Sunday, January 4, 2015

Sunday Book Share #122

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer; Showcase Sunday hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea; Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; and Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe. All of these memes are about sharing the print and digital books received and/or posts and events on the blog.

A new month and a new year, hard to believe. I spent New Year's Eve night eating Chinese with a friend and then we watched all 5 episodes of "The Librarians" at her place. She has cable and I don't so it was a treat for me. Despite the differences from the movie I enjoyed the episodes. I had a quiet week overall, doing some editing and some database work and of course reading. How was your week?

The Week In Review

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog: A mix of old and new terms - "hot threesome excerpts", "nora roberts new releases", "new year kitties", "cat new year", "fantasy pin up", and "book about a college virgin and sister lets husband sleep with her goodreads?" That last one doesn't ring any bells. :D

BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page


I took advantage of a Kindle Daily Deal and stocked up on some non-fiction books and a Kindle copy of a romance that I have in print. And I still have money left on my gift cards! :D

Kindle Freebies

Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last week? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week.

Thanks for visiting and happy reading! :)


  1. So you have to let me know what you think of the One-Minute Cleaner and One-Minute Organizer. Those sound right up my alley, since that's about the level of time and patience I have ;D

  2. We are enjoying the Librarians.. it reminds me a little of Warehouse 13. Does that book say Captain Cocks Saves the World? Hmm, I could go for some infused spirits right about now. Hope your week is amazing my friend!

    1. Yep, Captain Cock Saves the World, yep yep. I read it and it's as stupid as it sounds. D:

      Have a great week!

  3. Nice haul. The One Minute Organizer sounds like something that I would enjoy a lot. I hope you love all your new books. Happy New Year.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Chinese and The Librarians sounds pretty good. I like that show, it's just fun.

  6. Very nice purchases! The Homemade Liqueurs looks interesting. :)

  7. I could do with that Decluttering book as that is one of my New Years goals! And lol at that last search term, I think if you read a book with that in it, you'd remember!

  8. Oh your bought list looks good. I like EOs too and soap making. :)

  9. Organization tips in one minute! That's something I could use! I am trying to throw out something every day. Here's my Sunday Post post:

  10. Happy New Year, Bea! Sounds like a nice New Year's Eve. I haven't watched Librarians yet, but want to. I need some of those organizations tips! Have a great week.

  11. I had a quiet week and it was most appreciated. LOL I also picked up Heart Collector but not before I noticed it's a translated book. I hope it translated well because it sounds pretty good. And yay for gift cards! I've been spending a bit of mine. :D Oh, and Captain Cock? I.Must.Haz.It!

  12. I keep meaning to watch The Librarians. Thanks for the reminder--I may have to squeeze in some binge watching.

    My recap:

  13. Spent New Years staying up until 9am PST which is Midnight in New York wishing my family Happy New Year. It was uneventful, but still fun because out little one got to stay up an hour later and say Happy New Year! ^_^ I did so much this last two weeks with the Holidays going on. I did not get to read much. Now that it's a new year I'm taking part in my first every challenges and hoping to do more reading! Have a great week.
    Angela @ Angel's Guilty Pleasures

  14. Love that you've included search phrases to your blog! There are often amusing ones!

  15. I like the look of Jewels in the Sun...and enjoy all of your new books. I'm off to check some of your links...have a great week!


  16. I'm definitely intrigued by the 1 Minute Cleaning and Organizing books. I could always use more help there! Jewels of the Sun is one of my favorite Roberts books and I really loved the second (Tears of the Moon I think) as well.. So glad you got to watch The Librarians! I've really been enjoying the series. I love the character interactions. Have a great week!

  17. I like the organizer and de-clutter books. I sure could use some help there! LOL

    Here's my Sunday Post -

  18. You got some really nice books this week, Bea. Like other commenters, I'm very curious both about the 1 minute cleaning and the 1 minute organizing books! Homemade Liqueurs looks interesting, too.
    I hope you'll enjoy all your new books!
    Happy New Year and happy reading :)

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  19. What a nice assortment of books! I see getting organized was one of your resolutions. Good luck with that! Come see what I got here. Happy reading!

  20. We had Chinese food on New Year's Eve too! I've been watching The Librarians. I never saw the movie, but the show is pretty good.

    Have a great week!

  21. I hope you enjoy your books. You can check out my sunday post here: and if you have the time, would you please vote in my poll: to help me out with get ready to work on the Level Banners.

  22. I haven't been able to watch the Librarians yet but my husband loves it, He loves the movies also. Chinese food is very yummy and that is a great way to ring in the New Year!

    I hope you have a fantastic week,Bea! Enjoy all your new reading even the super hero erotica (hilarious cover/name)

  23. Flirting with Felicity sounds good, hope you enjoy. Happy 2015!

  24. I'm curious about the Grow Your Handmade Business. Your superhero freebie made me chuckle, so was it stupid in a good way or Enjoy your new reads. :)

    Week In Review

  25. I'm surprised to see Captain Cock Saves the World here! ROFL

  26. We had a quiet New Years catching up on my Miss Fisher mysteries. Looks like you caught some good sales. Hope the how-tos are really helpful.

    Happy New Year!

  27. A lot has been talking about the Librarians. Nice books! :)


  28. My mom and I have been watching the librarians too - I like it. Its silly, but a fun silly that really works for me :) It kind of makes me think of Buffy , which is a good thing since that's like my all tile favorite series ever. Its no where near as good, but has a similar feel so far. Anywho - hope you have a good week! Gald you had a good holiday :)

  29. Sounds like you shopped wisely and well then. ;-) I nearly grabbed a few of the pre-Christmas kindle deals but then I chickened out. XD I'm bad at impulse decisions! Happy reading! (I really want to watch The Librarians too!)
    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!