Monday, July 27, 2015

Bea Reviews SEAL Wolf Hunting by Terry Spear

Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca
Series: Heart of the Wolf #16
Source: the publisher in exchange for an honest review
Release Date: July 7, 2015
Challenges: NetGalley and Edelweiss Reading Challenge | What An Animal
Buying Links: Amazon* | Book Depository* | ARe*  | iTunes* | Barnes & Noble
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission from purchases made through these links.

Blurb from goodreads:

Paul Cunningham is one of the only bachelors left on the SEAL wolf team, and he's less than thrilled to hear he's been volunteered for a local charity bachelor auction.

Lori Greypaw suspected that her grandmother would use the auction as an opportunity to fix her up. So she's not surprised when she "buys" Paul to help Lori renovate her mountain cabin for a week. Lori's had a crush on the sexy SEAL wolf for years, but he proves to be handy with more than a hammer when two fugitives come knocking and he'll do anything to protect the woman he's falling for

*This review first appeared at Romance at Random*

Bea's Thoughts:

Humor, a sweet and sexy romance, SEALs (okay, former SEALs but close enough), and a refreshing lack of angst, “SEAL Wolf Hunting” was a good intro to Spear’s world. Yes, this was my first story by Spear though I do have another one of hers on my Kindle, somewhere in the TBR Pile of Doom. The writing was less sophisticated than I expected for an author with as many books in print as she has; her style was casual, easy, and light, perfect for a quick read.

Paul and Allan are home from a mission that went wrong and are a bit…jumpy. A misinterpreted phone call (and I could totally see where they were coming from and why they reacted as they did) results in a scene both funny and sweet. The scenes between Paul, Allan, and the females of the local pack, which is actually all female, clearly showed the affection and the bonds among the different characters. It was also the beginning of my confusion. It may have been because I jumped in at book sixteen and the resulting lack of series background but pack dynamics and how alphas are chosen or rise up was confusing. This despite a LOT of info dumping and repetition. A lot.

But despite my confusion, the heavy info dumping, and some predictable events, “SEAL Wolf Hunting” was a fun read. There was a mild mystery, several romances, lots of pack time (something I always want in a werewolf book), and some action, all mixed with strong likable characters who balanced their wolf lives and their human lives. Although I am still confused by many of the pack traditions and customs, I enjoyed seeing the changes the pack went through. I loved the idea of this pack and I want to see more, see how they fare.

Paul underwent an emotional change during the book, and not just romantically. He was at a point in his life where he was looking for change and he got more, much more, than he anticipated. He slowly comes to realize that the pack has a place, and a need for him, if he can just step up and accept the responsibility. Seeing his gradual realizations and change in attitude was rewarding. In addition to handling the pack’s problems, he and Lori are finally dealing head-on with the long simmering attraction between them. They get some assistance, not in the slightest bit subtle, from Loris’s grandmother who pushes them together. They knew they were being pushed together but since they were attracted to each other, it wasn’t a hardship. Both Lori and Paul were strong, interesting, flirty, and fun. They teased each other, respected each other, and knew what made the other one tick. They were a good pair and worked well to keep their pack safe and strong.

“SEAL Wolf Hunting” didn’t blow me away, but I did enjoy it and I want to know more about this world Spear has created. Paul and Lori weren’t a burning hot couple but their attraction was strong and I loved seeing them together, flirting and figuring out if this love they feel might be long-lasting. Go along for the ride and see for yourself.


  1. I really love this author. But I have been reading her since her first books in the series came out. I love how easy it is to get into her books and I love this whole series. I would actually recommend reading the earlier books of the SEAL wolfs so you can understand the pack dynamics. But like you I enjoyed the bonds between the pack members.

    1. I took a chance, jumping in so late in the series. It really would have been better to have read earlier books.

  2. I'm not a huge fan of werewolves so I don't think the series is for me but I love the concept of combining SEALS and wolves. There's so many personality traits in common - Alpha male, superior strength, the whole pack system - that I can see it really working.

    1. It is a good concept and in this book, the author really pulled it off.

  3. I read two of her earlier books - not this series but possibly related. One I really liked, the other less so. She does do a good job with pack dynamics. I'm not a huge werewolf fan in general but I can see myself reading a few more of her books. Sounds like I'd better not start with this one, though!

    1. No, I don't recommend starting with this one. I liked it enough that I'll read another by her.

  4. Coming in late to a series can be hard. Glad to see that even though you had a little trouble sorting through some of it, it was still a good read. Nice that Paul and Lori were a good couple too.

    Naomi @ Naomi’s Reading Palace

    1. When I requested it, I didn't realize how late in the series it was. Ooops. Lori and Paul did make a good couple.


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