Friday, June 19, 2020

Friday Book Memes: Real Men Knit by Kwana Jackson

I'm participating in two Friday book memes, Book Beginnings On Fridays, hosted by Rose City Reader, and The Friday 56, hosted by Freda's Voice.

Every Friday, share the first sentence (or so) of the book you are reading, along with your initial thoughts about the sentence, impressions of the book, or anything else the opener inspires. Please remember to include the title of the book and the author’s name.

For the Friday 56, grab a book, any book. Turn to Page 56, or 56% on your ereader. If you have to improvise, that's okay. Find a snippet, short and sweet. Post it, and add the url to your post at the link here.

There was so much buzz about this on Twitter for months in advance and I like the idea of men knitting. I was turned down by the publisher (they turn me down 99% of the time) so I requested it at my library via Overdrive and it's finally my turn! 

There was nothing cute about the first time Kerry Fuller met Jesse Strong.

A romance without a meet cute? That seems rare these days.

The quote is from 56%  in the ebook.

She had been able to tell immediately that she'd walked in on a serious scene between the brothers. They all fell silent, and the energy was tense, making Kerry just want to take her bags and bolt.

Click on the cover to go to the book's Goodreads page.
Share what you are reading or starting soon.


  1. I love the opening line and the title of this book. My Friday quotes

    1. The title and the cover first caught me eye. I'm enjoying the book so far.

  2. I like the quotes for this one. I haven't heard of it before, so thanks for mentioning it.

  3. Now I am definitely curious about what is happening. Intense scenes. Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “SWAN SONG”

    1. The book has some intense moments for sure. Thanks for visiting and have a good weekend!

  4. That first line hooked me. LOL, cute cover too.

  5. This sounds good. I have to add this to my wishlist.

    1. It was okay. Maybe get it from your library before you commit to buying it.

  6. Yes! Meet cute is a bit over-used lately, so I really like that this one starts differently! I hope you'll enjoy it :)
    Konna @ The Reading Armchair

  7. I enjoyed this one I hope you will, too

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  8. I want more! FYI: Your link wouldn't load for me via the linky. Happy weekend!

    1. I entered the wrong info and couldn't edit the link.

  9. I love the idea of this, but have seen some less than glowing reviews. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

    1. Definitely less than glowing. My review will be up tomorrow.

  10. This sounds so good! Thanks for sharing! Happy reading! :)


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Let's talk!