Thursday, March 19, 2020

Thrifty Thursday Review: Cat VS Cocker by Jody Wallace

Publisher: Meankitty Publishing
Source: author newsletter
Release Date: February 18th, 2020
Buying Links: Apple Books*  | Barnes & Noble | KoboStory Origin  Perma-FREE at these links
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission from purchases made through these links.

Blurb from goodreads:

A very good story about a very bad cat. Originally in the Cocky Cockers anthology.

Raziel has everything a cat could want – her own house, her own human, and lots of tuna and cuddles. When her soft, wonderful human is seduced by a hairy, dog-scented male, Raziel does what any smart cat would do and resists the change, unwilling to give up her human’s attention and the best spot in the bed.

Her stealthy resistance comes to an abrupt halt, however, when the humans try to introduce a dog into the household, and Raziel is forced to escalate her resistance into a literal campaign of terror. Have the humans been brainwashed by canine tail wags and fawning obedience, or can Raziel save the day?

Tropes: This romance short story features pets as matchmakers, sort of, and “the other woman”, if that is indeed a trope.

This short story is not intended for children unless you like to read cuss words to children.

The purpose of Thrifty Thursday is to read a book which is, or was, free at some point. This meme was started by Books of My Heart.

These are only Kindle freebies I get, or ones through author newsletters which anyone can sign up and get for free. I won’t include things like Kindle Unlimited or Prime Free Reading or Audible Escape. Audible has occasional free audios (to anyone) and I will include those. Since I download or 1-click many freebies every week, I decided to participate in this feature to make sure I read them.

My Thoughts:

Raziel is a bad, bad kitty. She scratches couches. She attacks dogs. She attacks humans. She pees in shoes. And she is insanely jealous of her petter's, her human's, attention. And it's making Raziel CRAZY that her petter is getting intimate with a human male. A male who smells of DOG. This is unacceptable.

AFTER THE MAN "ACCIDENTALLY" locks me in the closet just because I was staring at their contortions on the bed, I am forced to use her shoes as a litterbox, her linen suit as a scratch pad, and her hanging jewelry rack as entertainment. It is what she deserves, staying with him all this time, smelling of dog again and again.

An angry cat, a bouncy dog, and a man and a woman falling in love - it all adds up to a funny and fun romance as seen through a cat's eyes. Yes, the story is all told from the cat's perspective. Via Raziel, we hear, and see, the development of the romance and Raziel's attempts to derail it. That won't work for all readers but it worked for me, as did Raziel. That cat is a drama queen and menace, and I'm so glad I am not her petter, her human slave. :D There is an evil ex, and that was a little over the top, but in the context of the story, it worked.

Evil ex and all, "Cat VS Cocker" is a fun, fun story. Need a laugh? Don't have a lot of time to read? Love cats? This is the story for you.


  1. This sounds completely crazy but lots of fun!

  2. Thanks for sharing a Thrifty Thursday with laughs. It can't hurt in these days!

    Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. True, laughter is a good thing. I laughed a lot while reading this.

  3. OMG! I thought this sounded cute - but then the kicker... it's shared from the cat's POV. This is awesome. Kevin Hearne does some of that with his Oberon character (dog).

    1. Oberon is a hoot! I love him. Raziel is not nearly as nice, lol.


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