Friday, September 6, 2013

Submissions are now open for new speculative fiction anthology from EDGE

From their press release:

Calgary, AB, September 6, 2013 (immediate release)
EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing has announced that submissions are open for Tesseracts Eighteen: Wrestling With Gods, edited by Liana K and Jerome Stueart.

For this new Tesseracts volume, the editors are seeking original short stories and poems which are "as diverse a representation of both real-world religions and faiths of fictional cultures as possible. Stories should not be looking to pass historical or cultural judgment, instead they should feature character-driven plots that include faith, doubt, miracles, spiritual journeys, and diversity of opinion within a faith."

The Tesseracts anthology series is Canada's longest running anthology. It was first edited by the late Judith Merril in 1985, and has published more than 500 original Canadian speculative fiction (Science fiction, fantasy and horror) stories and poems.

Some of Canada's best known writers have been published within the pages of these volumes - including Margaret Atwood, William Gibson, Robert J. Sawyer, and Spider Robinson (to name a few).

Submissions should be emailed to

For more information:

Submission details:
Or find details posted on the Tessracts Eighteen blog:

Release date:

Tesseracts Eighteen: Wrestling With Gods will be released in September 2014 in paperback and eBook formats.

About The Editors:

Liana K:
Liana K is an award-winning TV producer & writer who has also stepped in front of the camera as the co-host of the legendary late night show Ed & Red’s Night Party, the Canadian Comedy Award-winning this Movie Sucks!, and Ed the Sock’s I Hate Hollywood!  An episode of I Hate Hollywood was lauded by mental health workers for de-stigmatizing mental illness.  Another early episode was well-received for its look at religion in Hollywood.

Liana also provides commentary, reviews and video interviews for video game site  She is co-columnist of 411 Mania’s “The 8 Ball”, and host/writer of Liana K’s Geek Download, heard weekly on the internationally syndicated radio program Canada’s Top 20.  She has edited and contributed writing to a comic book mini-series: Ed and Red’s Comic Strip.
She has hosted and produced the Prix Aurora Awards ceremony three times.  She is founder and chair of the Futurecon organization, which uses Science-Fiction and Fantasy elements to reduce various types of stigma and raise money for various charities.
Her stranger achievements include: modeling for videogames, having her superhero toy & art collection featured on TV’s Space channel, researching and presenting a paper on Mormon Cosmology in the Twilight Saga, and having a DC Comics character named after her. Liana is an avid cosplayer and her costume work made her the face of Western cosplay on Wikipedia.

Jerome Stueart
Jerome Stueart makes his home in the Yukon Territory. Hailing from Missouri and West Texas, Jerome came up to the Yukon to work on northern science fiction. He fell hard for the place.  Stueart is a graduate of Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Workshop in San Diego (2007) and of the Lambda Literary Retreat for Emerging LGBT Voices (2013).  He has been published in Fantasy, Geist, Joyland, Geez, Strange Horizons, Ice-Floe, Redivider, On Spec, Tesseracts Nine, Tesseracts Eleven, Tesseracts Fourteen and Evolve: Vampire Stories of the New Undead.  He earned honourable mentions for both the Fountain Award and Year’s Best Science Fiction 2006. He co-edited Inhuman. As a cartoonist he was featured in the Yukon News, and as a journalist he wrote for Yukon, North of Ordinary, Air North’s in-flight magazine.  He’s worked as a janitor, a trolley conductor, an embedded reporter in a remote northern research station, a Religious Education director, and a marketing director.  He wrote five radio series for CBC, and one of them, Leaving America, was heard around the world on Radio Canada International.  Jerome has taught creative writing for 20 years, and taught an afterschool course in fantasy and science fiction writing for teens for three years.  He teaches a workshop he designed called Writing Faith in churches across Canada and the US.

Contact Information:
EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing
Brian Hades


I want to read this when it's published; it sounds potentially wonderful. 


  1. I was all set to pass this along to my daughter, who writes fantasy, but although they don't say so, it sounds like they are only interested in Canadian authors, which would disqualify Robin. Oh, well! It does look good; I hope I'll be able to find a copy when it comes out!

    1. There is an email addy for more info if she wanted to inquire. They don't specify Canadian authors only so Robin could give it a try.


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