Sunday, November 30, 2014

A Month of Giving Thanks: Day Thirty

Berl at Fantasy Is More Fun and Michelle at Because Reading Is Better Than Real Life are hosting a month long blog event for giving thanks. The idea is to blog about people, things, or events that we are thankful for. I probably won't post every day; I'm aiming instead for a few times a week.

If you want to participate, you still can; just click on one of the links above. You can post every day, once a week, several times a week, whatever schedule works for you. There will be a linky post every day at the to host blogs so you can link up your post.

This is for all of you, my readers. Whether you are new to the Nook or a long time reader, whether you came once and never came back or have been here since the beginning, I appreciate you all.

Thank you for visiting, for reading, for commenting, for sharing. Without you all, Jax, Steph, CarolKat, and I would be talking to ourselves which would be okay but it's fun to talk with you all and get different perspectives. Thanks for being part of the Nook and for taking this journey of gratitude (even though I pretty much sucked at it since this is my first post in several weeks) with me.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!