Saturday, January 3, 2015

December Challenge Wrap Up

Wrap Up

I went nuts last year with challenges. A few  I bombed, some I did great with, a few I squeaked by. Overall, it was a good year though. But, this year I'm doing fewer year-long challenges and more of the short-term ones such as COYER. Another challenge started this month that runs through March 6th, Winter COYER, so that's listed here too.

Grab a drink, get comfy, and get ready! 

Winter COYER - Goal: as many as I can

1. I'm Dreaming of an Undead Christmas by Molly Harper
2. Love Under Two Flyboys by Cara Covington
3. My Sister's Grave by Robert Dugoni
4. A Reason to Believe by Diana Copland


Reading BINGO Challenge

TOTAL: I made it a little over halfway through the challenge but then gave up. This one was tough to track.

Witches & Witchcraft Reading Challenge - Goal: 1-5

1. Kitty in the Underworld by Carrie Vaughn

 TOTAL: 8 I honestly thought I'd have more but I'm happy with what I achieved.

Erotic Romance Challenge - Goal: 12

1. Fat-Free Alpha by Angelique Voisen
2. Love Under Two Flyboys by Cara Covington
3. Wolves' Bane by Angela Addams - Review to post at Romance at Random Jan. 9th

TOTAL: 16 YEAH! I did it! This one was a challenge because only books 100 pages or over counted which meant some of the erotic romances I read didn't count.

Finishing the Series Reading Challenge - Goal: 3 series  Revised Goal: 6 8 10 11 14

1. Kitty in the Underworld by Carrie Vaughn
2. Dead Heat by Patricia Briggs - review in February or March
3. Mystery Night by Krista D. Ball
4. Low Midnight by Carrie Vaughn
5. Wolves' Bane by Angela Addams - Review to post at Romance at Random Jan. 9th

TOTAL: 42 books, 14 series completed! :) (Finished - Fallen Siren, Kitty Norville, October Daye, Mercy Thompson, Ashfall, Midnight Magic Mystery, The Clifton Chronicles, The Iron Druid, Cainsville, Jane Yellowrock, The Order of the Wolf, Parasitology, Organized Mysteries, The Others) This was such a good one that I'm doing it again this year but I need to revise my initial sign up list since I was able to read some ARCS of books coming out this year.

What An Animal Reading Challenge - Goal: 7-12

1. Kitty in the Underworld by Carrie Vaughn
2. Low Midnight by Carrie Vaughn 
3. Hungry Like the Wolf by Paige Tyler (full review to post at Romance at Random  on Jan. 10th)
4. Meow If It's Murder by T.C. LoTiempo
5. A Little Christmas Jingle by Michele Dunaway

TOTAL: 51 *happy dance* This was a fun one and I'm doing it again this year.

Cruising Thru the Cozies Reading Challenge - Goal: 13 or more

1. Murder at the Book Group by Maggie King - review to post at Romance at Random next week
2. Shadow of Doubt by Nancy Cole Silverman
3. Meow If It's Murder by T.C. LoTiempo

TOTAL: 28 I'm doing this one again this year too.

I Love Library Book Reading Challenge - Goal: 18

1. Open Season by Linda Howard
2. Kitty in the Underworld by Carrie Vaughn

TOTAL: 38 Whooo! I rocked this one. I read fewer library books since I started blogging but sometimes there's no other way to get a book I want. :)

Just For Fun Reading Challenge - Goal: 12, 1 a month  

1. Fat-Free Alpha by Angelique Voisen

TOTAL: 12 I'm doing this challenge again this year. It's a good one, making sure I read a book just for fun. It helps whittle down that TBR pile too. :)


  1. Fantastic job Bea, I am doing the Series Ender challenge this year. I have a few trilogies where for whatever reason I haven't read the final book. LOL I am all caugt up on series, except one. Good luck with the year ahead!

    1. Thanks! I saw your Series Ender challenge and that was tempting. Good luck with your challenges!

  2. Looks like you nailed quite a few of them. I should do COYER, but hopefully my Mt. TBR one that I signed for will work too.

    Good luck on the new ones!

    1. I looked at Mt TBR and decided COYER was a better fit for me. Good luck with it!

  3. I think you had a great year! I have thought about doing COYER, but I'm not sure yet.

    1. Thanks Yvonne!

      COYER is good since it's low key, there aren't a lot of rules and requirements.

  4. Great job! And what fun challenges! I've signed up for a few different ones this year and am really excited about them all!


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