Monday, April 13, 2015

Giveaway, Review & Quote-Tastic: Homefront by Jessica Scott

Publisher: Jessica Scott
Series: Homefront #1
Format Read: Kindle book
Source: the author in exchange for an honest review
Release Date: April 7, 2015
Buying Links: Amazon* | Book Depository* | iTunes | Barnes & Noble | selz  Kobo | GooglePlay
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission from purchases made through these links.

Blurb from goodreads:

He's always loved her...

First Sergeant Gale Sorren waited a war and half a lifetime for a chance to get stationed near the ex-wife who left him years ago. When he finally musters the courage to see her, the life he imagined she was living was nothing close to the reality.

She's never stopped loving him...

Melanie never stopped worrying about Gale each time he headed off to war. But he's never been there when she needed him and she's had fifteen years to steel her heart against him.

But when Gale moves to Fort Hood, he finally has a chance to make things right with Melanie and the daughter she raised without him.
Can Mel trust her heart to a man who has always let her down?

Bea's Thoughts:

Well, I think Hell froze over.

Every book or story I've read by Scott has had several results: She rips out my heart and stomps on it, and I cry, usually ugly tears.

Not this one. Oh, it has sad moments and it deals with serious matters, as her stories always do, but it's quieter and subtler with a stronger focus on the romance. I tend not to like second chance romances as they so rarely work out in real life. But, oh, this one. This one had me rooting for both Gale and Mel. They married young, broke up at the first bump in the marital road, and have had little contact over the years despite having a daughter together. Gale has finally come back into their lives and Mel has doubts about it.

Gale is a career Army man who let his career take priority over his family. He also has an anger problem and it's interesting watching him deal with it and keep it under control. He's also self-aware and knows his strengths and weaknesses. Although he still loves Mel, his primary goal right now is to reconnect with their daughter Jamie and be part of her life. He and Jamie get off to a good start while he and Mel have trouble, both still remembering the pains of the past. But they both try and wonder of wonders, they talk to each other! They're responsible, mature adults who don't run away at the first hint of trouble, unlike when they were younger. For instance, Mel has moments of jealousy at how well Gale and Jamie hit it off and how well she listens to her father but she recognizes it and doesn't take it out on Gale. They sit down and work their problems out, and along the way their love is rekindled.

Mel has been a single parents for most of Jamie's life and the low point came when Jamie began cutting herself. Gale was away at war and unable to come home, something Mel is still bitter about. They both blame the Army. She has qualms about letting Gale back into their lives but knows that it will be good for Jamie and she's willing to give him a chance. She's tired of being strong, wary of Gale, scared that Jamie will start cutting again but she's funny, snarky, kind, and someone I'd like to hang out with.

Mel and Gale dance back and forth, feeling each other out, re-learning each other and learning how to parent together, and dealing with the obstacles life gives them, both singly and together. Their story is sweet and Scott's portrayal of relationships, of all sorts, is both touching and realistic. Whether it's a romantic relationship, a friendship, or a working relationship, Scott hits all the nuances and sucks you in. The entire story lures you in, grabbing you and never letting go until you look up and you're halfway through the story with no idea where the time has gone.

I really liked the stronger focus on romance in this story. Her Coming Home series is romance too but with more emphasis on the challenges of war and military life. We still have that in this story but with more emphasis on the romance. I was rooting for the two of them as well as rooting for Jamie and Gale. I smiled, laughed, even sniffled. "Homefront" is a sweet yet powerful story of love, making mistakes, and second chances. I loved every minute of it, even though I didn't cry. :D

Join us every Monday and share a favorite quote that's grabbed you for one reason or another. Everyone's welcome to join in - authors, bloggers, readers. The more the merrier! Just grab the button and put up your post :) Don't have a blog? No worries, just leave your favorites in the comment section.  Quote-tastic is hosted by Herding Cats & Burning Soup.

As always, I had a hard time choosing just one. The first one, Mel and Gale are talking after finding condoms in their teenage daughter's bedroom.

"S**t." He rubbed the back of his neck, not taking his eyes off the condoms. "Are we supposed to be glad that she has condoms and she's being safe?"
Mel flushed and turned away, opening the fridge and pulling out two hard ciders. "I'd offer you a beer but I don't have any."
"I have to go back to work but this warrants alcohol," Gale accepted. "I am not ready for our little girl to be thinking about penises."
Mel choked on the sip of cider she'd been taking. "That's so wrong. I don't even want to say the word 'penis' in the same sentence as our daughter."

 In this scene, Mel and Gale are making out.

His fingers shook as he tugged her blouse closed and started redoing the tiny pearl buttons. "I don't suppose you'll let me sneak into your bedroom window tonight?" he asked against her mouth. 
She smiled. "That is a very tempting offer." She curled her arms around his neck.
"Does that mean you're considering it?"
"That would be a terrible example for our daughter." She offered a mock frown. "Whom you are supposed to be talking to about sex."
"I'm not actually interested in setting a good example at the moment," he murmured, his voice thick and edgy. Gale rocked against her. "But thank you. Mentioning our daughter and sex effectively killed my erection." But he was smiling when he said it. It felt so good to laugh for a change. 

This one just made me laugh. I can relate as I've been told many times that I'm too sarcastic.

"Sarcasm is my sacred totem animal. I swear I wouldn't survive without it."

Yesterday was my birthday and Jessica Scott is one of my favorite authors so I'm giving away one digital copy of "Homefront" and also of "All I Want for Christmas is You", a novella by Scott that came out last fall. You can choose from a Kindle copy or a Nook copy. No purchase necessary. Please read my Giveaway Policy. VOID where prohibited. Giveaway ends Monday April 20th at 11:59PM EST.

To enter, answer this question: What was the last book, any genre, that made you cry? Why? What about it made you cry? Share the title and author and maybe we can all find more books to read. Like we really need more. :P The winning comment will be chosen by


  1. I really love it when there is more focus on the romance. And I adore the quotes you shared. Lovely definitely have me itching to buy this one soon.

    1. I agree! Romance is great, but there has to be more to it than just the formulaic relationship that we all know is going to end with them getting together. haha

  2. This was such a great post, and I was definitely drawn in with the synopsis of this story. This was a lovely review, and I'm definitely going to have to purchase this one.

  3. Inherent Vice by Thomas Pynchon

    A hilarious detective story with unforgettable characters captures every moment and detail without fault and leave you eagerly guessing about the next chapter in the characters’ lives.

  4. I cannot remember the title but a cherished pet died and I cried along with the main characters.
    debby236 at gmail dot com

  5. I do need to get back to her books one day. Glad you enjoyed it even if no ugly crying. lol

  6. I think the last book that really made me cry was Rilla of Ingleside by L.M. Montgomery and I seriously wept through it. I don't know why it made such an impact on me since I had read it before and cried but not nearly as much. I guess age changes perspective. I have a Jessica Scott book that I haven't read yet from last year. I'm looking forward to it but feel like I need to be emotionally prepared! katherine.e.pitts(at)gmail(dot)com
    And hope your birthday was fantastic!

    1. Congrats, you're the winner! Lucky #7 :) I'll send you an email.

  7. To answer your question - Things We Know by Heart by Jessi Kirby. My eyes were on automatic drip.

    This sounds good. I like a second chance romance. I know a couple successful ones in real life. Well, one ended up divorcing again. Ooops. Love the quotes.

  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Here's wishing you many, many more!!! I don't cry over movies and books. I dunno why, just not wired that way. Ummm... I have to say that all of Sarina Bowen's books give might good feels :) Thanks for such a great post and giveaway!

  9. Happy birthday! The last book I read that made me cry was The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger because of the love Henry DeTamble had for Clare Abshire and the love she had for him.

  10. Haha, love that hell froze over comment and gif! And I love how it made you root for the characters.
    Happy birthday! The last book that made me cry is The Secrets We Share by Emma Hannigan. It was just a lovely family saga and I got sucked into every emotion whilst reading it.

  11. Happy birthday! the notebook for the ending

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com


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