Thursday, August 8, 2013

Blog Tour Review of The Last Execution by Jerrie Alexander & Giveaway

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Format Read: PDF converted to Kindle 
Source: Sizzling PR in exchange for an honest review.
Release Date: February 22, 2013
Buying Links: Amazon* | Barnes & Noble | ARe
* affiliate link; clicking & purchasing results in a small commission for the blog.

Blurb from goodreads:

To survive, she must put the past behind her. To love, she must learn to trust.

Homicide detective Leigh McBride's first assignment with the FBI brings her face-to-face with a past she's tried hard to forget. And when her temporary partner, a cynical ex-marine, lights a fire in her she thought long-extinguished, her darkest secret is threatened.

Scarred both physically
and emotionally, Special Agent J. T. Noble is a man of few words. He prefers to keep people at a distance--until he meets Leigh. He's attracted to her strength and drawn in by her secrecy. But in their line of work, secrets can be deadly.

When the killer they are hunting aims his vigilante justice at Leigh's past assailant, the fine line between right and wrong blurs. To heal the past--and find their future together--Leigh and J. T. must learn that only through trust and forgiveness can love grow.

Bea's Thoughts:

The blurb for this book caught my attention immediately. I'm a sucker for a man in a uniform and for romantic suspense stories; they combine two of my favorite genres, romance and mystery. Once I started reading, I was caught by the sniper's motivation; it was a fascinating twist. The sniper himself was also quite sympathetic and seemed like someone I would like if we met in real life. I loved that Alexander didn't take the easy way and just make him a stereotypical villain.

"The Last Execution" brings together Atlanta detective Leigh McBride and FBI agent J.T. Noble. There's a sniper in Atlanta and the FBI has been called in; Leigh starts as the liason to the FBI then becomes part of the task force. She partners up with J.T. and fits in well with the task force. I enjoyed their search for the sniper and would have liked more of that in the book. The romance is definitely the larger portion of the romantic suspense. I did like the romance, I just wanted more of the mystery.

Both Leigh and J.T. are private people who have trouble letting people in. Like most of us they have troubled pasts but they've let their pasts rule their present.  As they work together to find and stop the sniper, they become attracted to each other but they both resist the attraction at first. Even when they become involved, J.T. warns Leigh that he's not a good long-term partner and she shouldn't count on him for the long-term. In the short-term though he's there whenever she needs him which ends up being quite a bit as an ex-lover of hers is back and causing trouble for her. I was disappointed in Jason as a villain, he wasn't as well developed as the sniper and was more of a one-note character.

The other task force members are also not as well-developed as Leigh and J.T. but they are likable as is J.T.'s grandmother. There's a subplot involving J.T.'s mother that I was uncertain of at first but ultimately adds to the story. All the different story lines come together eventually and there were some twists to the story. There were some proofreading issues and at times as I read my attention wandered but for the most part the story held my attention. The issues that J.T. was dealing with felt contrived at times as did some of  Leigh's choices but there were some suspenseful moments and the romance between Leigh and J.T. felt real. "The Last Execution" is a solid, pleasant romantic suspense novel.


Win one of two copies of "The Green-Eyed Doll" by Jerrie Alexander. Please read my Giveaway policy.


Author the Author: A student of  creative writing in her youth, Jerrie set aside her passion when life presented her with a John Wayne husband, and two wonderful children.  A career in logistics offered her the opportunity to travel to many beautiful locations in America, and she revisits them in her romantic suspense novels. 

But the characters went with her, talked to her, and insisted she share their dark, sexy stories with others.  She writes alpha males and kick-ass women who weave their way through death and fear to emerge stronger because of, and on occasion in spite of, their love for each other.  She likes to torture people, make them suffer, and if they’re strong enough, they live happily ever after.

The author of THE GREEN-EYED DOLL, and THE LAST EXECUTION, Jerrie and her husband live in Texas. She loves sunshine, children’s laughter, sugar (human and granulated), and researching for her heroes and heroines.




  1. I'm a sucker for a man in uniform as well, and I love this cover!

  2. Thanks for hosting Jerrie today!


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