Monday, October 5, 2015

Penny Watson's Book Club Initiative

Penny Watson is an author I enjoy following on Twitter. She's opinionated, smart, and funny. It doesn't hurt that she's a local author for me and I got to meet her last year at a reader event she organized. I've also read one of her romances and have several more sitting on my Kindle. Recently, Penny announced a new initiative for readers and I thought I'd share.

Thinking about the power of word of mouth, which has certainly gotten me to read books, Penny has set up a program for book clubs interested in reading her books. She's offering swag packs for each of her books, some of which include copies of her books, and she's also available to join the discussion if you want. For more information, and to see photos of all of the swag packs, check out her site.

Check out her books on goodreads.

The swag pack for her newest book, A Taste of Heaven will include a couple of paperback books, some soap and lip balm from Be Greatful, postcards/bookmarks, and some Scottish sweet treats from her favorite local gourmet spot Wasik's Cheese Shop.


  1. That is so awesome! I'll definitely be checking out the author's goodreads page and the swag bags.

    1. I love to see authors willing to help book clubs and get involved.

  2. That's so cool! I wish I had time for a book club. I don't even have time for my Goodreads groups anymore. *sigh* But then, I have monster porn, so...:D

    1. LOL Those monsters do keep you busy. :D I wish I could find a local book club that read the books I like to read.


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