Thursday, August 22, 2019

Books From The Backlog - Aegean Intrigue by Patricia Kiyono

This is a fun new meme! Many years ago, there was another meme about neglected TBR books, known as Dusty Reads. That meme died and recently this one popped up. I'm delighted to participate and I'm linking up with Carole from Carole's Random Life of Books for Books from the Backlog. Join the fun and share a neglected book from your shelf.

This week's neglected book ~

I bought this, actually I think it was a freebie, because I liked the title, the cover, and the blurb, and I love mysteries. I was actually working for the publisher at the time as a copy editor. I didn't work on this one, however. The publisher has since shut down. At only 84 pages, I really should just read it. It wouldn't take long. ETA: I forgot to mention that I've had it since July 2012.

The Blurb ~

Someone has been stealing priceless Greek artifacts and it's Alex Leonidis' job to uncover the thief. His prime suspect is beautiful archaeological graduate student, Francie Vasileiou. His plan is to join in an archaeological dig and catch her in the act. All he has to do is keep his mind on his job, and not on the way his lovely suspect warms his heart. He's learned the hard way not to trust fragile-looking women who seem to need his help.

Francie wants to get her PhD and become an archaeologist, like her famous father. The sudden invitation to participate in a dig on the beautiful Greek island of Paros is a wonderful opportunity. She has no time for distractions like Alex, the handsome Project Director. Experience has taught her to stay clear of handsome, charismatic Greek men. 

On the shores of the Aegean Sea, Alex and Francie work together, searching for treasures from Greece's past. While pursuing their goals, they discover some of the truths they had believed to be carved in stone may have been flawed.


Have you read this? What did you think?
What book is acquiring dust on your shelf or ereader?


  1. Awesome post.Thanks for sharing.This is so nice.

  2. I really like the blurb and only 84 pages! A quick read, indeed :) I hope you can stop by:


    1. It should be a quick read. :) I'll stop by in a bit.

  3. I enjoy books involving archeology type adventures. This sounds like a fun mystery! I hope you enjoy it when you read it. Have a great day, Bea.

  4. That cover is a gorgeous one and the blurb does hook one in. Hope you can slip it into the reading schedule soon.

  5. i get on reading binges when i travel and hunt from quick short reads like this. everything about it sounds good to me
    sherry @ fundinmental

  6. I like the cover and the mystery sounds pretty good too!

  7. Sounds interesting. I have a lot of shorter books that I know I could read quickly but I still have a hard time getting to them. I do hope you enjoy this one, Bea.

    1. Funny how that happens. You'd think a shorter length would be easier to get read. :D


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