Sunday, October 4, 2015

Sunday Book Share #161 Back Home Again

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by Caffeinated Book ReviewerStacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; and Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe. It's a chance to share the print and digital books we've received and posts and events on the blog.

My flight to DC was uneventful. I was there Monday through Thursday, the funeral was on Wednesday. A lot of people turned up for the funeral. My stepmother's house was full and more relatives were scattered around various hotels. Mother Nature was crabby and it poured in the morning before the church service but then the rain changed to drizzle for the grave site service. It was my first military service and it was beautiful, if not quite as depicted on "NCIS". I still can't believe he's gone.

On top is my dad's brother, with the flag that was presented by the honor guard. It was given to my stepmother; my uncle is holding it while she gets in the limo to go to the Officer's Club for the reception. The next pic is my dad's casket after we all put roses on it at the end of the service.

The carriage, or caisson, that brought dad to his burial site. He's buried around the corner from my stepmother's aunt and uncle.

And finally, Old Post Chapel, where my father and stepmother were married over 30 years ago and where his funeral service was held. All pictures were taken by a cousin, K.Hayes.

The Week In Review

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog:  "manhattan romance itunes", "threesome sexy sexual excerpt", "free lung models", and "books excerpts romance bondage"

BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page


Kindle Freebies

Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last week? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week.

Thanks for visiting and happy reading! :)


  1. Looks like a beautiful service, it's nice that he was honored that way. Sorry the weather was bad but it sounds like you were around lots of family.

    Death Before Decaf looks cute. :)

  2. There is something so powerful about a military funeral. It looks like it was beautiful. Glad you are home safe and sound.

  3. I really love the pictures that you shared. I love military services. My grandfather when he passed a while ago, had one and it was just beautiful so I can only imagine what this service was for you.

  4. Old Post Chapel looks very atmospheric and I'm so glad you were able to honour your dad with such a lovely sounding service. I know it has been a while now but I'm so sorry for your loss, having the ceremony over must make it all seem so final now. *hugs*

  5. It looks like the service for your father was beautiful, Bea. It is always hard to say goodbye, but I'm thinking it also felt good to do so in those surroundings, and with so many people showing up to show your father their respect.
    I think I need Death Before Decaf', that title is just perfect.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  6. I am glad your father is finally at rest and you where able to honour and respect him in the way you wanted :) Have a great week.

    Megan @ reading away the days

  7. It looks like the funeral went well and showed him the respect he deserved.

    This month is the 4th anniversary of my own father's passing and though it still hurts, I'm more accustomed to him not being here now and the lack of his presence isn't as painful. xx

  8. It looks like the service was very nice and that you will have great memories of honoring your father's life. Peace.

  9. Military funerals are just so powerful and surreal, my grandfather had one.

    I picked up Death by Decaf a while back for review. Enjoy your new reads!!

    Week in Review

  10. Beautiful photos from the funeral, Bea. I think military funerals are very solemn and get things right especially the graveside service. I'm glad you could go. It's good for closure, I think.

    I hope you have a good week.

  11. It looks like it a beautiful setting, It sounds like it was a lovely tribute to him.

    Have a good week!

  12. It looks like it was a beautiful service. At least your dad got a lovely tribute. You got some interesting books this week.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  13. It looks like the funeral was beautiful.

    I'm on a blog tour for Death By Decaf and it looks like a good one.

    Have a great week and enjoy your books.

  14. I didn't know that his actual funeral was this week. The photos are powerfully moving-- thanks for sharing this personal day. Rain on a funeral day are the angels crying. Glad you're home safe and sound and now can move on.

  15. I've been to two Military Funerals most of my family is military. I am so sorry for your loss, Bea. <3 oxox

  16. Great photos, sorry for your loss though

  17. I love your pics though I hate the reason for them. {{{hugs}}} That Infinity Lost was one of the Kindle First books, wasn't it? I almost picked it instead of The Mentor.

  18. You are right, the service looked beautiful, and my condolences for your loss, sweetheart.

  19. Thank you for sharing the moment with us.

    I hope you have a great week, bea!

  20. I am sorry for your loss, it does look like a beautifull servive! I hope you'll have a good week!

  21. Hugs. I am glad the funeral is behind you. Such wonderful photos, I love the historical church and the horses that pulled the casket, what a nice touch. I am sure it was a beautiful and moving service. Big hugs.

  22. Looks like a beautiful service Bea! Glad to see he's finally at rest.
    Have a great week, and happy reading!

    Naomi @ Naomi’s Reading Palace

  23. Wow. Still sorry to hear about your dad. Glad the service went well for you all. Lovely of you to share pictures of the day with us. **hugs**


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