Sunday, March 8, 2015

Sunday Book Share #131

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer; Showcase Sunday hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea; Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; and Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe. All of these memes are about sharing the print and digital books received and/or posts and events on the blog.

Whew, I had a busy week last week. I put in over 40 hours at my teaching job plus I worked at my part-time job and my freelancing. I fell asleep on the couch three nights in a row. I absolutely sucked at visiting blogs last week, hopefully this week I can do better. This week I'm only scheduled for 17 hours at school but that's subject to change. And last night's time change has me needing lots of coffee today. BUT, it's in the high 30s outside and the snow is melting! Melt snow, melt!

die winter funny dead snowman

The Week In Review

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog: A bunch of new ones last week - "sunset embrace sandra brown", "a usual question that comes up when you're talking about zombies is their abilities/ powers. i've researched this question a little bit and have my own ideas of what ..." erm, what? Also, "Anne Bishop others elders", caffeine cats", and "rick lafleur paka"

BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page


I won this at the last COYER Twitter party. It looks like a fun story.



Review Consideration

Kindle Freebies

Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last week? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week.

Thanks for visiting and happy reading! :)


  1. Marine for Hire was fun. We are expecting 70's later this week..I may just squee! Wow, you worked a lot of hours. Hopefully this week is a lot calmer for you :)

    1. 70s, I think i hate you. Soon, soon it will be my turn.

  2. Darkling looks good...will have to check that one out. We haven't had much snow here, but I am still ready for spring to come.

    1. Just about everyone I know or talk to is ready for spring. It's been a loooong winter.

  3. Caffeine cats ? Give cats caffeine and they'll destroy the world !! You're gonna love Marine for hire, Tawna Fenske write such fun sexy stories, I'm a big fan of hers ! I'm with you on the "die, winter" part, I'm tired of defrosting my car every morning. Have a better week, Bea, take care :)

    1. A caffeinated cat would be pretty scary. :D I hope you have a god week too!

  4. Oh man hope yours melts soon! I was so happy to see the last of our snow go even if it did get colder after that happened. So ready for Spring.

  5. I hope you get some rest after your busy week. Yay for melting snow bring on spring.

    My Sunday Post

  6. Gosh you work hard. It got up to the forties here on Wednesday right after a three inch storm. I hit the driveway with the snow blower and shovel to try to get to the blacktop in a few spots. That helps it melt even more.
    Spring HAS to come. Thank goodness the earth tilts.

    1. Yes, spring HAS to come. I just wish it would hurry up!

      Last week was atypical, as my tired body pointed out. It's been a few years since I worked a schedule that long and I'm out of the habit. Ah well, once in a while won't kill me.

  7. I'm curious about The Cake House...I see Kimba has it in her haul this week too.

    My recap:

    1. It looks interesting, I'm just not sure when I'll get to it.

  8. You got the Book Scavenger! I'm so excited about that one. Sounds like you've had a crazy week. You've got to feel pulled in all directions. Hopefully this week will be a little more relaxing! I'm so with you on the die winter die! It looks like we're going to have warmer temps this week and I'm so excited! It's going to be raining the entire week but it will be warm! Have a great week and enjoy your new books!

    1. After seeing it around, I couldn't resist. :D This week should be more relaxing, which is good because last week put me behind on my freelancing. Here's hoping for warmer temps!

  9. Awesome stack of books this week BEA. Yes, Winter must die. I'm sick of cold weather and snow, then more snow. You got so many things going on. You got some amazing books. So enjoy them.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  10. Very busy week for you! I hope this week is a little lighter for you.
    Warm weather would be nice, its going to be in the 40's here and I feel like I should be wearing shorts because I can't remember the last time it was 40 here :)

    Enjoy all your new reads! I wouldn't worry about not visiting as much, most bloggers know how real life can be sometimes it just gets in the way. I have good weeks and bad weeks when it comes to blog visit but I really can't help it. That's why I love Sundays when I can sit and visit everyone I might have missed during the week :)

    Have a great week, Bea! Happy Reading!!!

    1. Thanks Michelle. I always feel bad when I don't get around to blogs and I do try to remind myself that life happens and most bloggers understand that.

  11. Work is good even if it's tiresome. Funny snowman pic, poor Olaf!! My searches are pretty tame, you have a few... Interesting ones :P.

    Have a great week & keep on reading!

    1. Yes, work is good. It keeps the cats and I fed and housed. :) I do get some weird searches some weeks. :D

  12. Great books - and I love the murdered snowman! I'm looking forward to warmer temps this week (and having Robin home - yay!) Sounds like your week was crazy-busy; I hope this one gives you a little more breathing room! Enjoy your new books! I'm looking forward to reading Book Scavenger - it looks like fun.

    1. After seeing Book Scavenger around I couldn't resist. This week should be easier for me. I hope you enjoy your week with Robin!

  13. I like the look of The Cake House....and I don't have a 40-hr. a week job anymore, just my freelance work, but for some reason, Friday and Saturday found me conking out on the couch. Lots of mini-naps.

    Enjoy your week...and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

    1. Mini-naps are good but better when they're planned. Hopefully we'll be less tired this week.

  14. Book scavenger looks great doesn't it? I normally have my kids read the middle grade novels and review them for me, but I may well grab that one first. :)

    Here's to a better weather week. xx

    1. :D :D I don't read a lot of MG but this one is appealing.

  15. Cake House sounds like it will be a good one. Have a great week!

  16. No new buys this week for me...I'm waiting on a new release which comes out next week I believe :) The snow has the go...I'm so done with it, lols.

    Great haul Bea! have a great week :)

  17. I hope this coming week is a little calmer for you, Bea. Also, that snowman meme is an oldie but a goodie. I love that one!

    Oh yeah - that zombie search phrase made my head hurt LOL! Have a fantastic week :)

  18. Great haul! I've not heard of these before but I hope that you really enjoy them. I adore your blog design! (:
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  19. Wow, did you have any time to sleep besides what you got on the You was busy! Great haul! I picked up way to many books this week..hehehe. ;)

    Week in Review

  20. Hahaha, poor snow man. lol. But yes, I'm ready for it to be over too. Hope you enjoy all your new reads!

  21. I hope for your sake that Winter is on its way out. We have been so lucky here in the Northwest. Mild winter and spring is already here. Hoe you have a stressfree week.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!