Sunday, October 26, 2014

Bea Reviews Because I Can by Tamara Morgan

Publisher: Carina Press 
Series: Montgomery Manor #3
Format Read: eGalley
Source: from the publisher in exchange for an honest review
Release Date: October 13, 2014
Buying Links: Amazon*  | ARe* | Barnes & Noble
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission from purchases made through these links.

Blurb from goodreads:

John "Monty" Montgomery is a workaholic. The oldest of the Montgomery children, he's been working by his father's side building the family hotel chain almost his entire life. His commitment to the business leaves no time for romance. But that's about to change.

Georgia Lennox has been fantasizing about Monty ever since she started her gig as handywoman at Montgomery Manor. She figures Monty is way out of her league, so she hasn't dared to act on her feelings — until he offers to help fill a volunteer shortage on her latest project, building houses for families in need.

Sparks fly as they spend time together, first on the job site, then off. But Georgia's not your typical frilly and feminine society girl. Hoping to find a way to fit in with the Montgomerys, she agrees to be made over by Monty's sister for an event. But if she lets her rough edges be smoothed away, will she be letting go of the very thing that attracted Monty in the first place?

**This review first appeared at Romance at Random**

Bea's Thoughts:

I love when I can jump into a series or trilogy without having read the preceding books. I assume that Monty and Georgia were introduced in a prior book but the story worked just fine as a stand-alone. “Because I Can” is a touching story of love, of acceptance, of family, and of expectations. 

Georgia is not the stereotypical girly-girl; she’s a jack-of-all-trades who wishes that she had a Girl Card and Monty is a workaholic, a kind man, socially awkward, and attracted to handyman Georgia. They are both blunt, work too much, and come from families that love each other but interact poorly. Georgia’s mother describes her brood of 3 boys and 1 girl as feral wolves. Monty and his siblings harass and humiliate each other though his sister partially redeems herself when trying to help Georgia, in her high-handed way.

 Monty realizes that he’s attracted to Georgia and Georgia accidentally reveals to Monty that she’s attracted to him. Through a humorous and somewhat embarrassing misunderstanding, Monty finds out that Georgia has never had an orgasm unless she gave it to herself. Thus proceeds a bumpy, sweet love story.

Georgia had a tendency to put herself down and to believe she wasn’t girly enough. It annoyed me that she was so concerned with the mythical Girl Card. So she doesn’t wear makeup or dress frilly or sexy; she’s still a girl, a woman really, and I wanted to shake some sense into her. Monty’s sister takes her for a makeover which is partially successful and I wanted to shake her for trying to change Georgia. Although in her imperious way, she was trying to help Georgia feel more comfortable in the high society that Monty and his family belong to. 

Both Georgia and Monty are stubborn, blind at times to that stubbornness, and resistant to help. They learn to see and accept their flaws and to come together. I LOVED that Monty did not have a magic peen that instantly cured Georgia of her lack of peen-orgasms. I also loved that Monty’s pride didn’t take a hit at his ‘failure’; he had a better attitude about it than she did. He helped Georgia to see that even bad sex could be good sex and that she needed to redefine good sex. She learns to enjoy sex, with or without an orgasm. 

“Because I Can” is a wonderful, enjoyable story of a sweet, often awkward romance that made me laugh, smile, and cry.


  1. The siblings sound a bit annoying as does the imaginary girl card but I like the way their relationship develops and that he's not magically about to give her an orgasm. I read a book where a woman had infertility issues and managed to get pregnant accidentally and her doctor brushed it off as the guy having "good swimmers". I almost threw the book at the wall! Thanks for sharing. This sounds like a fun read.

    1. The siblings and the imaginary girl card were very annoying though at least the siblings added to the story. But I liked the story a bunch and the lack of a magical orgasm and magical peen was a huge plus.

      "good swimmers" - Oh, that would have pissed me off. Bad author!

  2. I don't think this one would be for me but it sounds just like the kind of book my sister would like so I'll probably recommend it to her though :)

  3. Lovely review, Bea! I am definitely reading this one! :)


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