Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Book Dedications, A Guest Post by Abria Mattina & A Giveaway

Today's guest is author Abria Mattina. She's on tour for her novella, "Love Among Pigeons"; it's a companion novella to her contemporary New Adult romance novel, Wake (2011). "Love Among Pigeons" allows supporting characters from Wake to take center stage, and brings back the complicated couple that readers loved.

Isn't that adorable? My cat also likes to curl up with any print books I leave laying around.

Abria Mattina works as Production Manager for the Ottawa Arts Review, an eclectic literary journal that accepts poetry, prose and short stories, visual art and photography, comics, drama, and occasionally serial novels. Her work has appeared in Ottawa’s The Fulcrum and Canculture Magazine. Her poem  “Circus” was published in volume 5.2 of the Ottawa Arts Review.
Abria holds a Certificate in Publishing from the New York University Summer Publishing Institute and a degree in English Literature and Psychology from the University of Ottawa. When she isn’t writing she enjoys travelling, eclectic books, blogging, and baking. She lives with her fiance, Daniel.

Her debut novel, Wake, is about the struggle to redefine life after experiencing cancer and caring for an ill loved one (which means I won't be reading it as I already lived it, I don't need it in my fiction ~ Bea).

Find Abria online:

Read. Write. Discuss. Book Review Blog

Book Dedications

Am I the only one who reads these? Sometimes it feels that way. But then I almost always skip over “important” stuff like chapter titles, so there’s that.

I like the glimpse into what an author considers important, which is why I read dedications and the acknowledgements sections, if those are included. I dedicated me first book to my mother and my second to my fiancé. With the dedication of Love Among Pigeons, I went a little outside the box.

As an indie author, the most important people to me are the people who read my work. I don’t have a big editorial team to thank, or an agent, or a marketing manager. What I do have is an audience of lovely, responsive, engaging readers, and I felt it was important to acknowledge that.

I dedicated Love Among Pigeons to two people who I only know through social media. We have never met in real life. So why single them out?

Simple: they were two of my biggest cheerleaders. They encouraged me when I was floundering, commented on the posts of bloggers who reviewed Wake, and were always incredibly supportive of what I do. Marston even sent me a cute cat pic, after her tabby commandeered her copy of Wake for a pillow. 

If you love what indie authors are doing, let them know. They will never forget your support or your kindness, because what you do matters. Your response, your participation, your enjoyment are what make the whole process of writing and publishing worthwhile.

Thank you to everyone who has ever supported me, and thank you to everyone who has ever shown appreciation for an indie. You’re gems.



Abria has several goodies she's giving away; enter using the rafflecopter widgets below. Please read my Giveaway Policy. Thank you Abria!

Color your ereader - prize: $25 Gelaskins gift card

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Book Notes and Foodie Goodies prize bundle - Moleskine Book Notes Journal, 5 limited edition signed bookmarks, and a $30 Williams-Sonoma gift card.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Aw that was sweet of you. I sometimes read them. But usually I'm so excited to start the book I flip right to page one. lol

    1. Sometimes I do too, and then go back and read them later. I look for Easter eggs in the acknowledgement sections too. Sometimes there's a funny remark buried in there :)

  2. Aww, look at that kitty cat with the book. Awwww. Thank you for sharing!

    1. That was pretty much my reaction too :) Books make good pillows, though, as every student knows...

  3. I love reading them! PS That cat is too adorable!

  4. I like them ok. It depends on if it is a series I am reading, whether or not I read them.


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