Monday, December 1, 2014

2015 Reading Challenges & My COYER Sign Up

I am going to cut back on challenges next year. Honest, I am. Hey, stop laughing!

Okay, I'm cutting back on the year long challenges. I'll still be doing monthly and seasonal challenges such as Ho Ho Ho Read-A-Thon and COYER in all its incarnations. In fact, there's a new COYER starting in a few weeks and I'm jumping in. It's running Saturday, December 20th 2014 to Friday, March 6th 2015. Signups are open through Sunday, January 25th.

There's even a referral competition! When you fill out the linky to join up, there's a spot to write in the name of whoever referred you. The person who refers the most people by the sign-up cut off date (January 25th 2015) will win a $5 Amazon gift card.So, go sign up and say Bea sent you! :)

Now, the rules:

  • Read Your E-Reads! Every book you read must be in an electronic format – meaning E-Book or Audiobook. It’s okay to start a book before December 20th, but for it to count you must finish & review it during COYER.
  • The books must be FREE or NEARLY FREE! This includes library books, review books, tour books, NetGalley, Edelweiss, etc. What’s nearly free? Check out the handy dandy chart at the sign up post.
  • Review & Link Reviews! Your review may be on your blog, Goodreads, Shelfari, Booklikes, etc. Link the review to the Review Linky (we will share this December 20th). We will randomly pick TWO review links to win a $10 gift card to Amazon or Barnes & Noble. All links must be entered by March 6, 2015 at 11:59 PM EST.
  • Visit Each Other, Chat & Have Fun!

There's an FB group, read-a-thons, Twitter parties, mini challenges, and other fun. Read the  sign up post for all the details.

I don't have a reading list nor a set number to read, I just want to read as many as I can.


Now, for the year long 2015 challenges. I'm doing the goodreads reading challenge again, though I haven't decided on my goal. The Reading for Fun challenge is up in the air; Lori is still deciding whether or not she'll host it again. The ones I've chosen are ones I did this year and had fun doing. They're all hosted by Socrates' Book Reviews. Click on the images to go to the sign up pages and read the details.

I want to finish:

  1. Jane True series by Nicole Peeler. I have 2 novels and 2 short stories to read to finish. 
  2. White Trash Zombie by Diana Rowland. I have 2 novels and then I'm caught up. 
  3. Kitty Norville series by Carrie Vaughn; there's one more releasing this year and another next year. I need to read both to catch up. I made a lot of progress on this series this year but I doubt I'll get caught up by the end of this year. ETA: I was able to read the last books so I just need the one releasing later next year.
  4. Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs; I just have the one releasing in 2015 as I'm otherwise caught up.
  5. Alpha & Omega series by Patricia Briggs; again, I'm caught up, just need to read next year's release.
  6. Coming Home series by Jessica Scott; I'm currently caught up so it's whatever she releases next year.   
No doubt I'll add more as the year goes on but that's what I'm starting with. Six series puts me at level 4, expert. :)

I'm already signed up for several blog tours featuring cozies next year so I'll get off to a good start. I'm going to be ambitious and go for Level 4 - Sleuth Extraordinaire - Read 20 or more. That's almost 2 a month, it should be doable.

This is a fun one and easy too; between shifter stories and cozies, they add up quickly. I'm aiming for Level 3 - Read 13 or more.

So, that's it for my year long challenges. BUT! Yes, there's one more. :D This one hosted by me.

This year I spent the month of February reading books I'd won or been gifted as they seemed to have fallen to the bottom of my TBR pile. I'm doing it again next year and thought I'd open it up to other readers. I still need the banner and then I'll put up the sign up post.


What challenges are you doing next year? Are you doing any?


  1. Welcome to my three challenges! Glad you joined. I'm still debating about COYER and trying to decide which other challenges I'm going to be doing. I'm cutting back, but not totally :)

    1. Hrm, I still need to go add my links to your sign ups. I should do that. :D

      It's hard to choose which to do and which to skip. There are so many good ones!

  2. I'm laughing because I always say I'll cut back on challenges, and then I end up taking on a bunch of them! But I'll be doing COYER this winter, the Goodreads challenge, and Cruisin' Through the Cozies for sure. When I do too many, I can't keep track of them!

    1. Sigh. I know what you mean. I didn't mean to do so many this year but, I couldn't pass them up. I did run into trouble keeping track of them all. Good luck!

  3. I just got a tablet to read ebooks on so I'll be participating in the COYER challenge since I've accumulated so many free ebooks this year! I'm using you as my referral!

  4. I was so excited to see another COYER person signed up for the Cruisin' thru cozies challenge! I am new to that one but I am shooting for lvl 3. :)

    I am trying not to sign up for many challenges either but I say that every So far COYER, Cozie, and Reading Assignment is what I have signed on for. I am sure there will be

    1. I know what I mean. I've sworn for several years now that I'm going to cut back. Ah well, we're ambitious; that's good, right?

      I considered Reading Assignment and decided it was too much work for me. :D

  5. Great challenge choices! I'm hoping to get my list done up this week. The problem is I want to do all of them! Enjoy and good luck!

    1. I know that problem well. Good luck deciding!

  6. Good Luck in all your challenges, You really cut back a lot LOL. I usually don't do challenges or read a thons but this year the ones I have tried out I really had a lot of fun doing them so this year 2015 I plan to jump on a lot more :)

    1. Thanks! Yeah, I had to cut back. All of my challenges were, well, challenging. It got too stressful. I had to keep COYER though; I need the help clearing out my ereader. :D


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!