Friday, September 6, 2013

Excerpt & Giveaway of Feudlings in Flames by Wendy Knight

Please welcome back fantasy author Wendy Knight. She was here in July with an excerpt from and giveaway of her novella, "Feudlings in Sight". The next book in her series, "Fedulings in Flames" is out now and she's again sharing an excerpt and giving away a copy.

Wendy Knight was born and raised in Utah by a wonderful family who spoiled her rotten because she was the baby. Now she spends her time driving her husband crazy with her many eccentricities (no water after five, terror when faced with a live phone call, etcetera, etcetera). She also enjoys chasing her three adorable kids, playing tennis, watching football, reading, and hiking. Camping is also big: her family is slowly working toward a goal of seeing all the National Parks in the U.S.

You can usually find her with at least one Pepsi nearby, wearing ridiculously high heels for whatever the occasion may be. And if everything works out just right, she will also be writing.

Find Wendy Onine:
Twitter: @wjk8099

DISCLOSURE: I am not being compensated by Astraea Press or Wendy Knight for putting up this post. I am an employee of Astraea Press. 



"No no, Hunter, it curves this way." Ari stood back, watching with a frown, and then jumped back in. "Imagine in your mind what you want the spell to do. Tie your emotions to your spells."

          Shane watched her guide Hunter and tried again on his own. "Close, Shane, but like this," Ari reached out, holding his hand as she led him through the motion. He felt the flames racing through his blood react to her touch and sparks flew from his fingers, igniting the spell. It hung, burning, in the air, a bright blue curlicue thing. "Perfect," she whispered, still holding on to his hand.

            "Maybe, but does it work?" Tristan's voice was flat and uninterested, but Shane could hear the animosity running under the words.

          "We don't have any targets set out. He can't test it." Ari shook her head, and still holding Shane's hand, made a quick swiping motion through the spell, dissipating it.     "Try again." She let go of his hand and stepped back, watching expectantly.

          Shane tried, once, twice, and three times. He couldn't get it quite right, but neither could Hunter, which made him feel better, and Tristan wasn't even trying.
          "It's okay if you can't do it, Shane. There are a lot of other powerful spells she uses that will be much easier for you to master," Will said.
          Ari vehemently shook her head. "No. He can do it. Just give him a minute!"
Shane kept his attention focused on the spell in front of him, but he couldn't stop his grin.
          Ari believed in him.
          He burned the spell into the air again, trying to replicate the one Ari had drawn, but it fizzled into a mass of smoke. The spell had to ignite to actually do anything. He groaned in frustration, tipping his head sideways to look at Ari. "What am I doing wrong?"
          She bit her lip, studying him for several seconds. "When you did it the first time, what were you thinking?"
          Shane paused, dropping his hand that was still poised in the air. "Umm… I was thinking we were gonna die and I had seen you throw that spell so I knew it was possible. It just happened." 


Blurb from the author:
Ari thought being in love with her prophesied nemesis sucked. But being responsible for her best friend's kidnapping? It sucks worse.
Ari and Shane thought they’d beaten Fate and ended the three-hundred year war plaguing their people. They thought love had won. But they were so, so wrong. Instead of graduating high school like the normals, they’re in a battle to save Charity – Shane’s cousin, Ari's best friend, and the seer who might hold the key to ending the war for good. To do that, they’re forced to accept help from a boy they aren’t even sure they can trust. He’s powerful and knows spells even Ari’s never heard of, but he’s also secretive and has a past he’s determined to keep hidden . Add to that the fact that he has his sights set on Ari, and Shane would rather do without his help.
Ari has bigger problems than mysterious boys and their strange powers. The powerful Edren Family is hunting her brother, and she can't very well save him or Charity while they’re constantly being attacked by her own people. To stop the raids, she has to take the fight to them. But if she starts hunting the family that raised her, what kind of monster will she be?
Fate still waits for the death of one by the hand of the other.

Publisher: Astraea Press
Format: ebook
Genre: Urban fantasy, YA
Release Date: September 3, 2013
Buying Links:

Barnes and Noble:



Wendy has generously offered up a copy of "Feudlings in Flames" to one lucky reader. Giveaway ends September 14th at 11:59 PM EST. Please read my Giveaway Policy.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. In my busy house, the spell I would most like to use is from Harry Potter, "Silencio!!" which renders the intended victim temporarily mute. I would wear that one out in this madhouse! lol

  2. This sounds like a great read Wendy! Congrats to you on your new release and best of luck with sales!

  3. Thank you for letting my little books and I visit!

  4. Wendy is the best, can't wait to read this book!

  5. I especially like this tagline:
    "Fate still waits for the death of one by the hand of the other."

    1. Thanks! It only took me about four months to come up with that ;)

  6. Loved the introduction .... but no water after five ??

    Great story, too.

  7. I think I would like to use some kind of protection spell. There are times when the world just goes crazy. It would be very useful.

    Great spells in HARRY POTTER and CHARMED.


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