Tuesday, April 14, 2015

DUAL REVIEW, INTERVIEW & GIVEAWAY: Spell Weaver by Angela Addams


Publisher: Samhain
Series: Order of the Wolf #4
Format Read: eGalley
Source: from the publisher in exchange for an honest review
Release Date: April 7, 2015
Buying Links: Amazon* | ARe* | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Samhain
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission from purchases made through these links.

Blurb from goodreads:

Coloring outside the lines can sting like hell…

Shot by a Huntress, his wolf trapped within him, Dyami Storm is battling a poison that is eating him alive. His only hope is finding his mate, but without his wolf to guide him, he doesn’t know where to look.

The second the sexy bad boy stumbles into her tattoo shop, smelling of booze and oozing attitude, Summer Sinclair knows he’s trouble. She should turn him away, but a strange magnetic pull compels her to help him out with a little ink.

When Summer’s boyfriend walks through the door, Dyami senses he’s in the presence of a Hunter, and the Hunter recognizes him as a wolf. With hackles raised, a weapon coming at him, Dyami’s only choice snaps into place. Bite Summer, marking her as his—and unleashing her powers as a Spell Weaver.

On the run from Hunters and losing his fight against the poison, Dyami is in a race against time to convince Summer her power could change the course of the war…and that his fate is in her hands.

Warning: Sexually explicit. Tattooed, rock star drummer with a tender heart seeking his one true mate. Tough little tattoo artist with a special talent for spells. Lots of hot and heavy, wet and sweaty.

Bea's Thoughts:

"Spell Weaver" is another hot installment in Addams' "Order of the Wolf" series. Dyami is a sweetie despite his rocker status and bad boy looks. He's also a werewolf, one who's slowly dying,one whose wolf has hidden and now Dyami is stuck in human form. Aubrey, whom we met in book two, "Wolf Slayer" has been trying to help him, with no luck. Then Dyami walks into a tattoo parlor and WHAM! He meets his Huntress, his mate. Too bad she's clueless. :D Summer knows nothing about werewolves or the supernatural but she learns rapidly. Her Hunter mate is a jerk and his logic is faulty to say the least; his behavior actually pushes her away from him and towards Dyami. :P

"Spell Weaver" fleshes out the world some more, clarifying some questions I had and gives us two wonderful characters. Summer has a lot to learn and she was a little slow at times to catch on but once she does, she really shines. She adapts quickly and doesn't hesitate to jump in. She may look like a pixie but she's strong, smart, and funny. She and Dyami click right away. She knows who he is, if not what, but isn't overwhelmed by or caught up in the glamor of his work. He respects her tattooing talent, encourages her magical abilities, and doesn't push her too hard, giving her a choice about whether or not to jump in and join him or become a Huntress.

"Spell Weaver" is sexy, hot, sweet, fun, and I enjoyed it quite a lot. It's a strong addition to the series and I'm looking forward to the next one.

Jax's Thoughts:

Hot, badass rocker werewolves. Yep, this series is all about the fun. :D I enjoy watching each guy fall hard for his soul mate. Dyami's connection has the added bonus of being his saving grace. Summer's intuition and innate ability to use mysterious (to her) symbols give her an advantage against the Hunters that are chasing them, and the strength to help Dy fight against the metaphysical infection that has plagued him for a few books now. What I love about Dy is that he never pushes Summer to choose him over the Hunter she was dating. Regardless of what she means for his chances at survival, he lets her come to her own conclusions, giving her the truth as gently as possible in a crazy situation. 

"Spell Weaver" is a great next step into the series. Each book leads us a little further into the world and mythology, and makes me want to wander a little deeper. *grins* If I'm lucky I may find my own werewolf.

About Angela ~

Every day is Halloween for author Angela Addams. Enthralled by the paranormal at an early age, Angela spends most of her time thinking up new story ideas that involve supernatural creatures in everyday situations. She believes that the written word is an amazing tool for crafting the most erotic of scenarios.

She is an avid tattoo collector, a total book hoarder and loves anything covered in chocolate…except for bugs.

She lives in Ontario, Canada in an old, creaky house, with her husband and children.

Find Angela Online:

Website: www.angelaaddams.com
Twitter: @angelaaddams
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/angelaaddams/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Author.Angela.Addams
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4801196.Angela_Addams

Jax: When you need a quick smile, what's your favorite silly kitten video?

Angela: Oh no, now you’ve done it!! Cat videos are my kryptonite! They are so distracting! I share too many of them on FB. I make my coworkers watch them with me. I snicker and giggle to myself when I watch them and overall come off as a crazy cat lady for sure. I’m unapologetic though because cats are the best.

*Cracks knuckles*

When I’m feeling sad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35T8wtmTbVg

Weird cats: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fj73JF_bhjc

Sleeping cats: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwji6HiXWCs

Cats in boxes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rDCdqeTD0o

Jedi Cats: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6erUBMtV2g

This could go on for days.

Jax: You have quite the collection of tattoos. Do you think them out months in advance, or do you like to be more spur or the moment?

Angela: A little from column A, a little from column B. Sometimes I find an image on Pinterest and pin it and it sits there for months, sometimes I find something and must have it done immediately. Basically when I decide it’s time to get more ink, I go back to my collection of tattoo ideas and see what’s really resonating with me. Sometimes my artist emails me with something she’s drawn up and asks me if I want it done. Sometimes she puts a call out for ideas or is in the mood for a certain kind of art and we work together to find just the right image. I know right now what parts of my body require more ink so it’s only a matter of time before I fill them up with something.
Jax: Do you find pics of models or actors to help visualize your heroes? Do you have any sneak peeks for future male leads?

Angela: I absolutely do this for all of my stories! I find images before I set out a description in my outline/character profile. I know that a lot of readers really liked Lance from Wolves’ Bane so I’ll share the picture I used to build his character.


Angela is giving away a signed copy of Wolves’ Bane, limited edition Order of the Wolf keychain and a signed Cursed bookmark! Giveaway is only open to Canadian and U.S. addresses.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Sounds like an exciting and fun read. Great review!

  2. This sounds really great. I haven't heard of this author before, so this sounds like a story I would love a chance to read this series, so I want to go grab the first book.

    1. You don't need to have read any of the earlier stories, this works well as a stand alone. But, it's a good series so it's definitely worth reading.

    2. I hope you enjoy it! Cursed is the first book in the series! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. So, a good book matches the gorgeous cover, that's good to know ;) That book is already on my to-read list, great post - and great links !

    1. I do like that cover. :) And yes, there's a good story too. Glad you liked the post!

    2. I'm a fan of the cover too ;-) Thanks for popping in!

  4. Sounds like a fun series..just worried that it sounds like there might be a bit of a love triangle?

    1. Maybe for about 5 minutes. She's quick to dump the boyfriend but he doesn't want to accept that. It's not a big part of the story.

    2. lol quick to dump him for sure ;-)
      Thanks for coming by!

  5. I'm glad both of you enjoyed this so much! It's fun to see two reviewers' thoughts on a book in one place. Enjoyed the interview too!

    1. We enjoy doing dual and group reviews and we hope that our readers like them. Glad you enjoyed the post!

    2. I enjoyed this format too! ;-)
      Thanks for commenting!

  6. I haven't seen this series before but the idea of sexy hot werewolf rockers has me intrigued. I cant' even start watching videos on Youtube or I will waste my day away :)

    1. I hear you on YouTube! :D Werewolf rockers are pretty sexy, give the series a try.

    2. I know what you mean about Youtube! Thanks for popping by!

  7. You are just bound and determined to get me to read more paranormals aren't you! This does sound like a lot of fun! Now I must resist temptation to not spend the rest of the afternoon watching cat videos.

    1. Mwahahaha! I'll convert you yet. :P

    2. Are you a cat addict too? lol Thanks for coming by!


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