Sunday, August 18, 2019

Bea Reviews I'm A Gnome! by Jessica Peill-Meininghaus and illustrated by Poly Bernatene

Publisher: Crown Books for Young Readers
Source: the publisher in exchange for an honest review
Release Date: August 13th, 2019
Buying Links: Amazon* | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository*  | * affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission from purchases made through these links.

Blurb from goodreads:

Fans of Mo Willems and Dev Petty's I Don't Want to Be a Frog will love this humorous tale about one gnome's journey to prove he is unlike the other magical creatures in the forest.

Join Gnome (that's spelled G-N-O-M-E--don't ask why the G is silent!) as he travels through the magical forest to attend the annual Gnome Festival.

Along the way he encounters elves, dwarves, trolls, and fairies. But don't be mistaken. He is NOTHING like those magical creatures. Well, maybe he is . . . but only a little bit!

When Gnome finally arrives at the festival, he realizes that all the traits he thought made gnomes different from the others actually made them alike--and that's just fine.

My Thoughts:

I have always loved fairy tales and stories about fae creatures so when this appeared in my mailbox - like magic! - I eagerly read it. I didn't love it but I did like it. It just didn't quite grab me but it had appealing elements. The artwork was engaging, colorful, silly, exaggerated, and perfectly complemented the story. The story was light. It was more of an encyclopedia of fae beings. Gnome (we never find out his name) introduces us to different beings, pointing out differences and similarities, but in a simplistic fashion. Some of the explanations were overly simple and don't really distinguish well between one being and another, making them seem interchangable. It's a cute book but not a memorable one.

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