BEA'S BOOK NOOK "I can't imagine a man really enjoying a book and reading it only once." C. S. Lewis “If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.” ― Oscar Wilde

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday Book Share #7


I'm participating in both The Sunday Post, hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves, hosted by Tynga's Reviews. Each meme allows book bloggers the chance to share books they've received, and different posts and events at their blog.

This has been a busy week. I had the final lung surgery on Tuesday and it went smoothly. The results won't be known for a while but the procedure itself went off just fine. My recovery so far has been pretty smooth too. I expect I'll be back at work on Monday. I appreciate everyone's kind words and thoughts, they've helped. :)

While I was recovering, the blog was busy both with scheduled posts and and a couple of unplanned ones. There are a couple of giveaways going on still and there might be one this week. I say "might" because I may need to pull out of the blog tour sponsoring it. I didn't realize that the book in question involved cancer as a major plot line and I always try to avoid books and movies about cancer. It just hits too close to home. So, if I can't finish the book, I'll likely end up pulling out of the tour. I've already talked to the author and given her a heads up. Apart from the whole cancer thing, I'm enjoying the book. :D

Interviews:  Q&A with Lori Foster

Excerpts & Cover Reveals:  Dare by Kacey Hammell

News and Discussion:  Live Chat with Lois Lowry




About two weeks ago, I received a press release about this book and I promptly wrote a post about it. The book is pubbed by Random House and Habitat for Humanity and raises funds for Habitat. Someone at Habitat saw my post and offered to send me the book. I happily agreed and it arrived a few days ago. I'm not sure if the edition I received was a special one or the regular one but it came with a slipcover and a book plate and the book is signed by the author. VERY kind of Habitat. Now, I just need to decide whether to give it away here on the blog and buy my own copy or keep this one and give away a copy. Either way, at some point, there will be a giveaway.


Kindle Freebies 

Another surgery, more Kindle freebies. :D I didn't go quite as crazy this time as the others but even so, I downloaded many.

How was your week? Leave a link to your post as part of your comment. :)


  1. Congrats on the successful surgery! That is fantastic news.

    Those kindle freebies are getting me too - I keep hitting download and then I end up not reading them or pushing them to the bottom of the TBR because I would not have downloaded/been desperate to read them if they had not been for free.

    1. Thank you. :)

      I am having the same trouble with the freebies so I'm trying to be more selective.

  2. Wow, a great book haul, Bea! And I'm so glad you're feeling well, girl! Juliet Marillier has been on my wishlist forever as everyone says that she is really good, so I hope you like her book! Also your library is great, I bet Origin will be really interesting! :) Enjoy!

    1. Thanks Kara. I haven't Marillier before but I've heard good things. My library is AWESOME! Actually, my state's library system is awesome, worth every penny in taxes and then some.

  3. Glad to hear your surgery went well. Hope you continue to feel good!

    Enjoy all your books. While I didn't find any freebies this week that interested me, my Nook is quite full from ones I've found in the past!

    Hope you have a great week and I hope you'll come see my new books.

    1. Thank you!

      Some weeks I don't find any of interest either, which is probably a good thing. :D

  4. I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better. I completely understand about the book. I avoid all books dealing with it as well. I don't think I can read anything like that. Lost too many people.. I love all the Kindle freebies.. My Kindle is full of them. :) Nice haul.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's The Sunday Post

    1. I was actually able to finish the book, though I did cry during the last 20% of it. Still, if I'd known beforehand, I'd have passed on it.

  5. Nice haul of books. Hope you love all your new books. They all look fabulous BEA.

  6. That was really awesome of Habitat to do that! Cool! You have a good haul this week. Great covers on some of these that make me want to add them to the TBR list. Happy reading and glad you seem to be feeling some better.

    Check out my IMM & SP.

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

    1. It was really nice of Habitat and completely unexpected.

  7. Wow, lovely haul and I think you should keep the special cover and giveaway another copy. I am curious about the book and the cause is fantastic, my FIL works for them and its a great organization . Thanks for sharing your news on The Sunday Post

    1. I'm leaning that way Kimba. It's just too nice a copy to give up. :D

  8. What a lovely recap for the week! So many great books there. Happy Reading!!! My Sunday Edition @ Paulette’s Papers

  9. I need to get a copy of Origin - I really want to read it!

    Our Media Mail post is at Book Sake. –Jessica

  10. Glad you are feeling better! And it is so hard to lay off those freebies! I'm addicted!


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!