Sunday, November 30, 2014

Sunday Book Share #117

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer; Showcase Sunday hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea; Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; and Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe. All of these memes are about sharing the print and digital books received and/or posts and events on the blog.

We had Thanksgiving last week here in the US. I had a pleasant, quiet day at home with the critters. We ate turkey (well, Thing Two didn't), I stayed in my jammies, and I didn't do any blog work or client work. The rest of the week I was busy with the blog, editing, helping my authors, the day job, and volunteering at Habitat for Humanity. Once my internet was up and running again I had a lot of catching up to do. I chatted with my dad on Thanksgiving and it was...interesting. With his Alzheimers, it can be like talking with a toddler. It used to bother me, now I just go with it. He knew who I was and he sounded content, that was good enough.

The Week In Review

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog: My two favorites last week were "can i use a nook to eavesdrop" and "joanne what are you doing i`m reading a". :D Other fun ones were "cat houses", "raunchy sex excerpts", and "if one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again there is no use in reading it at all"

BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page


I took advantage of some Kindle daily deals. The Robb Kindle book was only $2! The Bishop book was a little more, $3.99, but now I have the book in both Kindle and print. The Kessler book was a purchase.



Kindle Freebies

"What Happens at Christmas" was reviewed by Greg at Book Haven and it sounded so charming that when I saw it was free at Amazon, I snapped it up.

Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last week? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week.

Thanks for visiting and happy reading! :)


  1. It's nice to be home for Thanksgiving, glad you had a good holiday. Tokyo Kill looks good, I like the sound of that one, and Open Season too. And thanks for the link- I hope you enjoy that book. I thought it was great!

    1. Thanks Greg! I'm looking forward to the Christmas book and the two mysteries.

  2. I plan to read Open Season, too. I hope it will be good!

  3. We went out for dinner. The recent storm left thousands without power on T-Day. Then we had a lovely college student who was unable to go back to her country for the short break.
    It was nice to be with a young person who was just happy to be in a house instead of a chaotic dorm.
    my post:

    1. Do you mean snow storm? My town was fortunate; we got the snow and freezing rain but didn't lose power. That was awfully nice of you to take in the college student. :)

  4. Glad you had a good and relaxing Thanksgiving! I picked up "What Happens at Christmas" too but forgot to post about it...will have to do so next week!

    1. :D I do that on a regular basis Melissa. It's easy to forget, even though I use my TBR shelf on goodreads when I write up the post.

  5. Gutted that I missed What Happens At Christmas being a freebie, I love Christmas books!
    Cora @ Tea Party Princess

    1. Drat, sorry. It is lendable, so you could borrow it. Just let me know.

  6. Love Linda Howard and Big Hairy Deal looks fun. Sounds like you had a relaxing Thansgiving. I did too. Just sat back and enjoyed doing nothing:)
    Here's my post -

    1. Big Hairy Deal does look fun and that's why I got it. :) I hope it will be as fun as it looks.

      Sometimes, doing nothing is the best way to spend a holiday. :)

  7. Oh you got Written in Red. Will this be your first read? You can get the audio for a few dollars through WhisperSync. It is amazing! So can I use my Nook to eavesdrop? Inquiring minds need to know...bwahaha. Have a wonderful week Bea!

    1. Sill goose, no. I read and reviewed Written in Red back in the spring and the sequel too. :D

      *eyes Kimberly's Nook* Now you behave or I am taking that away from you! :P

  8. You had a great week with family and the blog. I also talked to my parents this week on Thanksgiving. They live in the Mid-West and I'm on the Pacific Coast now, so phone calls are how we do it. Great book hall this week. I got Night Walker on my TBR to check out.
    Angela @ Angel's Guilty Pleasures

    1. Yep, phone calls and texts are how my family and I stay in touch.

      I've been wanting to read Night Walker for a while now, I hope I like it.

      Thanks for visiting!

  9. Sounds like a good week for you...and your haul looks tempting, especially What Happens at Christmas and Open Season. Enjoy!


  10. Glad to hear you had a nice Thanksgiving. We did, too. It was pretty quiet, just the way I like it :)

    Your books look great. I picked up What Happens at Christmas, too. Looks good.

    Enjoy and have a great week!

  11. Open Season sounds good, and hope that you enjoy. Have a great week.

  12. Thanksgiving in jammies sounds great! Glad that you had a good time and that your internet is back up and that you were able to have a nice chat with your dad! I'm so tempted by What Happens at Christmas but I have so many holiday romances I may save it until next year. Hope you enjoy it! Have a great week and enjoy all your new books!

    1. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving too! Go ahead and get the book, you don't have to read it now but save it for next year!

  13. WOW. It sounds like you had a good thanksgiving. I have heard good things about Anne Bishop's books. The Victoria Alexander book looks very christmasy.

    Grace @ Books of Love

    1. I did Grace, I hope you did and you're enjoying your new kindle!

  14. Great! You enjoyed the holidays too!

    I'm hoping they'd put Murder of Crows on a discount too, I need to read that baby next.

    1. Read it, loved it, need the Kindle book next. If I see it on sale, I'll let you know.

  15. What a nice, quiet, restful Thanksgiving! Sometimes that's the best way to spend the holidays. And that's nice that you were able to talk with your dad. I can only imagine how hard it is to see a parent go through Alzheimer's; but knowing he seems content must help at least a little.

    I snapped up the Victoria Alexander, too! I've enjoyed a number of her books in the past, but somehow I've drifted away from reading her in the last few years.

    Have a great week, Bea, and hugs to you!

    1. I had a good Thanksgiving and I hope you did too. I haven't read any Victoria Alexander before but this book looks good.

      You have a great week too!

  16. Sounds like your Thanksgiving was heavenly, Bea! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself :) Also yay for J.D. Robb and Anne Bishop - both are beyond awesome!

  17. It was heavenly and Robb and Bishop are uber awesome!

  18. Sound like a lovely Thanksgiving. Nice book haul this week, that Anne Bishop book has been teasing me for some time now. I hope you enjoy it.Sharon @ Sharon's Book Nook!

  19. You got some great books this week! Enjoy!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

  20. Looks like a fun holiday you had and nice books too :)


  21. Sounds like a great Thanksgiving! :) Kimba and I have read What Happens at Christmas also and it's pretty good.

    I picked up Big Hairy Deal and...hold the fort! Is Summer Wine a ménage? *runs to look* Yesssssss! And it's still free! *happy dance* Have a wonderful week! :D

  22. Hope you had a great thanksgiving... and getting to chat to your dad! Enjoy your new reads!

    Thanx for visiting My Weekly Wrap-Up!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!