Thursday, August 15, 2019

Books from the Backlog - The Seductress by Morgan Ashbury

Woot, a fun new meme! Many years ago, there was another meme about neglected TBR books, known as Dusty Reads. That meme died and recently this one popped up. I'm delighted to participate and I'm linking up with Carole from Carole's Random Life of Books for Books from the Backlog.

This week's neglected book ~

I bought this because the author is a friend of mine. It's one of her early books. I've read many of her other books but haven't gotten around to this one yet.

The Blurb ~

Pamela Singer is rumored to have built a career out of loving and then leaving rich men, but not before she gets her hands on a good chunk of their change first. Enter Dylan Pierce, the stepbrother of one of the men in her wake. Dylan blames Pamela for his stepbrother's fall from the family's graces.  
Determined to punish her for her crimes, Dylan is deeply pleased when he realizes that Pamela is falling in love with him. The only problem: he's falling in love with her, too. 

Have you read this one?

What's been lingering on your shelf?


  1. Sounds interesting! How fun that you know the author :) I hope you can stop by and see my Book from the Backlog:


    1. I'll pop over later. It's been a while since I visted.

  2. This sounds like a fun read, Bea. I hope you enjoy the book when you get to it. I haven't read anything by Morgan Ashbury before. I'll have to give her books a try. Have a great day!

  3. i think it sounds like a fun read too. hope you get a chance to read it soon. fun to read a book written by someone you know
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. It is. I like reading books by friends and acquaintances.

  4. Sounds really good. Hope you enjoy it soon.

  5. Sexy, sexy! LOL, I have a few of those 'author is a friend' purchases. I need to get to that stack, too.

    1. Definitely should be sexy, lol. I knew Morgan before she was published so it's extra nice to read her books.

  6. Oh how fun to know the author! I haven't heard of her but it looks like a fun read.

  7. I had no idea that there was a similar meme before...I hope that nobody is upset over this one.

    I love that you are friends with this author. I hope you love this one, Bea!

    1. No, I don't think so. That meme died a peaceful death years ago.

      Thanks, I expect I'll enjoy it.


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