Sunday, July 26, 2015

Sunday Book Share #151

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer; Showcase Sunday hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea; Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; and Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe. All of these memes are about sharing the print and digital books received and/or posts and events on the blog.

Another 40 hour week at school but it was a good week. Messy art activities, some science experiments, fun literacy/sensory play (I love combining different domains into one activity), the kids and I were busy. :) Next week instead of being in one room all week, I'm bouncing around from room to room so I won't do as much curriculum planning or implementing. I'll plan some simple things though in case I have the opportunity to actually do some curriculum.

In other news, one of my neighbors got an adorable new puppy, two months old, and he's smaller than my foot! He's a Yorkshire Terrier/Chihuahua mix and just adorable. He's also a real sweetie, friendly and calm. I am so very tempted to commit dognapping! Goof and Claude would probably object. As would the puppy's owner. :D

The Week In Review

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog: It was a dull week for search words, everything was variations of the blog's name. Yay for people looking for me but where are all the quirky fun search terms? LOL

BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page


I work for Lilith as a virtual assistant and she gifted me her books (I already had book 1).


It's Laura Anne Gilman, need I say more?

Review Consideration, or review requests that publishers were way late in sending.

The publisher asked me quite a while ago if I'd review this, I said yes, and they only now, several weeks after it released, sent my review copy.  :( Not sure when I'll get this read or reviewed so I've moved it to the consideration pile.

I requested this back in, May? I think it was, and never heard a peep. Out of the blue, it arrived on Wednesday and it releases this Tuesday. Ummm, okay. My review calendar is booked for several months so who the heck knows when I'll get to it.

Audio Freebies

Another AudioSync freebie. :)

Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last week? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week.

Thanks for visiting and happy reading! :)


  1. I read Broken Promises last week and it only just arrived as well.

    A 40 hour working week sounds busy but I'm glad this week won't be as full-on.

    And yes... I'd stay away from dog-napping if I was you, no matter how cute... :-)

  2. It sounds like you had a busy week. Lucky you to enjoy a new puppy! I love the small dogs. Have a great week.

  3. My aunt had a Yorkie and he was a sweet dog. That sounds like an interesting mix, but yes the cats would probably not be impressed! :)

    Broken Promise looks good, although a bit late. :) Hope it's good as it sounds...

    1. The cats would probably make a snack out of him, lol.

      Broken Promise does look good, I have my fingers crossed!

  4. Even though you can't dog nap, I'm sure you can dog-sit. ;) Gorgeous, gorgeous books this week.

    Also, Little Women! <3 <3

    My STtS

    1. I was thinking of offering to dog-sit. :)

  5. Our neighbor just got a new puppy that they do not need, and my little dog is obsessed with it. It's funny. Ugh, hate when review books pop up like that. Hope you like them .... if you read them. ;)

  6. oh yahoo for Kate Meader...she is on my tbr list and I just love those sexy firefighters.

    1. She seems to be a popular author lately but then firefighters are hard to resist. :)

  7. That puppy sounds adorable, my boss has a Lhasa Apso which I thought was tiny but that sounds teensy!

    Have a good week!

    Heather | Random Redheaded Ramblings

    1. This puppy is amazingly tiny. I'm curious as to just how big he'll get.

      Thanks for visiting!

  8. Puppy sounds cute. Great book haul! Hope you enjoy your books and the rest of your week.

    Diane @ Diane's Book Blog

  9. Awesome looking books this week. The Puppy sounds cute. I hope you enjoy all your new books. A Murder of Mages looks really good as well.

    Grace @ Books of Love

    1. Thanks Grace. I have high hopes for A Murder of Mages.

      Have a good week!

  10. Oh I love little puppies like that. I would have been tempted to puppynap too.

    Melting Point has a nice cover that makes me willing to burn my house down if he showed up. :)

    Have a great week Bea! Happy Reading!

    1. Yes, Melting Point does make it tempting to start a fire. :P

      If I puppynap the little darling, can I hide out with you? :D

      Happy reading and have a good week!

  11. I have wanted to steal a dog or two in my day. My cats would turn me i though!

  12. I haven't yet read Linwood Barclay, but Broken Promise has shown up on several blogs this week, so I am definitely intrigued.

    I got a copy of Little Women a few weeks ago, to add to my "reread" stack.

    Enjoy your week, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. The reviews I've read for Broken Promise have been good so I'm excited for it, just annoyed that it took so long.

      Have a good week!

  13. Sounds like a fun week! What a great variety of activities. I'm sure the kids had a fantastic time. The puppy sounds beyond adorable and that's awesome that it's so calm. Both of those breeds can be a bit high strung but they can also be really sweet. I'd have been tempted to dognap too!

    1. He is amazingly calm and good-natured, just such a sweetheart. <3

      It was a fun week, for the kids and for me. :)

  14. These books are all new to me, which I love :)
    I hope you have a wonderful week! Happy reading :)

    Here's my weekly wrap up

    Michelle @ Book Briefs

    1. I like seeing new to me books also when I visit blogs. :)

  15. How do you work AND V.A.?!?!?! Throw in reading and I'd be a nervous wreck :( You're awesome!!!

    Yeah, late books suck! I like getting my books digitally - no muss, no fuss and I don't have to worry about what to do with the ARC afterwards.

    Have a fantastic week next week!!!

    1. Some weeks I am a nervous wreck. :D And both of those review books were digital; still didn't help. But yes, at least there's no disposal problem when we're done with them. :)

  16. Awesome haul. Broken Promise sounds incredible. I hope you enjoy your books!
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  17. Some great books on your list! Enjoy!

    Have a great week!

  18. Argh. Why didn't I snag Little Women. It is one of my all time favs from childhood. Sounds like you are staying busy busy!

    1. Did you check and see if it was still available?

  19. Oh that puppy sounds You got a lot of great books this week. I got Broken Promise too! I also picked up A Murder of Mages a few weeks ago too! :)

  20. I love the covers to the Scorpio Saga! Enjoy!
    And new puppies are always fun! Have a great week.

    Naomi @ Naomi’s Reading Palace

  21. Puppies are so cute but so much like kids to me. Fun to play with but I wanna give them back to their people at the end of a couple hours. lol

    1. One of the perks of the teaching job - at the end of the day, they go back to their parents. :D The puppy is cute and sweet and I get to play with him and then hand him back. Still, he's tempting. :P

  22. Oh my! Look at those books! They are beautiful. And watch out for that little puppy, you don't want to step on him. lol. He sounds so cute.

    1. LOL I really do have to watch where I put my feet when he's outside. :D

  23. I'm glad you had a good week at school - it's always encouraging when work is going well! The puppy sounds adorable; I don't blame you for wanting to kidnap him (but I know you wouldn't.)

    I've had the same problem with books coming in late. Right now I have four requests at NetGalley that have been pending since April, May, and June, and I'm worried that they'll come in on top of the stuff that already has.

    Have a wonderful week, and enjoy those new books! The Gilman looks intriguing.

    1. A request pending since April? Gah, I hate that. Why do pubs do that? Don't they realize they lose bloggers when they do that or that the reviews will be very delayed?

      I'm not going to kidnap the puppy but darn, it's tempting. :D

      Have a great week!

    2. And three of the five requests DID come in. Sigh. I'm delighted to read them, but no guarantees I can get to them before the publication date.

    3. Oys, that's so frustrating. Eh, do the best you can and try not to stress about it.

  24. Yummy haul, Bea! Both the Scorpio titles and Melting Point look great. Have fun with your new arrivals! I hope you'll find the time to prepare a little bit of curriculum this week, too.
    Have a fantastic week and happy reading.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  25. If you lived further away puppynapping might be a possibility. But I think the neighbor would get suspicious of any sudden yipping and yapping coming from your place. Best to avoid that and just offer to pupsit occasionally. lol How's the car shopping coming? I hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. Yeah, I'm on the third floor and they're first.; they'd undoubtedly see him when I took him outside. :D

      As for the car, I found one that's a possibility; I just need to have my mechanic look it over.

  26. melting Point sounds like a great pick. Hope you enjoy your books and this week!

  27. Always good to have people finding your blog and have them actually looking for it! Much better than randomers who just jump off straight away! :)

  28. Liliths books have lovely covers :) I hope you enjoy them and your other new books too :D


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!