Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sunday Book Share #48

I'm participating in The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer; Showcase Sunday hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea; and Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews. These  memes allow book bloggers the chance to share print and digital books they've received, and different posts and events at their blogs.

Two more weeks of school left and then a week off before we start the new school year. WHERE has the past year gone? It's been a very good year, I'm sad to see it end. I had a good week at home too, and my medical test results from all of the testing I had last week were good, we just need to make a few minor adjustments to my meds. Even the weather last week was good! LOL

The Week In Review

Odd or interesting search phrases for the blog:  "animated snoopy dance", "hunted kevin hearne spoilers", "love and wine", "naughty passages romance", "book excerpts threesome", "threesome novel excerpts" "asthma lungs compared to normal lungs" "knitting and sex blog" "post pd california book blogspot" - it was an interesting week for search phrases. :D

The Week Coming Up

ARC review of Omens by Kelley Armstrong
Review of The Last Execution by Jerrie Alexander
Excerpt from Bama Bride by Joan Chandler
Excerpt & Giveaway from Storm Warrior by Dani Harper
Blog Tour Q&A with Dr. Joe Wenke

BOOKS - Click on the images to go to the book's goodreads page

Library - Print

Borrowed from Kindle Prime

After reading the reviews, I was hesitant to spend money on it and then I saw it was available for borrowing via my Kindle Prime membership. If I like it, I'll buy it.

Gift - Print

A gift from the author, not for review.

Review - Print

I really like the sound of this one; I hope it will be good.

Review - Kindle

Kindle Freebies

Blogger Lisa at Rabid Reader Ramblings has a story in "Miraculous: Tales of the Unknown" and it's currently free at Smashwords.

I hope you had a good week last week and have a good week this week. Leave me a link to your post so I can stop by.


  1. Miraculous Tales of the Unknown looks good and yippee on the test results! Have a wonderful week Bea:)

    1. I cannot comment on Miraculous because I am biased :D but I had fun writing for it.

      Lisa @ Just Another Rabid Reader

  2. I like the look of Cursed too, Bea! I'll look it up on Goodreads. So so glad your results came back good! *big hugs* Carry on doing what you do, chica! :)

    1. Thanks Kara! I was pretty happy with the results. :)

  3. Glad your week was good. Here's some {{{posivibes}}} for another good week. I picked up Miraculous: Tales of the Unknown. Looks good!

    1. Thanks! Miraculous does look good, I have my fingers crossed.

    2. As one of the writers in Miraculous, let me say thank you and I hope you are not disappointed. Jacob's Awakening is my story. Feel free to let me know what you think, good, bad or indifferent

      Lisa @Just Another Rabid Reader

  4. I'm curious about Killing have an eclectic mix of books. Enjoy!


  5. Lots of great-looking new books...enjoy! Have a good week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  6. Yay for the good test results. :) I hope you enjoy the new additions. Thanks for stopping by earlier.

  7. I wish I knew where the time was going so I could follow and bring it back! Have a great week Bea!

  8. I'm glad this week was good for you! Loving the cover on the Miraculous. Enjoy your books!

  9. I really want to read Cursed! It looks so good after reading the blurb on goodreads. Of course, I already have a copy of Miraculous, but I am biased and so can't really comment on it too much. You will have to let me know what you think when you get to Jacob's Awakening, good, bad, or otherwise.

    Lisa @ Just Another Rabid Reader

  10. I haven't read Catherine Coulter books in a long time, but I always enjoy them. Have a great week!

  11. I haven't heard of most of these books, but I hope you enjoy them all!

    My STS.

  12. Wow, you always have amazing weeks here. :) And hope you enjoy the Jax series. :)

  13. Great week, Bea! So glad your test results were basically good. I loved the Susan Mallery interview! As for the Seanan McGuire Oz story, it's good but a bit disturbing. I read and reviewed the anthology; there are some really interesting stories in it. Have fun, and happy reading!

  14. OMGosh Bea!! You seem to be always flat out!! You've picked up some sweet things this week, Cursed looks like a book I'd enjoy, curious to see what you think of it!!

    Thanx for visiting my StS and Sunday Post!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  15. Knitting and sex blog? Very interesting search terms this week!!!


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!