martin
Publisher: Chances Press
ISBN: 978-0981718644
Release Date: November 1, 2011
Genre: Romance, Contemporary
Length: 188 pages, 310 KB
Format: paperback, ebook
Buying Links:  Smashwords   ARe  Barnes & Noble   Amazon

Madison is giving away 10 eBook copies of "Toying With Temptation" (1 each to 10 winners). Contest is tour-wide, open internationally, and ends Dec 17th. Must be 18 years of age or older to enter.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Guest Post by Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy

Today romance author Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy is here to talk about two key themes in her new book, "Devlin's Grace", PTSD and learning to deal with your past. Yesterday I posted an excerpt from, and a giveaway of, the book. Lee Ann is a full-time romance author. A native of the old historic city of St. Joseph, Missouri, one time home to both Jesse James and the Pony Express, she now lives and writes in the beautiful Missouri Ozark region.  Her romance novels include Love Never Fails, Witness Protection Program, Sing We Now of Christmas, A Patient Heart, In Love’s Own Time, Miss Good Samaritan, In The Shadow of War, Guy’s Angel, and Heart of the Ozarks, all from Rebel Ink Press.  She also has six other novels and several novellas available. Her work also appears in more than twenty anthologies and she has multiple short story/non-fiction credits.

She is a member of RWA, Missouri Writers Guild, EPIC, and the Ozarks Writers League. Her work also appears in multiple anthologies. She earned a BA degree in both English and History from Missouri Southern State University as well as an AA Degree in Journalism from Crowder College.  She worked in broadcast media for a decade and also has a background in education.  Her weekly column “Hindsight” appears each week in the Neosho Daily News.

She is married to Roy W. Murphy and the couple has three children, Emily, Megan, and Patrick Murphy. If Lee Ann – or Lee as many of her writing friends know her – isn’t writing, she’s reading or spending time outdoors. In Neosho, Missouri, the small town she now calls home, she serves on the local library board, is active in the annual Relay For Life fight against cancer, has worked with the local Arts Council, and is active in her parish.

Find Lee Ann online:

Goodreads -


Serving our country is a family tradition.  My dad served in the Army and so did both of his brothers as well as their father.  I have great-uncles who served in both the Army and the Navy.  Many relatives served from their arrival on American shores during the American Revolution, War of 1812, the Civil War, First World War, World War II, Vietnam and even in the Persian Gulf.  So I have every respect for members of our Armed Forces.  Even in the “old country” my ancestors served in everything from Her Majesty Queen Victoria’s Royal Navy to Frederick II’s elite Prussian Reinhard Corps.

            My latest Rebel Ink Press release, Devlin’s Grace, deals with a Marine veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom.  Devlin suffers from PTSD (post trauma stress disorder) and it’s a major part of the storyline.  I wanted to make the story as realistic as possible so I did thorough research.  And I drew not only on my own experiences as someone with a family member suffering from PTSD but from many resources as well. One of my grandfathers served in the Pacific Theater during World War II and saw some of the heaviest fighting in the Philippines.  Most of the time, he was a wonderful man and a loving grandfather but there were also times when the demons of the war haunted him.  He drank too much then and things happened – like the time he woke up from a nightmare and tried to strangle my grandmother because he thought he was back in the war and she was a Japanese soldier.  My grandmother, shortly before she died a few years ago, shared with me her belief I had the best of my grandfather.  He loved me and spoiled me.  But even so, one of our favorite games was to re-enact the Battle of Leyte on both land and sea using plastic boats in my grandmother’s deep kitchen sink.  And that’s not all. During the Vietnam war era, one of my cousins served and was back home on leave.  We were hosting a huge family picnic in his honor when a car backfired out in the street and he hit the dirt.

            Devlin’s Grace is more than just another love story.  Although it deals with the holiday season, it’s not only a Christmas tale.  It’s intended to be a realistic portrait of life between two people who learn to deal with troubled pasts and issues on a daily basis.  It celebrates the power of love and the resilience of the human spirit.

            Here’s a brief excerpt dealing with Devlin’s PTSD issues:
            Understanding dawned. “It eats you alive, doesn’t it?” Gracie asked him, voice soft and still. “The little girl plus whatever else you did, devours you.  You’re not the devil, but you’re running from him.”
            Something shone in Devlin’s eyes, ancient and heavy.  He nodded. “You got it, babe.  No one’s ever quite figured it out before now.  Oh, others who served, they know, but you’re the first civilian who understands.”
            Gracie hurt, her soul wounded by the revelation.  “You’re in a hell you made yourself,” she said, “and afraid of ending up in the real one.”
            His twisted smile shattered her heart.  “Yeah, pretty much.  Ever since I got back I’ve walked in the fiery pits, burned for my sins, and tormented myself probably more than any demon ever could.  I’ve hated every day, hated each night, and sometimes wondered why I bothered to stay alive.”
            “Devlin …”
            “There’s names for being this fucked up,” he said. “PTSD’s one of them.”
            When he broke off, Gracie opened her mouth to say something but Devlin quoted what she thought was the Bible but wasn’t, not quite.
            “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,” Devlin intoned, “I will fear no evil, for I am the meanest son of a bitch in the valley.”
             As he spoke he broke away from her, Devlin came to his feet and stood, as remote as if he were on an unknown island.  He laughed, without mirth, a bitter dry hoot reminding her of rattling bones. “I don’t remember who quoted it first but I understood it.  Later on, I adopted it as my motto.  I have to be the meanest – otherwise, I’ve no doubt the devil will claim me as his own and damn me to hell, a worse place than the one I’ve made for myself.”


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Excerpt & Giveaway: Devlin's Grace by Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy

I have another excerpt for you today, this time from "Devlin's Grace", a contemporary romance by Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy. Lee Ann is a full-time romance author. A native of the old historic city of St. Joseph, Missouri, one time home to both Jesse James and the Pony Express, she now lives and writes in the beautiful Missouri Ozark region.  Her romance novels include Love Never Fails, Witness Protection Program, Sing We Now of Christmas, A Patient Heart, In Love’s Own Time, Miss Good Samaritan, In The Shadow of War, Guy’s Angel, and Heart of the Ozarks, all from Rebel Ink Press.  She also has six other novels and several novellas available. Her work also appears in more than twenty anthologies and she has multiple short story/non-fiction credits.

She is a member of RWA, Missouri Writers Guild, EPIC, and the Ozarks Writers League. Her work also appears in multiple anthologies. She earned a BA degree in both English and History from Missouri Southern State University as well as an AA Degree in Journalism from Crowder College.  She worked in broadcast media for a decade and also has a background in education.  Her weekly column “Hindsight” appears each week in the Neosho Daily News.

She is married to Roy W. Murphy and the couple has three children, Emily, Megan, and Patrick Murphy. If Lee Ann – or Lee as many of her writing friends know her – isn’t writing, she’s reading or spending time outdoors. In Neosho, Missouri, the small town she now calls home, she serves on the local library board, is active in the annual Relay For Life fight against cancer, has worked with the local Arts Council, and is active in her parish.


Find Lee Ann online: 

Goodreads -


Excerpt (Sweet)

When he held out the cup, Gracie noticed the scarring on the underside of his left arm.  Dead white skin mottled with angry red patches and rough ridges indicated he’d suffered serious burns.  She noticed similar scars on the side of his neck and wondered how much of his body had been affected.  Everything she’d learned screamed at her to say nothing, to ignore what she saw, but Gracie followed instinct.  After accepting the cup, she put it down on the end table and touched the old burn.  Her fingers brushed against the coarse skin and marveled to find it cool.  She expected heat, but it would’ve gone long ago.  Dev started to jerk away from her, but when she touched him, he stopped.  Like a bird poised for flight, he remained still as she stroked the damaged area.

Before she could speak, he pulled his arm back and with a defiant glint in his eyes, he removed his t-shirt. “If you want to see the scars, you can see them all,” Dev said, voice harsh and hoarse. 

He revealed a torso dappled with terrible raised welts, both back and belly.  These scars were worse than the others.  Raised red ropes twined like vines over his flesh, fused and almost melted.  The agony Dev endured was beyond anything she could imagine and Gracie’s eyes brimmed with tears.  They spilled over, down her cheeks with silent hurt.  One glance at his face, set hard and as stoic as a statue intensified her empathy.  She laid her right hand on his back, his scarred flesh beneath her touch and with her left she touched the center of his chest.

Beneath her hand his heartbeat thumped, rapid but steady.  His eyes locked with hers and in them Gracie glimpsed flickers of his personal hell.   Confusion showed up, too, along with regret and maybe shame.

Whatever she did or said now would be pivotal, she sensed.  Based on her actions he’d either leave and be gone from her forever, something she didn’t want, or a new beginning would emerge, delicate and fragile.  If she took time to think, she’d be lost so Gracie mined deep into her woman’s soul.  When words came, she spoke them, her voice soft and yet as constant as the evening stars.  “Oh, Dev, it must’ve hurt so much.”

“I don’t want your pity,” he said, a snarl transforming his face into something wolfish, alien.  “Don’t feel sorry for me, babe.  I don’t need charity and I sure as hell don’t need you to tell me some dumb ass feel good bunch of shit.  So quit crying over me.  Maybe it makes you feel better, but it makes me mad.”

“It isn’t pity,” Gracie told him. “I admire you.  It takes a lot of courage to overcome hurts like this.  I hurt for you, but I don’t feel sorry for you.  I hate you had to go through such pain, but I’m crying because I care.”

His hard face softened a little. “Why?”

In this raw moment, she could give him nothing but honesty. “I don’t know, but I do.”

Then Gracie leaned forward and bent just enough to touch her lips to one of the ugliest lesions, the worst of the scars.  He shuddered as she kissed his chest and when she lifted her tear streaked face, Devlin grasped her arms.  He held her in place and kissed her back, full on the mouth, without remorse or mercy.   Gracie gasped with surprise.  His lips burned hers as if she kissed a devil fresh from the pit, but she liked it.  Her body answered his call and her arms moved to circle his neck as she gave him back the kiss.

For your enjoyment here's the book trailer: 



Author: Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy
Publisher: Rebel Ink Press
Genre: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary 
Length: 398 KB
Release Date: November 15, 2012
Buying Links:  Barnes & Noble  Amazon

Book Blurb (from the author):  
When he rides out of the fog on his motorcycle, Gracie Alloway almost mistook him for a demon rising from the smoke and steam of hell.  Except she's attracted to him from the first moment.  Devlin's everything she's not - wild and a little wicked.  But opposites attract because good girl, college student Gracie wants more of this bad boy.

Devlin dreamed up a fantasy woman back in Iraq a lot like Gracie and she evokes a side he hasn't shown anyone in years.  She also dares to enter his personal space and take liberties no other woman's dared.  Although he struggles with PTSD and other issues, Gracie won’t run and she refuses to abandon Devlin.

If she can just tame him and help him battle his demons. If he can teach her how to live a little bit more, they might just have a chance at a future together.