Monday, February 9, 2015

Review & Giveaway of Taking Chances by Rita Webb & T.J. Webb

Publisher: Robot Playground Inc.
Series: Paranormal Investigations #2
Format Read: Kindle book
Source: from tour company in exchange for an honest review
Release Date: January 2, 2015
Buying Links: Taking Chances -  Amazon*  | Book #1.5 Breaking Angelina Amazon*   | Book #1 Playing Hooky Amazon*  
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission from purchases made through these links.

The entire series will be free from Feb 9th to the 13th

Blurb from goodreads:

How far would you go to save a friend?

People are going missing in Kodiak, Alaska.

The evidence: bloody bear prints larger than any bear Jason or Emma have ever seen and black ooze that can eat the flesh from bones.

Bears don't wander into busy shopping districts, turn off security alarms, and break into stores. When Emma’s friend goes missing, Jason and Emma realize the cops aren't up to handling the situation.

Something’s wrong in the paranormal world. Can Jason and Emma fix things before someone else gets hurt?

Bea's Thoughts:

I loved the first book, "Playing Hooky", but somehow missed the next one, a novella, "Breaking Angelina". When the opportunity came up to be part of the tour for the third book, "Taking Chances" I jumped at it and got my hands on both it and "Breaking Angelina". I was in for a surprise! "Taking Chances" and Breaking Angelina" are both darker than "Playing Hooky" was. It took me a bit to adjust me expectations but once I did, I found myself caught up in the story.

"Taking Chances" starts several months after the end of "Playing Hooky". Emma is back home at her parents' house. Her sister Angelina is still missing (that happened in "Breaking Angelina") and their mother is not coping well. Adding to her father's stress is the fact that a dozen young girls, mostly teens, have gone missing. He's the Chief of Police so it's up to him and his police force to find them. What they don't know is that magical beings are responsible; humans in this world are mostly unaware of the supernatural world.

A portal to another dimension where the supernaturals come from has opened up and our human world is in danger. Emma and her friend Jason get involved due to their worry about the missing girls and damage done to Jason's shop by an unknown supernatural. Jason is not an ordinary human though he's only recently discovered what exactly he is. He has a lot to learn about who and what he is and he has to learn in a hurry. He's known for years that he's not normal so at least that's not news to him.

"Taking Chances" alternates between Jason's point of view and Emma's. Best friends for years, Emma is just starting to see Jason as a man while Jason has see her as a woman for some time now. That's one of several events to which the title refers; additionally, both Emma and Jason have to take a chance on some of the supernaturals they encounter; Emma's father has to take a chance on trusting Jason, whose involvement in events make him suspicious; and many of the other supernaturals we meet have to take a chance on Jason and Emma. Jason is part of a powerful and dangerous race while Emma is a human just learning about the supernaturals.

Dark, sexy, and action packed, "Taking Chances" up the stakes in this series and kept me reading, needing to know what would happen. I do strongly suggest reading "Breaking Angelina" before picking up this one.

My review of Book 1, Playing Hooky
My review of Book 1.5, Breaking Angelina


About the authors ~

Our adventure started with a camping trip and a bottle of whiskey. Apparently Rita is a scary monster, and TJ needed liquid courage to give her that first kiss.

When not fighting over who gets to read our favorite books first, we’re swapping kisses, plot ideas, and movie quotes in the kitchen.

Together, we home-school our three girls, who keep us busy with art, science projects, books to read, dance classes, and walks about the park.

Come play a little hooky with us by getting our first book for free on our website: 

Find Rita & T.J. Online:
There are 2 giveaways, one for the blog and one that's tour-wide. See information below.

Tour-wide giveaway:

Sorry, US and Canada only. The authors are giving away a  Dragon Earcuff. No purchase necessary. Must be 18 to enter. VOID where prohibited. Please read my giveaway policy.

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

Blog giveaway:

Thanks to the authors, I have one signed copy of "Taking Chances" to give away to a reader in the US or Canada. No purchase necessary. Must be 18 to enter. VOID where prohibited. Please read my giveaway policy.

  a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'll look this series up - when book #3 is still worth reading, even after a slight change of style, that means this is good :)

  2. Great review, Bea! This sounds like a fun series and I really love alternate dimension stories so I need to give this one a try!

  3. Thank you for your review, Bea! I'm glad you still enjoyed it even the the story got a bit darker.

  4. Sounds like a series I'll enjoy reading! I hope there's a snarky character in them somewhere!

  5. Sounds like a great series and what a cool giveaway! Great review!

  6. Nice book would love the chance to win a signed copy

  7. This sounds like a book that I would enjoy reading. Enjoyed reading your review. Thanks for the chance to win a signed copy :)


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