Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sunday Book Share #59


I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer; Showcase Sunday hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea; and Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews. These  memes allow book bloggers the chance to share print and digital books they've received, and different posts and events at their blogs.

Last week was a crazy one, a mix of good and bad; the  good - my high school reunion, I won several giveaways, the weather was mostly good; the bad - a nasty stomach bug at school wiped out kids and staff, which resulted in my putting in extra hours ( Not that I mind, but oh the work week was stressful with all the staff out sick), I myself wasn't feeling well but at least it wasn't the stomach bug, my kindle decided to stop working (but is now working again), and then on Friday afternoon my aunt died. This week looks to be busy too but I hope it'll be less stressful.

The Week In Review

Interesting search phrases that led to the blog: "bea all the right moves" No clue where that came from but I like it. :D; "how to catch a cat", "naughty book excerpts", "sweetheart quotes for her", "threesome". and 'tolkien".

1 kindle book of the Urban Harvest anthology, open internationally, ends October 26th.

Win 1 of 5 preview copies of "Wild Child" by  Molly O'Keefe, or 1 of 8 preview copies of "All I Want for Christmas Is You" by Molly O'Keefe, or a $20 gift card, ends October 29th.

1 paperback of the Urban Harvest anthology, open internationally, ends October 30th.

1 winner will receive their choice of a Kindle Fire 7″ HD (US Only), $199 Amazon Gift Card or $199 in Paypal Cash (International), ends October 31st.

Win 1 of 2 Fangtastic Prize Sets including 1 "Cancer Sucks But I Bite Back" mug, bookmarks, vampire swag, and a digital copy of "Unforeseen", the first book in the Alex Crocker series, ends October 31st.

1 print copy of the anthology, Very Superstitious, (US)  or an ebook of each author's work (INT), ends Nov. 7th

8 signed paperbacks of "First Bite" by Dani Harper & black plush Webkinz wolf (US ONLY) and 2 Kindle books of "First Bite" plus a wolf (INTERNATIONAL), ends November 17th.


It was a light week for books but with so much else going on, that was a good thing. :)

Click on the cover to go to the book's goodreads page.

Won - Kindle

I won this from All Romance Ebooks in a twitter giveaway.

Library - Print

Bought - Kindle


Review - Kindle

Kindle Freebies

How was your week?
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Ugh - sorry about all of the no good parts of your week, especially about your aunt. Hopefully the good outweighs the bad next week. You did get a great haul, so I hope you enjoy your books.

  2. Bea, little birdie told me you quietly celebrated your 3rd blog anniversary, but now I see some sad news as well. So sorry, darling, huge hugs and hope everything will get better for you very soon.

  3. Lovely haul, some good books I spy! I will look these up because I don't know any of these.
    Happy reading!

    My haul

  4. Happy 3rd blogoversary! Nice book haul. How did I not know there was a series called Cruise Ship Mysteries? I'm off to check it out.

  5. I'm glad your kindle decided to work again. That makes me crazy, too! I'm so sorry about your aunt.

    I hope this week is a better week all around. And Happy 3rd Blogoversery.

    1. Thanks readholicnotes :)

      The Kindle thing is definitely making me crazy. I'm holding my breath, hoping nothing else goes wrong.

  6. Wonderful haul. Oh that's so frustrating when your Kindle doesn't want to work. Great haul of books. I hope you love all your new goodies.

    Books of Love

  7. Love those crazy search phrases...I also have found some strange ones related to weather when Googling my name....

    Broken Kindle? I must read more.

    Enjoy your haul!


  8. Oh my, you have had a rough week. Sorry to hear about your aunt, my thoughts are with you. Great books this week.

    Thanks for stopping by.
    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday Post

    1. Thanks Jenea. I'm hoping this week will be calmer.

  9. Wow. You've been busy. :) Have a great week this week too Bea!

  10. Wow, what a week for you! I'm so sorry about your aunt. I hope this week is better.

  11. I'm sorry to hear about your Aunt :( and I hope you're now feeling better.

    Enjoy your new books.

    - Wattle @ Whimsical Nature

  12. Condolences for losing your aunt. I hope next week will turn out better. Here's my Sunday Post

  13. Wow! Sorry about the bad week. :( Here's hoping this week will balance it all out and be terrific!

  14. Oh, Bea, I'm so sorry to hear about your aunt. And I'm sorry it came on top of an already stressful week. {{{Virtual hugs}}} and I hope you have lots of love and support where you are.

    The Mr. Wuffles book looks so cute! I saw a review on another blog, and I'm definitely going to have to check it out.

    Thanks for coming by my blog this weekend!

  15. Wow Bea... hope you have a less stressful week this week!! And get better.
    Awesome haul girl!

    Thanx for visiting My Weekly Wrap-Up!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!