BEA'S BOOK NOOK "I can't imagine a man really enjoying a book and reading it only once." C. S. Lewis “If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.” ― Oscar Wilde

Monday, February 3, 2014

Review of Fighting for Irish by Gina L. Maxwell

Publisher: Entangled Brazen
Series: Fighting for Love #3
Format Read: PDF converted to Kindle
Source: the publisher in exchange for an honest review
Release Date: January 13, 2014
Buying Links: Amazon* | Barnes & Noble | ARe*
* affiliate links; the blog receives a small commission for purchases made through these links.

Blurb from goodreads:
Kat MacGregor has forty-eight hours to make good on the debt her ex-boyfriend owes a crime boss. Unfortunately, the measly tips she makes waitressing are barely enough for her to live on, much less cover the twenty-thousand needed to keep her breathing. With time running out, Kat 's forced to accept help from the only man who's ever made her feel fire rather than fear.

When he learns a friend's sister is in trouble, former Boston MMA fighter Aiden "Irish" O'Brien heads to Louisiana to offer himself up as collateral to keep her safe. But to satisfy the debt, he has to do the one thing he swore he'd never do again: fight. With more than just money on the line, will Irish have what it takes to not only reclaim the man he once was, but become the man he needs to be for the woman he can't live without?

Bea's Thoughts:

Anna at Herding Cats, Burning Soup reviewed this recently and also used it in a Quote-Tastic post and the book caught my attention. So when Entangled contacted me about reviewing it, I gladly said yes.

I hadn't read Ms. Maxwell before though I've seen her books around. I found that her writing quickly pulled me in and had me rooting for both Irish and Kat. Occasionally, the writing was stilted or awkward but mostly it flowed. I enjoyed the sparks between Kat and Irish and how protective he was. But, that protectiveness came with a price - he forget to let Kat be a part of changing her life and rescuing herself. He also withheld vital information from her concerning her situation until he was forced into telling her. That would have pissed me off but Kat is only mildly perturbed. I found that difficult to believe. I did love how patient and gentle Irish was with Kat, her sexual past, and her insecurities. Kat has a troubled past sexually and doesn't like sex. Naturally, Irish and his mighty wang fix that. :P It wasn't overnight though and there are some missteps along the way which made it more realistic. 

Irish was like a over-sized teddy bear, despite his tatts, his piercings, his motorcycle, and his past as a MMA fighter. He's loyal, sweet, kind, has hero tendencies, and rescues kittens. Really, he rescued a kitten. But Kat's the one who takes the kitten in, names it (with help from Irish), and gives it a home.

Kat is cautious, wary, self-deprecating, scared, desperate to protect her family, and protects herself by shutting down. She's reactive, not proactive, though she has a few moments in the story where she steps up and takes the initiative. I would have liked to have seen more growth in that part of her life but she does learn to open up and to trust so there is some growth over the story. Irish meanwhile learns to forgive himself and realizes just how selfish how's been.

The ending was too convenient and I really wish Kat played a more active role in resolving her situation instead of Irish and his friends coming to the rescue. The epilogue was unnecessary but I think that 99.99% of epilogues are unnecessary so your mileage may vary. Despite that, "Fighting for Irish" was a sweet romance that pulled me in. Kat and Irish were likable and I wanted them to be happy and to overcome their obstacles. The secondary characters are less well-drawn but Xander made me smile and Hissing Ally made me laugh. If you want a romance with some hot love scenes, some humor, some action and a sweet love story, pick up "Fighting for Irish".

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1 comment:

  1. Bwaha his mighty wang. ::snort:: I liked that it wasn't completely perfect in that department. Youre right def gave it a bit more of a realistic feel. And Hissing Alice was a hoot.


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