BEA'S BOOK NOOK "I can't imagine a man really enjoying a book and reading it only once." C. S. Lewis “If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.” ― Oscar Wilde

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sunday Book Share #89

 I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by The Caffeinated Book Reviewer; Showcase Sunday hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea; Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews; Bought Borrowed and Bagged, hosted by TalkSupe; and Library Loot co-hosted by The Captive Reader and Silly Little Mischief. All of these memes give book bloggers the chance to share print and digital books they've received, and the posts and events at their blogs.

Another week, another doctor appointment. This was with my regular asthma doctor and he's pleased with how well I'm doing. In addition, since I had the lung surgery almost two years ago, my lung function has increased almost 10 percent. :) Better lung function, fewer asthma attacks and episodes, I'm a happy girl. It was overall a quiet but good week, maybe because I fell asleep on the couch every night. :P

The Week In Review

Odd, interesting, or funny search phrases leading to the blog: Some new ones this week - "bea's kindle", "cat worship", "funny mother's day animal pictures", "book dog perspective shiny shoes", and "cindy mccauley flying high soring tennessee walking horse". There were some repeats too - "threesome", "nora roberts new releases 2013", "cat as liquid", and "how to catch a cat".

Kindle Paperwhite, Kindle Cover, 10 eBooks from Sandra’s Backlist (US/Canada shipping ONLY) & 10 eBook copies of Love’s Encore and Eloquent Silence. Ends May 18th

A print copy of Murder at Honeychurch Hall by Hannah Dennison, ends May 19th

3 YA books: Free to Fall by Lauren Miller, The Ring and The Crown by Melissa de la Cruz and The Blood Guard by Carter Roy, ends May 19th

5 book set of Captain No Beard books by Carole P Roman, ends May 19th

8 book set of If You Were Me and Lived Carole P Roman, ends May 19th

  Hardcover copy of A Child's Introduction to Art by Heather Alexander and Illustrated by Meredith Hamilton, ends May 21st

  Print ARC of Blonde Ops by Charlotte Bennardo & Natalie Zaman, ends May 22nd

BOOKS! - click on the cover to go the book's goodreads page

I had another good book week. :)


Odin's Ravens by K.L. Armstrong & M. A. Marr - this was a preorder
Blonde Ops by Charlotte Bennardo & Natalie Zaman - I reviewed an eARC but I wanted a final copy since I'm mentioned in the acknowledgments.

Review - I just couldn't resist. :D

Review Consideration

Kindle Freebies - I might have gone a little nuts. :D

The Buzz Books are still free and so is Bound to Love; free is their permanent price point.

Did you add any books to your shelves or e-readers last week? Leave a link to your Sunday Post so I can visit you during the week.

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  1. That's great news about your lungs. Their health is indeed important. Have a good week, Bea, and enjoy your books. :)

  2. I'm curious about Blonde Ops; enjoy all your new books...and thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. Odin's Ravens looks awesome, Bea, and I'm glad that your lung continues to perform better. I remember how bad it was before the operation. Hugs, and falling asleep on the couch is nice sometimes :)

  4. Great to hear your doctors appointment went well, its always nice hearing the good news.

    A nice haul! I hope you enjoy your new books.

    Have a great weekend & happy reading ☺Sharon - Obsession with Books

  5. Glad to hear your lungs are doing better, that's awesome. And falling asleep on the couch- yeah that can be nice sometimes. :) Good to relax... looks like some good reviews this week, off to read Seven Wild Sisters.

  6. That's great that you had a positive doctor's appointment!

  7. I know all about falling asleep on the sofa :) that's why I don't post every day…. Glad you are feeling better. I will HAVE to get the Heather Graham, enjoy your books. Have a great week and Happy Reading.
    My Sunday Post is here

  8. Glad to hear your doing well :-) You got some great books! Happy Reading!

    My 1st Sunday Post

  9. Good news about your lungs! Enjoy all your new books. Happy reading this week!

    My Sunday Post

  10. Nice haul, Bea. Enjoy then all as you celebrate better health!

    My recap:

  11. I know its so hard to resist at times those books. Great haul. Hope you have better health.

    Books of Love

  12. I'm glad you had a good week. :) Great haul!

  13. That's great about your lung function! Enjoy all those new books. I wish I could fall asleep on the couch, one of my many dogs or one of my kids would see to it that even if I did, it didn't last long. lol....

  14. So glad to hear about your improved lung function.. Have a great week!

  15. So glad to your lungs are improving and your athsema attacks are less.
    I fall asleep on the couch often, my husband snores and sometimes I just can't get comfy in bed and the couch is very comfy :) I actually slept there last night :)

    Have a great week Bea!!!

  16. lol with books we're allowed to go a little nuts, right ;)

  17. Hi..this is my first time here =). It's good to hear you are feeling better. You have some great books! Have a great week!


  18. I love the cover of that Heather Graham novel! And you have been a busy bee this week!

    Jennifer @ The Bawdy Book Blog

  19. I didn't know Odin's Ravens was out already. I'll have to get that one. I read Breaking Ties and The Cursed and enjoyed them both. Come see what I got at Ms. Martin Teaches Media. Happy reading!

  20. So glad your lungs are doing better! Nice book haul this week. I've seen those Buzz Books around, but I'm always afraid I'll get really excited about a book and then have to wait for it to come out. Maybe I'll give them a try, though. Oh, and I don't think you went overboard... I bought/downloaded 9 Kindle books this week, and I'm supposed to be cutting back. Oops!

  21. These are such great news about your lungs, your life must be so easier now :) And less stressfull ! Have a great week !

  22. A Curse Awakened sounds good and hope you enjoy. Happy reading and have a great weekend.

  23. Breaking Ties looks like something I would like to read, so I'm off to do more research on it. Glad you are feeling better! I have a niece and sis-in-law with severe asthma and know it can really hamper your day-to-day routine. Have a good week.

  24. Glad to hear you are doing so well after your lung surgery. Great news! I went a bit nuts with Kindle freebies, but they're free, it doesn't hurt anyone :) Enjoy your reading!

  25. I've got The Cursed and can't wait to get started on it! I've also got Honeychurch Hall on my TBR so I"m going to go hop over to your review. Great to hear about the lung improvement and fewer asthma attacks!

  26. I'd love to read The Here and the Now, it's not only gorgeous but sounds really cool! So excited for BEA :) Your blog design is so beautiful, I love the background colors. I've been wanting to read the Loki's Wolves series!

  27. You got a cool mix of books today! Way to keep it diverse!

  28. That's good news about your lung function, you must be very happy with that. It's always nice to get good news like that. I hope you have a great week, happy reading.
    Here's My Sunday Post

  29. Oh so glad to hear the lung surgery has helped in the long run for you. That's great. And it spring. Hope it's not affecting your asthma to badly. Take care and have a great week!

  30. It's fabulous that you got such great results from the doctor!
    You've picked up some great reads. Enjoy!

    Thanx for visiting My Weekly Wrap-Up!

    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  31. Yay for better lung performance. Supe those lungs up! It's important for reading those steamy love scenes. Well, and breathing. Awesome book week! Now, go forth and read! :)

  32. Oh that's great news Bea! I didn't realize you'd had lung surgery, but so glad to hear that you're doing better - that's serious stuff. You grabbed quite a collection of great looking books too! Enjoy them :)


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!