Monday, August 5, 2013

Quote-Tastic #14 I want to kill you.

Anna at Herding Cats & Burning Soup has created a new weekly meme. Join us every Monday and share a favorite quote that's grabbed ya for one reason or another. 

Everyone's welcome to join in. Authors, bloggers, readers. The more the merrier!

Just grab the button and toss up your post :) 

Want to join along? Click on the link above. Leave me a link in your comment and I will check out your quotes! Don't have a blog? No worries, just leave your favorites in the comment section.

I saw this book on a couple of blogs and thought it sounded interesting so I got it from my library. I'll have a review of it up at BookTrib tomorrow morning. Clementine has several related businesses she's trying to get up and running and her boyfriend Zach, asuccessful businessman tried to help, to her dismay. After not talking for several days, they've gotten back together.

"I want to kill you and I owe you," I said when he opened the door, Charlie the beagle at his knee. "If you hadn't been selling me up and down the street, I never would have gotten pissed enough at you to send out my press announcement."

He took the bakery box, set it behind him on the console table, then pulled me into a hug.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Why do I think this is how it's always going to be?"

"Maybe we'll mellow out as we get to know each other better. But I have a feeling neither of us will make this easy on the other. Ever. I can take it. I think you're worth it."

He made that smile spread inside me again. "I think you're worth it, too. And by the way, I do like favors-and appreciate them. Just don't buy me favors."

How about you? Do you appreciate favors or do you prefer to stand on your own two feet?
Bloggers: To add the linky to your post use the code blow:


  1. I have seen this book a few time. I love the Quote!

  2. Ooo I hadn't seen this one yet. They sound kinda cute :) Adding it to my list!

  3. Cute quote.


  4. I saw another Skinny Bitch book, but wasn't sure it was up my alley. This one though, sounds pretty good. I will have to take another look at it.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!