Sunday, October 26, 2014

Sunday Book Share #112

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer; Showcase Sunday hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea; Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; and Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe. All of these memes are about sharing the print and digital books received and/or posts and events on the blog.

I did several volunteer stints at the office for my local Habitat for Humanity affiliate. They just moved to the town next to me so now instead of driving 45 minutes (in light traffic) to help, it's just under 20 minutes to get there. :) They're still unpacking from the move so I unpacked, sorted, organized and pruned their office supplies. There were some supplies that they had excessive quantities of so depending on their condition (and with the director's blessings), they were thrown out, recycled, or set aside for the Habitat ReStore for resale. I also started at the new subbing job, covering a teacher on vacation. Annnnd on my very first day, we sent my co-teacher and one child home with lice in their hair. Another teacher was put in with me and while she undertook the bagging of all fabric items and cleaning the room, I had the kids. Who did really well considering it was my first day.

The Week In Review

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog: There were a bunch of new ones this week - "Anna 1964", "blue dot tour critique" ???, and "jane yellowrock #8 online read". The ever popular "how to catch a cat" and "erotic romance excerpts" were back.

BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page


I was so excited when this arrived; I'm surprised the neighbors didn't bang on the walls for all the loud squealing. :D Oh, this cover which I downloaded from goodreads, is not the right color. The background is not a bright cheerful blue but a muted dark teal. You'll see my review of the book next month. 

This is for a short story, "Always the Quiet Ones" by Cassandra Carr. Next week is the cover reveal and my review.

This is for a December blog tour.

I requested this one at Edelweiss back in July, never got a reply. Then last week Katherine at I Wish I Lived in a Library posted that she got it at NetGalley. I immediately requested it and in less than 24 hours it was on my Kindle. :)

Review Consideration

Kindle Freebies

Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last week? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week.

Thanks for visiting and happy reading!



  1. Lice on the first day? Yikes poor kid (and teacher!).

    Symbiont looks good, I like that cover. Have not read the first one but read good reviews. And Murder at the Book Group looks fun too.

    1. It was a memorable first day. :D

      I have high hopes for Symbiont since Parasite was so good. If you like smart science fiction, pick up the first book.

  2. I will confess to being green with envy over Mira Grant's book. I have no contact at Orbit and it kills me. So I will Squee for you and hope like heck it is totally awesome!

    1. I started working with this person back when Mira was writing the Newsflesh trilogy. I am excited and lucky to be able to get a review copy.

  3. Lice!! That's awful. Nice books you got there BTW :)

    Here's mine:

  4. Why is it that when anyone ever mentions head lice it makes my head itchy? LOL Glad you had a good first day.
    Hope you enjoy your week.

  5. Oh those nasty nits! I hope the other parents checked and it has been eradicated. Poor teacher!

    1. I hope so too. The other teachers said it was the third outbreak since school started this year.

  6. Oh, Bea, looks like you had intense week. It's great that you managed to do everything.
    Great haul!

  7. How did the olive oil go?? :o I hope you didn't catch anything from the snuggly kid.. but who doesn't like to cuddle? I've always wanted to volunteer... I need to step on that, ASAP. Looks like you received some interesting books, hope you enjoy. :D

    <a href='">One Curvy Blogger</a>

    1. Yeah, she really needed a snuggle; poor girl was crying.

      There are lots of ways to volunteer so definitely look into it; you're sure to find a way that works for you.

  8. Uh Oh. My scalp is itching just reading about the incident. LOL Hope they didn't hitch a ride with you.
    I'm curious about Branded. Looks fun.
    Here is my Sunday Post -

    1. Yep, the power of the word 'lice'. :D

      I'm not sure if I'll read Branded; the first book was okay, nothing wonderful.

  9. Glad you survived your first day on the job just fine, and got through it! Also nice of you to volunteer with Habitat for Humanity, a great cause!

    I have that Hank Phillippi Ryan book next on my list to pick up when I buy a book since I enjoyed the first two in that series.

    1. I've been volunteering with Habitat for years; I agree, it's a great cause and group.

  10. Its always an adjustment when you get a job. Great stack of books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  11. Shadow of Doubt looks tempting...and I loved The Murders at Astaire Castle.

    Enjoy your week! And kudos for volunteering for Habitat for Humanity.


    1. Gotta love those mysteries!

      Have a good week. :)

  12. Third Daughter is a unique read, I hope you like it.

    I've always been interested in doing volunteer work for Habitat, I just need to find the time though. Thanks for sharing that tidbit, have a great week, Bea :)

    1. I've been eyeing Third Daughter for quite some time and couldn't pass it up as a freebie.

      Even if you have 3 hours a month to give, they'll take it. :)

  13. LOL quite the first day! Hope it's been a bit less eventful since!

  14. Yay for Murder at the Book Club! I'm really looking forward to reading it. Shadow of Doubt looks good too. Your first day sounds crazy! Volunteering sounds good. My grandmother was really involved in Habitat for awhile and it has a special place in my heart!

  15. Murder at Book Club sounds great, hope you enjoy and have a great week.

  16. Wow! You really did have a busy week. Good to sat that your first day of work went well, considering. Enjoy your new reads.

    Thanx for visiting My Weekly Wrap-Up!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  17. That's great about Habitat for Humanity. I haven't volunteered for anything in awhile. I donate, but haven't actually done something. I've always volunteered with various programs since I was 12, so I don't know why I haven't recently. I must change that. Hope you have a good week.

  18. Murder at the Book Group sounds wonderful. Uh oh...NetGalley? Mmmm... this looks so good but I'm trying to be good and not request anymore...I wonder if I'll be able to hold out. I doubt it. LOL

    That's wonderful about Habitat for Humanity and a great thing you are doing!

    Have a great week!

  19. I have really got to get started on the Mira Grant books! They sound so good! Great haul this week.
    Check out my STS

  20. Well you'll be home sooner to read more? lol. Hope you have a great week and enjoy your reads. :)

  21. That's great that you get to help out and that they've moved closer! OMG the lice incident brings back my childhood when my best friend at school told me she had lice and I - not knowing what it was - said "cool" and proceeded to use her hair brush. Guess who was next? It was so horrible :/ Good luck with the job, sounds like your off to quite an exciting start!


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!